[Livestream] Get together with KONTAKT team



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @DJRO47 says

    Can you add the ability to create and add your own chords to the chord library?

    Kontakt team: "This is a product-related question within content, not something we’d like to do globally. Maybe you mean having a play assistant within Kontakt?"

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @Vagus says

    What I'd really like to see is a drag and drop editor for creating instruments. Is that on the horizon? Creator Tools is fine, but only really useful for those with knowledge of KSP. With a little more investment, a drag and drop editor would allow literally anyone to create instruments.

    Kontakt team: "Of course, this is definitely something that’s nice to have, but there's important groundwork we’d like to focus on first."  

    @Vagus says

    We've seen some instruments using Native UI being released to the public - do we have a timetable for when non-native instruments products will get access? Basically, is this close to exiting closed beta?

    Kontakt team: "The current focus is on the language itself. We have two options: Releasing the language and the editor all at once, which will take even longer. Or we can release just the language and get real-world usage out of it right away - which for us is the number one priority -  to get this into your hands so that you can use it, build products with it and provide us feedback on how to proceed. Afterwards we can think about tooling around this thing." 

    @Vagus says

    Finally, which product do you think pushes the envelope of what's possible with Kontakt, and why should everyone own it? (I'm thinking Choreographs, or Playbox, for example).

    Kontakt team: "Maybe Vocal Colors and Schema Dark. They’re pretty interesting because they apply the latest tech and best practices when it comes to development. There are a lot of cool partner products that catch our eyes, but maybe let's not play favorites :)"

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @Chris6003 says

    Would be amazing if the Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt would just scale sufficiently across different screens - it’s weird that in 2023 I’m having to strain my eyes to look at loads of detail in a tiny UI

    Kontakt team: "With the current beta of Kontakt, there’s exactly this feature you’re requesting. For Komplete Kontrol, it will come later. It allows for adjusting fixed UI scaling by percentage, similar to Massive X and some of our other products, which is an intermediate solution for the font being too small. Right now, content built with Native UI is already HiDPI and they actually scale correctly. Browser also already scales correctly and the plan is to work on other areas of Kontakt to get everything to be HiDPI."

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @psemme says

    I think a huge upgrade would be to make the Kontakt sampler much more user-friendly and approachable. Like others have said, the current UI is outdated w tiny fonts and elements that don’t scale up. Revamping the sampler UI to make more accessible its amazing capabilities would be a big benefit for all users and open up the possibility of community-driven sample catalog.

    Kontakt team: "If you mean redoing the UI in a modern way, K7 is shipped with a new browser and maybe you already see some small hints there. For example, the browser is already HiDPI and the Native UI is there to build HiDPI content. A natural next step is to work on the application itself. We know that it’s the no.1 most requested feature, but unfortunately there’s a technology gap we needed to address. Kontakt is built with a certain UI technology and it’s not trivial to move away from that technology. What you see are early results - now it’s time for the next step. It’s something we’re actively working on and you’re gonna see it when we get there."

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @Aaron McPherson says

    I would like to see more synthesis engines added to Kontakt so it can be more competitive with Falcon and Halion, as well as instruments like Arturia’s Augmented series.

    Please see an answer from a similar question above. 🙂

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @jsepeta says

    Any chance we could see a fresh version of Vokator or Spektral Delay? 

    Kontakt team: "Probably not even though that would be cool. Question: Do you want to see Spektral Delay as a separate effect plugin? Or do you want it in Guitar Rig? Or part of Kontakt? The DSP still exists. Even if we deprecate the product, it doesn’t mean we don’t have the code. It’s in the archive. We’re not against this idea but the question is if we can build it on a modern machine and if this is a concrete use case/business case within our portfolio.

    It’s also a question of priorities - compared to all other effects and other things we have on the roadmap." 

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @tmpc says

    I am not a Kontakt expert, but I've been working with hardware and software synths and samplers for almost 40 years. I regularly go "under the hood" in Kontakt to tweak purchased sound libraries. But, I find editing particular Groups, Zones, and Samples to be extremely confusing; primarily the isolation of the particular thing I want to tweak. It would be VERY helpful to have a tutorial / video on this. If one exists, I've not been able to locate it, or it was unclear / not detailed enough.

    Kontakt team: "Apart from the video on NI channel EvilDragon pointed you to, there is also a lot of good stuff on ADSR Sounds. Just take your time. There’s a gold mine in NI tutorials but our recommendation is to take a proper course on top of those as well to get you going."

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @David Das says

    I really miss the database. Out of all the ways that Kontakt offers (and has offered) to load patches, the new browser has added more complexity (and has not been easy to adapt to a large pre-existing library), and the removal of the database has kneecapped my ability to search quickly. Presumably the database is not coming back, but I'm interested to hear what's coming up for the new browser to hopefully improve the situation.

    Kontakt team: "If what you’re talking about is that you want a workflow that works for you for rolling out your project, and the browser should deliver that eventually, we can say that it’s a work in progress. There’s a different team working on this and a browser update is coming. 

    But if you’d like to see a way to import your info and tags from the old database into the new one, we're not sure that’s gonna work because we removed the database from the codebase and there's no turning back. 

    The best way to solve your workflow is to get you in touch with the Content Experience team. The main issue is that the new browser is meant to solve 80% of the issues for the majority of users. This use case is in the minority." 

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @nitinm162 says

    I use Kontakt 98% of the time. For older libraries, I would like to see a feature where Kontakt remembers the library selected AND the specific preset. Now if I want to select another preset in the same instrument/folder, I don't have to go searching for the library and then the subfolder etc. This would be a HUGE improvement to my workflow.

