Will there be a version 2 update to Maschine+ or only a version 3 upgrade?



  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 515 Pro

    I’m just waiting to see where this goes, and hopefully that akai-NI fellowship could maybe contribute some programming expertise back to NI to help them maybe get past some hurdles in the development of the M+ firmware and so on… leading to some interesting and fun updates and additions, who knows. But the next time I have a considerable pouch of dinero, it’s probably going to Push 3. The Swedes might have something nice going on but the infamous workflow is quite scary imo.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 386 Pro

    Play series CAN NOT be done for Maschine+, Maschines sampler is simply not capable of doing what Kontakt or the MPC can do, everybody needs to understand that and stop moaning about Play series on MPC hahahaha.

    Advanced sampler features will NEVER be on Maschine, it would take a tenfold investment in development over anything that has ever happened on Maschine, and people complained about paying for v3, and that only had a few features, add to this the fact that it is actually a negative investment for NI, they already develop Kontakt, so now they would be adding those advanced sampling features (duplication in their eyes) just for M+ users really, because desktop users can go buy Kontakt.

    It is 12 years since Maschine v2 was released, and we still don't have DFD/Random Robin in the sampler, you think we will ever get scripted UIs/extensive Macros, multiple freely assignable LFOs and Envelopes, and that is just some of the basic things that MPC/Kontakt can do, indeed used for the Play series.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 386 Pro

    This is unlikely, this is not a development partnership, and InMusic use a very specific reference board that they bought outright and use across their entire line of hardware across its many companies, not just the MPC, the stuff they have done with that ****** ARM board are insane, but, and it is a big but, has zero relationship to the X86 board in the M+.

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 368 Guru

    +1 and fix fot horrible quality of time-stretching inside audio plugin module…

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,900 Expert

    Fair enough. But I am not looking for a DAW-in-a-box. If I want a linear workflow, I will always use Cubase/Logic on a (portable) computer with all its bells and whistles. I am looking for pattern oriented approaches including conditionals and randomness, paired wth extended parameter locking (which is partly available in Maschine).

    And IMO Maschine+ could be tweaked to cover all that without requiring lots of additional computing power.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 371 Guru
    edited January 25

    I find the worKflow of the Elektron boxes very creative, it’s really quick. The so-called ‘menu diving’ is different and less slowing down or distracting then on a Maschine+ (or other DAW-like standalone), which I experience more like ’context switching’. That said, I only create loops or short sequences on my Elektron boxes, which I sample on the M+ (or SP404mk2) or bring over to Ableton Live.

    But I did the same, spent my money on a new Push 3 to replace / expand my Push 2. For this I went with the Controller-version instead of the Stand-Alone, as I think it’s to expensive and small laptop is much more powerful and adds extra options, too.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 371 Guru
    edited January 25

    Current M+ sampler is fine, including its auto-sampling. The Audio engine should be integrated or have a more straightforward and automated workflow to bring processed audio over to Sampler.

    What M+ needs is its own, backwards compatible and more integrated ’Kontakt 8 player’. The desktop software of K8 should have an export option for Maschine / Maschine Plus. It should use the K8 player version build inside Maschine, both on desktop and standalone. It then could handover some (duplicate) features to these in Maschine software.

    1. Old sampler could use some updates, but doesn’t need to become a full Kontakt clone.
    2. Maschine software can use K8 compatible instruments by loading the regular K8 player VST.
    3. Maschine hardware (and software) can load K8 instruments ’exported for Maschine‘, which offers the same core-features, but integrates by using (and processing) duplicate features of Kontakt in Maschine software itself.

    That’s how I would bring this part of Maschine to the next level. It would also generate extra revenue and therefor ROI. Some Expansions and Instruments from the store are compatible out-of-the-box, but other more advanced and/or custom ones would need a desktop version of Kontakt to ‘export for Maschine’, too. Being it to reduce overhead of the VST on a lighter PC / laptop or to use them on M+ in standalone.

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 215 Pro

    Maschine M+ potential is fulfilled when/if it can run Kontakt and Reaktor in standalone mode. This is the big USP.

