saving times taking 3 mins since loading Kontakt 8 (KT-10248)



  • tonio_dn
    tonio_dn Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I would be able to share my template, although it doesn't currently have any K8 tracks since those are pretty much impossible to work with currently. Is it still useful? What exactly would I need to send? Just the project file?

  • nbcomposer
    nbcomposer Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


    Yes, I would share it, but it's quite large and I wasn't even able to save it with K8 at all. When I updated it opened up just fine but then saving didn't really work at all, Nuendo was seemingly stuck forever.

  • Levelsoundz
    Levelsoundz Member Posts: 4 Member

    Just curious if we are approaching a fix here? Workaround? Anything at all?

  • FilmCompos3r
    FilmCompos3r Member Posts: 38 Member

    Save times in Cubase have always been a problem with using lots of Kontakt Instances. It's the main reason I still use VE Pro.

    I'm having awful save times in some current Kontakt 8 projects but can't say if they're more awful than with 7. Still, this is should be remarkably easy to replicate by NI devs, as all it takes is loading 15-20 modern Kontakt instruments to see Cubase save times increase exponentially.

    I've found that the more complex the interface, the longer the save time. Particularly problematic plugins are Output Substance / Signal, and oddly Native Intruments Action Strikes.

    I typically see Cuabse writing 500mb/s to disk in task manager when saves are happening in these projects. Project file is only 80-100mb in my case so I have no idea what its doing. And last data point - save times always go way down if a track is disabled within Cubase.

    It would be HUGE if this were improved upon as it ultimately causes stability issues, not to mention a huge amount of lost time as I wait 1-2 minutes to see if the project will save or crash.

  • Levelsoundz
    Levelsoundz Member Posts: 4 Member

    mine are insanely worse with Kontakt 8. Basically unusable.

  • FilmCompos3r
    FilmCompos3r Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2024

    «mine are insanely worse with Kontakt 8. Basically unusable.»

    Ok, yeah, save times are becoming wild here too, depending on which libraries I have open in K8. Disk usage in task manager peaks at 2,000mb a second while saving for 30-40 seconds. What the hell is it possibly doing pinging the drive that hard to save an 70mb project file?!?!

  • ZildjianAVC
    ZildjianAVC Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2024

    Any news on this?

    TOMOX Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2024

    Just a +1 from me (using Cubase Pro 14). I am having the same issue with very, very long saving times after switching from Kontakt 7 to Kontakt 8. I hope there will be a solution soon. Needed to switch back to Kontakt 7 for that reason. Saving times of several minutes kills the work flow dramatically. Thank you.

    TOMOX Member Posts: 2 Member

    Guys , I think I identified the problem. At least that seems to have caused the issue here (Cubase 14 Pro):

    To switch from Kontakt 7 to Kontakt 8, I removed Kontakt 7. When starting a project, Cubase notified me that Kontakt 7 was missing, and that it replaced it with the "compatible Kontakt 8". That was exactly the plan to avoid manually adjusting my projects (replacing Kontakt 7 with Kontakt 8).

    After I was so annoyed by the slow saving, I re-installed Kontakt 7 (in addition to Kontakt 8). Now I noticed the following: In most Tracks, Kontakt 7 was correctly replaced by Kontakt 8 . HOWEVER: In some of the tracks, the Inspector did show Kontakt 8, but when opening the library, Kontakt 7 (instead of 8) showed up. So, for those tracks, Cubase indicated "Kontakt 8", but did not fully replace Kontakt 7.

    I went through all Kontakt-Tracks in my project, checked if really Kontakt 8 was popping up when opening the instance, and manually changed to Kontakt 8 where still Kontakt 7 was opening. An viola! Saving times are back to normal.

    I cannot tell if Kontakt 8 has an issue with specific libaries. But for those who are interested, these Kontakt 7 libraries did not correctly switch to Kontakt 8 in my project:

    • Groth
    • Rise & Hit
    • Bassynth
    • Cinematic Studio Strings
    • Voices of War
    • 40's Very Own Keys

    Maybe all the above is helpful for some of you. I just need a volunteer to go through my 800+ template to check all Kontakt-instances!! 😉Hopefully NI can provide a more effective solution?

  • michaelv
    michaelv Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited December 2024

    An absolute nightmare here. This issue is not confined to VST.I thought it was me, until I Googled the problem. I'm running a "monster" Mac Studio M2 Ultra, 192 GB memory and it's taking over 5 minutes to load some high RAM patches and also taking in excess of 3 minutes to save a Logic song. In fact, I just had to wait over TEN MINUTES to load a patch that is just over 3 GB's. Ten Minutes?! Excuuuuuse meeee??!

    I've been panicking about it. Thought I was losing my mind, until I saw this thread. I'm sorry to sound discourteous, but this is complete ******. Even with batch resaved libraries it's taking up to 5 minutes to load something. I'm on deadlines and this is unacceptable. How can Kontakt allow this to slip out, given that it never occurred on previous incarnations?!

    I generally love NI (most of the time) but they are culpable of some totally gross judgment errors and execution. ie: removing the option to batch resave in a plugin version of Kontakt. Which genius was responsible for this?! There is no excuse for this and less of an excuse to not reinstate it, as many users are complaining about it.

    I've been using NI for over 24 years, yet they still cannot figure out the simplest shortcomings until we have deluge them with complaints.

    Seriously, guys, get a grip.

    Happy Xmas etc.,

  • Member Posts: 178 Advisor

    Are you reading the libraries from the internal drive or external storage?

  • michaelv
    michaelv Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited December 2024

    External. Of course! A Thunderbay 8 32TB system. I presently have over 14 TB of libraries. I believe I can see where this might be going and it's simply not a case of the location of the samples. This is pure elimination.

    I've been using this system consistently for three years yet only until Kontakt 8 have I experienced such appalling (even bizarre) tardiness. So, given the uniform complaints/observations on here, one can surely conclude that it is K8 which is the culprit. NI have admitted as much. Right?

    Before K8 I had never had any of this, therefore I cannot point fingers at the sample location.

    Thank you for posting.

  • Laud Music
    Laud Music Member Posts: 11 Member

    I am also having hugely long save times with Kontakt 8 and Digital Performer. When I unload the Kontakt plugin it save in under a second. I have autosave on and it's making DP unusable.

  • Gobannos
    Gobannos Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi Folks. Just downloaded K8. Wish I had seen this thread first. Just a ditto from me for almost all of the above. I'm on a MAC - Studio One - 32Gb RAM.

    How do I get my money back please. K8 is unusable.

  • Truth42
    Truth42 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 6

    Experiencing the same on a Mac M1 with 16GB RAM.

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