Maschine 2.15 is out!



  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 170 Pro

    MK3 doesn’t work as Logic controller after the update. I have less than before. A controller lost. I was using that.

    Update was actually downdate. Again.

    I invested a lot of money to NI products expecting they work. Can I get a refund?

    I’m not going to roll back. That would be using my time to cover up NI’s failures. I’d rather be playing.

    Frustration levels are high.

    What is being done to prevent this kind of things happening again and again?

    Sorry about the negativity.

    I hope you fix this update and the whole culture of horrible updates.

  • mrgum6y
    mrgum6y Member Posts: 6 Member

    My update to 2.15 failed on Windows 7 ultimate with MK3/Jam/S61mk2. I rolled back to 2.14 which works fine. (Thank you for providing that 2.14 install link.)

    Did not feel confident to update my maschine plus. As is sounds like autosampler is missing.

    Can I confirm windows uses are waiting for a hotfix that was referred to as 2.15.1?

    Will 2.15.1 be applicable for maschine plus, and include autosampler and the other improvements mentioned?

    (I've said it before, I dont understand why maschine controllers and maschine plus posts and information, is all dumped in the same thread.)

    It's the 22nd now - Still chilling....

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,642 mod

    Hey @mrgum6y Windows 7 is no longer supported on Maschine. It shouldn't have been available in Native Access. What exact version of Native Access are you using ? What is your exact operating system ?

  • mrgum6y
    mrgum6y Member Posts: 6 Member

    I was more concerned about clarifying information regarding maschine plus updates.

    However Native Access version is 1.14.1(R156)

    and it lists Maschine 2 as available update version 2.15.0 (278MB)

    Windows 7 Ultimate version 6.1 (Build 7601 Service Pack 1)

    Maschine 2.14 and a lot of Kompete runs just fine;

  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    I love the Force. Where I am with things these days, though. I don’t want to work with external hardware synths, I want a box where I can do it all. As an all in one box, the + is the best. The force really shines as the hub of a larger set up, due to its multitracking and midi control features. I’d also give the edge to akai from sampling, as it’s deeper as far as editing and chopping. The + and jam is outstanding, however, for creating original music. Especially now that we have autosampler.

  • DJtios
    DJtios Member Posts: 3 Member

    I have problems. This version have problems with Izotope Plugins. It don´t start up, when it check the VST´s. If i remove the Izotope Plugins, it scans also the plugins and freeze also on the start on the vst Scan: d3dcompiler_47. I reinstall the Software many times. It don´t help. If i start it from the directory, it make no plugin check and start up. But some plugins don´t work like playbox.

    I´m not happy with this version.

  • DeepThumb
    DeepThumb Member Posts: 174 Advisor

    Cannot confirm that this version has problems with izotope plugins. My Maschine starts flawlessly.

  • gerardor
    gerardor Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Does Maschine+ do the auto-sampling in Standalone Mode?

  • Roland Kirst
    Roland Kirst Member Posts: 14 Member


    today several hours I was investigating, why Maschine+ suddenly did not work in Controller Mode with Maschine software. My Maschine+ did work in stand alone mode and in MIDI Controller Mode, but when I started Maschine software or Cubase using Maschine Plug In, all Pads where white and Maschine+ did not respond at all. I was not aware today, that I updated Maschine Software a week ago on my computer, because I was using Maschine+ the last days in stand alone mode. Thanks god I found this post on the web: . This exactly explained my problem!

    Please NI-people - if such a bug happens, please inform your community more pro-active. Not everyone should spend hours, to find out, why the device is not working any more.

    Have a great weekend - Roland

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Actually it has been discussed extensively on the forums, on this thread and here too:

    While it was disappointing for those of us looking forward to the update, the company recognized it quickly and posted an uninstaller to allow the update to be rolled back until a longer term fix could be found.

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Yes, it will when the final update is posted but for now you should probably stick with 2.14 if you are on M+ and want to still be able to use it in controller mode. (Or roll it back with the de-installer if you already upgraded to 2.15 to be safe.)

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 461 Guru

    I don't often use maschine on my computer. I can't pretend to be upset over this; but it's concerning.

    Per NI; "Yes. MASCHINE+ is now the flagship device in the MASCHINE line." I think one of the more recent expansions didn't work with M+. Now this mishap with the update (btw; it was reported during the beta before the first delay occurred)

    I could understand this kind of issue with an old mk1 or if someone was using an outdated OS or something. I could understand if they knew the issue existed but didn't want to push the release even further (and they should have warned us if that was the case). I can't understand how this even made it to a release candidate without them knowing. That can't be it. Not possible. Right guys? The 'flagship' hardware doesn't work with the update when used with the most popular consumer OS on the planet? I refuse to believe they didn't know because that would be far worse than just poor communication.

    I can look past the hiccup with the expansion. Probably the first time they've dealt with that issue. Teams are probably siloed. "Oh; we need to test standalone now." I get it. There wouldn't be any kind of excuse for not testing your software on your flagship hardware. lol. It's not like it works for a bit and then stops. Plug it in and it's obvious that something is broken.

    Again; I'm not upset because it doesn't impact me; but I don't like how this has been handled. It's a tough situation and I completely understand that. It wouldn't have bothered me if they released and stated it's not ready for M+; but others would have been out with pitchforks. I'm going to be out with a pitchfork if they didn't know.

  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 170 Pro

    I actually took time to do the rollback to 2.14.7.

    After that MK3 was still in this brand new dark mode. I deleted the MK3 controller from Logic Pro X and connected it again. Now I do have a working Host Integration controller for Logic. One that could be a lot better.

    The story continues. I updated the Maschine software again. And I still have working Host Integration going on. That is nice.

    I even did the controller editor hot fix. It worked. Kudos for that. I had to dig this information from the forum. It wasn’t pinned.

    I think questions about beta testing are more than justified. My set up is Macbook Air M1, Maschine mk3 and Logic Pro X. I believe it is quite common setup. And it seems that problems are there no matter.

    Proactivity in communication would be the modern way.

  • Julian
    Julian Member Posts: 8 Member

    1400 $ cmn i dont have update on m+ and now it even not workin with pc i need to dwngrade mashine software)when NI turned to AKAI ?xD i have same issues with Live 1) then sold it and now same story with NI )

    $ $ $ most be funny in the rich mans world ))

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Sad situation....and if funny to anyone, then even sadder.

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