saving times taking 3 mins since loading Kontakt 8 (KT-10248)



  • michaelv
    michaelv Member Posts: 13 Member

    It's conclusive that it's K8 which is the culprit and NI seem to be doing NOTHING about it. It's been released long enough and it's causing misery for many. Incredible.

    Many complaints, different DAWs and computers, but one common denominator: KONTAKT 8. There are professionals who are depending on speed and efficiency, but NI is not being professional, at all, about resolving this ridiculous issue.

  •  Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Will seriously reconsider if I ever buy another NI upgrade, this lack of support is embarrassing.

  • michaelv
    michaelv Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 12

    Absolutely. It's a disgrace. Monopoly shouldn't mean apathy.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod
    edited January 13

    The issue is still under investigation. A bug was filed, you have the bug number written in the title of the thread. It only seems to impact a handful of users. Some developers are actively looking in the issue. We'll get back with more information when progreess is made.

  • Jakeys68
    Jakeys68 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same problem here (veeery long saving times with Kontakt 8 Player). Went back to Kontakt 7 Player.

  • michaelv
    michaelv Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you for your diligence. I/we hope for a speedy resolution!

  • MancioMusic
    MancioMusic Member Posts: 6 Member

    Same here on M4 Mini and Protools 2024.10.2. It took me several days to understand why my session hung up 20 seconds on each save, I had multiple instances of K7 and just a few of K8, at first I thought it was Acustica plugs or something else because K7 worked fine. Now I have reverted all the K8 to K7… uff…

  • Laud Music
    Laud Music Member Posts: 11 Member

    I just swapped v8 for v7 and saving is instantaneous!!! Things sound a bit different becuase cc 11 anc cc 7 reset on my track, but that was to be expected.

    I hope they fix this soon.

  • Ugurcan
    Ugurcan Member Posts: 6 Member

    Well, right about when I think I'm settled for an easier way of doing things, this time by purchasing Kontrol S49 and getting used to new NKS, NI finds a brand new way to suck out the joy of creativity and keep me out of the flow.

    I can't believe I'm going back to Kontakt 6 very often since K7 have problems with loading and K8 have this egregious saving bug.

  • Gobannos
    Gobannos Member Posts: 5 Member

    Surely NI don't expect us to batch resave every instrument? I've lost count the number of times I have forced quit my DAW as taking 10mins to load is ridiculous. If NI think it's only a "small number" of us we need everyone to let them know it ain't! Back to K7 and wanting my money back as the product is not fit for purpose.

  • michaelv
    michaelv Member Posts: 13 Member

    This is the consequence of monopolies. Complacent, lazy; even arrogant. Kontakt obliterated Giga Studio. Since then, there's been no real competitor to them and this is the result. I'm hoping against hope someone else comes along to wake them up. They need it.

    There were times when I actually thought the problem was Logic, until I realised and saw this thread. Disgracful.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    I wanted to update this thread.

    After an exhaustive investigation, we've identified a likely culprit, and have a bug fix entering beta soon. Hopefully this confirms the resolution and we can ship this fix in February.

  • Laud Music
    Laud Music Member Posts: 11 Member

    Would you be able to share with us what you identified as the probably cause of this issue? It's always helpful and validating to us, the users, that we are not crazy and are in the loop of what's going on. Also, this can help us help you and your team by knowing. By us knowing the probably cause we can also inform you that, well, this might not be the case for some of us experiencing the issue.
    Just trying to be helping as we all are since we count on Kontakt everyday.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    It's pretty complex, and the consequence of a few things combined, but there were some changes to how we serialize and load samples, intended to make project sharing easier (e.g. filepaths are relative, not absolute). However, this introduced cases in which samples would load inefficiently, which a fix is now seeking to address.

  •  Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    "Samples loading inefficiently" does not really fit most user's observation that the trouble happens when saving a project. We'll see, hopefully soon.

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