  • Jean Voyage
    Jean Voyage Member Posts: 81 Advisor

    I agree that this is the solution to the “complex instruments” problem. There’s some version of Kontakt already in there and it needs to be tailored to accommodate for Kontakt patches from the Play Series and others…

    A desktop “export to Maschine” option in K8 would really do it for me, as it would allow us to build for and bring Kontakt patches to Maschine seamlessly.

    The sampler needs to be optimised in terms of directly sampling workflow. Time stretch and we need a plugin to control the stereo field of a sample (I know there’s a Reaktor patch for that, but that is unnecessary overhead in CPU).

    Lastly, what we need is updated FX from the NI portfolio to work in standalone (Crush pack etc).

    This would make M+ a competent modern groovebox well integrated into the NI ecosystem.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 453 Guru

    @ozon said: But foremost, there should be fixes, improvements and finishing touches of existing features


    I personally just couldn't care less about them trying to add more sounds and plugins. I do care about the feature set. If they were to add more plugins, I'd 10000% prefer to see focus on effects that are purpose built for maschine instead of porting existing stuff. For example, replika might be my go-to delay on desktop, but that's not what I want on M+. I do want something a bit more thorough than beat delay, but I don't want 30 pages of settings.

    I'd like to see effort put into the sequencer and sampler. If they wanted to put more effort into the drum synth? Great! There is a recent thread asking about routing midi between groups. Yes. Please.

    They added a few things in machine 3 that I've wanted for a while. I want the expanded I/O. I've not tested out the bounce in place feature, but I like the idea more than resampling. Same result, but different workflow. I wish they'd keep going that route.

    Someone made a thread asking for updates to the step sequencer. I personally don't use the step sequencer, but that's the type of feature I want to see effort put into. Please NI.

  • Nitesail
    Nitesail Member Posts: 5 Member

    I'd love a "bounce pattern to clip" for individual patterns, not having to turn a whole section into clips, to be able to quickly place a single instrument idea anywhere on the timeline. I believe this can be easily done on the software. We should be able to do everything one can do on the software in standalone.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 805 Expert
    edited January 25

    I bet NI could add these instruments to M+ as well. However, by targeting MPCs, they gain a whole new market, which previously would never have considered buying these play series sounds. Basically, they are selling the content to yet another untapped audience.

    Maschine users can already use Play series stuff on the computer, and freeze/bounce things down for M+ standalone use.

    A workflow where one uses M+ tethered to a computer, then bouncing out stuff to play/perform with the M+ standalone (along with FM8/Massive patches macroed for perf), has the best of both worlds, unfortunately. This is the sad fact for 100% standalone users, they only get a subset of the features/sounds/etc

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,188 Expert

    I'd certainly appreciate being able to load MIDI files directly into Maschine+ either from a USB drive or over wifi like Ableton's Push. Being able to save stuff to USB drives or to computer via wifi is another thing.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 371 Guru

    Don’t understand this kind of reasoning… what’s the difference between freezing / bouncing for M+ or PMC? Both platforms can benefit from this kind of ‘frozen’ content through such a workflow, or don’t they?

    But when it comes to this workflow within the current NI / Maschine ecosystem isn’t as straightforward as on the MPC-side (before version 3.0 because their desktop software now needs an upgrade, too).

    Dragging Audio was already possible on Maschine 2.0, but the import on M+ is a hassle. And they’ve broken compatibility between the software versions (this topic).

    Bouncing patterns is a version 3 feature, but not available on the M+. Same hassle.

    Kontakt doesn’t have an export or import / conversion feature, so again another miss or flaw in the platform strategy.

    These kind of workflow improvements are key and should be very straightforward.

    Already mentioned this on the old forum in one of those ‘user survey topics’: a project on desktop should auto-bounce all non-compatible or resource intensive parts (tracks, plugins, fx) of the project for standalone usage.

    So suggest and select on export, and keep and/or replace on import. Original midi or other source data should be kept ‘muted’ or ‘unloaded’ for rollback or further edits.

    They had years to develop this, just like the competition. Ableton did. Hardware isn’t the problem, as all this is done on the PC side of things. M+ is powerful enough to handle stems of sample based instruments.

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