Kontakt 7.7 - please remove ads



  • Thomekk
    Thomekk Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    Seems it is turning more into the ad-ware direction with this which I really dislike.

    Could understand for the free version to keep this up, though not for the paid full thing!

    Growing reason not to upgrade then -

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited November 2023

    Hard to believe the folks that clobbered me when I mentioned how gaudy this stuff was when that Cyber Season panel appeared in Native Access a week or two ago - and then without knowing anything about Kontakt 7.7 - I joked that if we do not speak up - ads will appear in Kontakt - and low and behold - here they are!

    Lucky that I never use the panel view but wow NI - just low can you get?


  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Lots of noise about something that is easy to ignore...

    Collapse the "New Instruments for You" and stop thinking about it..

    Tempest in a Teapot.

  • _Stevie_
    _Stevie_ Member Posts: 29 Member

    Along with many other bad decisions this marks the climax.

  • kerrysmith
    kerrysmith Member Posts: 9 Member

    It looks cheap and is a distraction, and it was also evil and gross when Arturia did it first. There was already a link to the website, which is largely a showroom/shop, right?

  • Trinitron
    Trinitron Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    What is this development?

    I am shocked at this move. This is not freemium ware. Kontakt is supposed to be the industry standard and a professional product.

    Ads are not what developers pay thousands of $ for when licensing your software for a library product.

    You need to either remove ads and the store button completely or make Kontakt & player conversions free.

    You can't have an ingame purchase store in a product and expect me to pay for it.

    That stuff is for free to play titles. And Kontakt is not that.


  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro

    +1. Really stupid move NI.

  • bwalendz
    bwalendz Member Posts: 2 Member

    Allow hiding Ads in the GUI. People paid hundreds of dollars for the product.

  • nzih
    nzih Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'm a new NI user, bought it on special, cause everyone seemed to be going on about Kontakt.

    After using for a short time, I'm pretty unimpressed, spec sheet is better than the reality, navigation is atrocious & usability is poor.

    I've already regretted the purchase & to now hear they're pushing marketing. Why doesn't that surprise me? It's bad enough the constant barrage of emails, & from their partner Plugin Alliance (I know I could unsubscribe), it borders on harassment.

    I'd already informed Plugin Alliance, through feedback I wouldn't touch their products, with the complaints in this post, I wouldn't touch NI software or hardware in future if they keep up this behaviour.

    One lost customer.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    @nzih Would you mind sharing some feedback about "navigation is atrocious and usability is poor", if you'd like? I'm genuinely curious about your perspective.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    I don't mind the 'Shop' link - it's helpful and not distracting. But that "New Instruments for you" thing really should go. Adding it to the Player version makes more sense.

  • Trinitron
    Trinitron Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Not if you paid a lot of money to license the player as a developer.

  • noiseboyuk
    noiseboyuk Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thoughts, @Native Instruments?

  • Soundof
    Soundof Member Posts: 13 Member

    I don't even have 7.7 yet (can't find it in Native Access) but already disgusted with ads! Remove please!

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I don't really see this quite as an advertisement... there is no distracting "take action" text, and it is easily collapsed and forgotten.

    Since it is aware of what I already have, it feels more like a mild "complete your collection" thing.

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