[Livestream] Get together with KONTAKT team



    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper
    edited June 2023

    ^ Yes, well-said, other software with a similar workflow has a CHOICE of a "Don't show again" checkbox, so a user is informed that they're assertively dismissing such a warning in the future.

    This would make a lot of Kontakt'ers very happy indeed.

  • BroHah@
    BroHah@ Member Posts: 13 Member

    Really wish that Native Instruments would give this particular issue some heed. I've used so many different apps that range from 3D to music making that realize nags such as this are absolute annoyances and have done away with them.

    When loading a new instrument, playing a few test notes, then replacing it with a different instrument, the 'do you want to save' dialog merely wastes time and necessitates multiple wasted mouse clicks. EXTREMELY frustrating... something I sometimes encounter 10 or 20 times per session when navigating through the vast collection of Kontakt instruments included in Komplete UCE. Makes my time spent working with my Kontakt instruments deeply unsatisfying.

    Native Instruments does so many things so incredibly well, but this sort of inconsistent and purposeless nagging is SO 1990's. Doesn't make sense.

    Kontakt team, please let your devoted, loyal customers 'remove the training wheels'. Kontakt is not a child's first bicycle. It's more like a 200+ HP world's fastest motorcycle. Doesn't need to be addled by unwanted, purposeless 'do you want to save?' nags.

  • BroHah@
    BroHah@ Member Posts: 13 Member

    Regarding the 'Do you want to save...' dialog box, I created an informal poll. A respondents indicated a simple registry edit that mostly eliminates the dialog box.

    I don't know if there are any 'behind the scenes' issues, but so far it's working great for me. It's made experimenting with different Kontakt instruments for more enjoyable for me.

    https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/comment/78424#Comment_78424 💡

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    Hi EvilDragon. Thanks for the link to the video. Unfortunately, it explains almost nothing about the "under the hood" areas of Kontakt.

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    Thanks, Kaiwan. I looked at the website. Tried to ask a question about one of the Kontakt courses. It didn't work, and there were no other questions there. Seems kind of dead. Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Aaron McPherson
    Aaron McPherson Member Posts: 26 Helper
    edited July 2023

    Try Groove3's Kontakt 6 Tutorial: https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/KONTAKT-6-Explained

    Kontakt 7 didn't really change anything to the architecture of instrument building, aside from adding more effects, so this should still be good. They have a Kontakt 7 tutorial as well, but it is not as in-depth. They are having a sale right now, so it's a good time to pick up a course or two.

    Another resource is Ask.Video: https://ask.video/library/application/kontakt

    I don't subscribe to them, but I've found their content useful in the past. They have a bunch of deep dives on Kontakt 5, which again, should be mostly compatible with 6 and 7.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited July 2023

    The option to disable asking for confirmation when replacing modified instruments already exists, it was introduced in Kontakt 7.0.

    Disable that and you're good to go.

    "In my case, I've never used KSP to make those sorts of adjustments, and probably won't be doing so in the conceivable future."

    It's not about YOU personally using KSP, but the libraries you're using most certainly can do these things without you knowing about it.

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    Thanks, Aaron. I will check these out. Thanks for the suggestion.

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