Kontakt 7.7 - please remove ads



  • Vfold
    Vfold Member Posts: 19 Helper

    This was a horrible idea, please remove it.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Don’t like the ads. Makes it look like a storefront or website, instead of paid app. Reeks of desperation to me, honestly…

    The rest I do like. Well, almost. I understand that old libraries are bitmap and that’s fine, but make the GUI vectorized ASAP. At 200%, it looks like I went back in time to my Commodore Amiga times :)

  • noiseboyuk
    noiseboyuk Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks for listening, Adil - much appreciated.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Cue the conspiracy theorists that this was all planned to give upset users a "win".. hahahaha

    Joking.. please don't go there!

  • Lladnar
    Lladnar Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2023

    This is what happens when marketing wreaks havoc in a formerly respectable company. I guess they saw Arturia Analog Lab V's god awful in-app sound bank purchase bar (that up to recently was ABOVE the bar of owned sound banks, until an assumed user outcry convinced them to put it below it) and said to themselves "oh we should do that too!"

    At least it's collapsable and stays that way when reopening the program, but the obvious point here is that this belongs in Native Access (instead of the annoying side banner ad), not in Kontakt, neither full nor player versions. The adpocalypse is bad enough in web browsers, keep it out of our productivity software. I get frequent marketing emails and sometimes just browse the website when I feel the urge, I'm quite covered in knowing which instruments I don't already own, NI.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited November 2023

    I'm glad that we will have the option to turn this ON.

    I might actually do this occasionally to see if I have overlooked something fun and/or useful.

    Email marketing is actually less useful to me. If something intrigues me to look at later, I need to manage how I keep it around...

  • Magic Russ
    Magic Russ Member Posts: 20 Member

    Thanks for removing the ads. They really don't belong in a plugin.

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 112 Member

    this is absolutely disgusting from the same company that just took a big turd on their komplete kontrol users.

    ni's recent behaviour is forcing me to look elsewhere for a new workflow.

    i wont be buying anymore ni or third party products until these issues are fixed

  • noiseboyuk
    noiseboyuk Member Posts: 12 Member
  • Beltrom
    Beltrom Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for listening NI!

  • outlieraud
    outlieraud Member Posts: 4 Member

    Ditto, thanks for taking the feedback to heart!

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 195 Advisor

    I’m also sure that the development for displaying “new instruments for you” - based on the user’s actual tag settings - has taken more company resources and expenses than to unblock the full tag editing functionality again in KK V3.x (which was already there in KK V2.x).

  • fisk1
    fisk1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    I absolutely agree, please have some respect and remove the ads.

    Also why has there to be ads in native access - totally annoying.

    I guess you will lose loyal customers (or at least their loyalty) and not winning more whit this... As said from others: Bad move!

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