    I would also like to see a history button so that we can go back to a previous settings. Right now I have to try some new settings and then close my project without saving and re-open. I know I can create snapshots, but then I have to keep cleaning them out!

    Kontakt team: "Consistencies of the browser are something we've been talking about, from search history, a special folder that says what's the last instrument, what's used the most etc. Right now there's a certain internal state in the browser that has the tags of what you have selected, but they are only there transiently. They are only there when the UI is displayed but when you close the UI it’s all destroyed. If we stream that data into the plugin it’d remember the state. This is something that needs to be discussed. 

    Regarding the undo button, we think snapshots are a pretty decent solution. Currently, undo system in Kontakt is a bit flawed and I don’t think we should build upon it. Undo is an extremely difficult topic to implement properly considering all the possible actions you can do within a single instrument. Right now, undoing is basically resaving interim NKI files when you do certain (but not all) actions inside the edit view." 

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @BroHah@ says

    While experimenting with myriad libraries in Kontakt, I'm often asked if I want to 'Save change to instrument?'. This occurs even when I haven't made any changes to the libraries I've loaded. Maybe I've loaded a library, played a few notes, and decided to replace the library with a different library.

    Kontakt team: "You can play a note and KSP can set some engine parameters in the back and maybe even change the value of a slider on the interface, so there’s a reason to have this dialogue. We can provide an option not to ask users, but we don’t think that’s a good idea as it is likely to result in confusion and misunderstanding."

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @cpr_evo6 says

    Last, K7 always loses keyboard focus on my Mac, Logic Pro setup. I go to type a search term in the K7 browser and the key focus has reverted to Logic, unless I’m typing the name of new Snapshot to save and then it works?

    Kontakt team: "This is a bug we know about. It'll be fixed in future releases."

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @Ali Alyousuf says

    My project template has a mix of both Kontakt 5 and Kontakt 6 for newer libraries (total of 250 tracks), it is a struggle if the library got updated and requires K6 while it is still sitting on a K5 in my template, I know it doesn't happen often, I've experienced it in of the piano libraries from NI once and I somehow understood it's the Kontakt version, but for some, they may not know and the library will play as demo then stop working, and if we open an old project that has K5 for most of the libraries, lets wish for good luck loading the project. Is there a way we can unify the versions so that whenever we upgrade Kontakt, immediately overwrites the older version, this way we don't need to rebuild our templates or lose access to old projects.

    Kontakt team: "So this is about plugin migration. We have already implemented plugin migration in K7 for some hosts (Cubase, Nuendo, Maschine, KK). The other DAWs need to implement this on their side. The more vendors do this, the more we can adopt it."    

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper
    edited May 2023

    Thank you for the answers.

    Re: "MPE support", I also mean an easier way to globally remap or even get to that in the first place.

    I suggest that there IS a method that be applied here — much as pitchbend + modwheel are kinds of "universal" controllers and, if not already hooked up to a Kontakt instrument, can be by editing under-the-hood by clicking the wrench icon 🔧. So can aftertouch there.

    ROLI's own article shows this.

    Right now it's generally possible to right-click a Kontakt controller and assign it to a MIDI learn, right? But only conventional CCs are represented. If there were accessible options for MPE Slide and such, that would be one "generic way" to easily make that connection without much effort for the user.

    There are also the underlying channel assignments, I know, but given the 3rd-party workarounds I've seen, that doesn't seem like a blocker for NI to add its own internal routing, like how various other plugins have an MPE toggle.

    I wasn't previously aware Ashlight supported MPE (and now I wish the rest of the Play range did too...), so thanks for that. I looked at the manual on page 26, and the funny thing is it's already using an instrument-specific implementation of what I have in mind!

    I suspect part of the historical resistance vs. MPE (broadly, not NI) is market demand, too. That your clever team would figure out a way to make this happen if there's enough of a commercial balance to incentivize it. 💸

    Also I appreciate the answer re: "randomizing within search results", for this is also something instrument-specific that could be applied globally. 🌐

  • creativedialogue
    creativedialogue Member Posts: 5 Member

    Something I have been asking for in Kontakt since last century!

    Option to override: Do you want to save changes made to the instrument? Yes/No

    Very annoying

  • BroHah@
    BroHah@ Member Posts: 13 Member


    Thank you for responding:

    @BroHah@ says

    While experimenting with myriad libraries in Kontakt, I'm often asked if I want to 'Save change to instrument?'. This occurs even when I haven't made any changes to the libraries I've loaded. Maybe I've loaded a library, played a few notes, and decided to replace the library with a different library.

    Kontakt team: "You can play a note and KSP can set some engine parameters in the back and maybe even change the value of a slider on the interface, so there’s a reason to have this dialogue. We can provide an option not to ask users, but we don’t think that’s a good idea as it is likely to result in confusion and misunderstanding."

    It's nice to know the 'why' behind the 'Save change to instrument?' prompt.

    In my case, I've never used KSP to make those sorts of adjustments, and probably won't be doing so in the conceivable future.

    Personally, I like to be able to work quickly, when checking out and experimenting with my myriad Kontakt libraries. That 'Save change to instrument?' prompt just slows me down and doesn't serve any purpose, in the entirety of my dealings with Kontakt. I reckon there are a lot of users that feel the same way.

    Though well-intentioned, the 'Save change to instrument?' slows me down and adds a level of annoyance to my music-making, since it repeatedly forces a break my creative flow.

    Really feel that users should be able to disable it. Since I've never gained any benefit from the prompt, it just seems like bad ergonomics to me.

This discussion has been closed.
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