Kontakt 7.7 - please remove ads



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    This thread could be closed really...

    NI gave a good resolution to this issue.

  • WillJO
    WillJO Member Posts: 1 Member

    Real bad having ads. I'm back on V6.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,213 mod

    Not sure why people keep signing up just to complain about something that was removed weeks ago

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 681 Guru
    edited December 2023

    Yes, NI reacted promptly, problem is solved, no need for further drama and no need for “I will not use this and that” comments.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    Yeah...I agree now.

    There are not so many ads on my Kontakt Tab anymore.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member
    edited December 2023

    KONTAKT and KOMPLETE KONTROL over the years became a KOMPLETE TRASH

    No improvemtns, it is behind everything else in software technology, horrible, unreadable interface, no customization and sper, SUPER ANCIENT! I will be honest KONTAKT in its present form must die and be replaced with completely new product. I purchased an upgrade just to be able to use some libs which would not workin in v6. Other than that, the only improvement which has some value is the ZOOM option, so I can finally purchase some LIBs which I previously was not able to read.

    KOMPLETE KONTROL did not even ZOOM implemented , so in order to read what's on the screen I have to load Kontakt into KK first (that is select some random preset, which has nothing to do with my project), then ZOOM IN, then go and open the preset I need. this is absolutely crazy and horendeous waste of time and energy. Still not color customization, no font customization, no proper interaction between KONTAKT and KK :-(

    Few weeks ago I purchased a full most expensiveupgrade to KOMPLETE KONTROL 14 (Collectors Edition) and while the library content is satisfactory, the KONTAKT7 plugin and KK plugins are not. I see NI pushing more products through my throad while ignorring the most important product which is a base for 80% of the music through NI. It drives me nuts !

    I do not pay premium dollar for the product to be fed with the commecials!



    or at least have an option to disable/hide it.

  • Rael39
    Rael39 Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2023

    Adverts should not be allowed on creative products we pay for. Some people may be willing to be free advertising hoardings i.e. people who specifically buy certain clothing and trainers because they have been brainwashed into believing it makes them look cool, but I believe that art, wether it be music or painting or whatever the medium, needs to be seperated as much as possible from the corroding world of advertising.

    It is very difficult to find a place in this modern world where the constant static of socialmedia/advertising is not infecting the air that we breath. It is only by being able to stand outside this constant rainfall of capitalism that we can have a chance to create something new that can survive long enough to inspire another generation to change this dead path we are on.

    Creative tools, be they paint brushes or vst's should be transparent so that they can be the conduit between our subconscious and the medium that we paint on. Art used to be something that was considered sacred by our ancestors but now it has been consumed by the megachurch of capitalism.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,213 mod

    It's gone - weeks ago - you're complaining about stuff that doesn't exist

  • ltrimble
    ltrimble Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited January 2024

    Yah I just bought a kontrol S61 and updated to Kontakt 7 to use the proper integration and now I get ads for plugins every time I try to make music. I can't think of a more uninspiring feature to add to a creative tool 😭. I'm seriously contemplating returning this keyboard and sticking to the older version of kontakt as I can't believe I'm subjected to ads after spending this amount of money. Ridiculous choice, please remove!

  • ab459
    ab459 Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2024

    In theory, ofcourse, would be good to eliminate all non-used things what theoretically can loads system performance.

    But if just aestetically, personally me take no care about ADS, how long it not appears exactly at loaded instrument' panel lol.

    For example ADS we can see each time at StudioOne DAW launch, and such was always it seems, and this is not switchable.

    EDIT: sorry did not pay attention how long was topic, it seems request was already completed (?)

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,021 mod

    You can turn off ads in the options for Kontakt. Bottom of the first page I think

    -- Mike

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    The ability to disable the "new instruments for you" panel displaying suggested instruments was added with Kontakt 7.7.1. You can find it in OPTIONS / Interface.

    Since this topic is now closed we are closing this discussion.

This discussion has been closed.
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