Batch processing stem creation
currently traktor 4 can batch process files for stem creation by clicking on them one at a time and adding them to a queue. But for some reason, the option to right click on a batch of highlighted files and put them all in the queue at once has not been added to the software. Why? The functionality is there to batch…
Anyone know if Traktor Pro 3 works on Mac M3 devices?
Does anyone know if Traktor Pro 3 works on Mac M3 devices?
Has anyone else noticed?
With the rollout of traktor pro 4 and all of it amazing new features. There is one feature i desperately want/need. When mapping midi controller i assumed that i would be able to mapp controls from stem decks. Like the volume kill, volume control, filter kills, filter controls. Fx send kill, and fx send controls. But these…
Traktor 4 Installation requirements
I have two Macs running on OS 10. I really don't want to update OS because of other packages I have. I ready Traktor 4 requires OS 11, 12, 13.. Is this correct? Seeking feedback. Thanks F
Recorder in Traktor not working
Hi everyone, I installed Traktor 4 and wanted to have a go at it, and of course record my set. But surprise, recorder doesn't get anything as signal. Got back to Traktor 3, recorder doesn't get anything as well… which was fine a few days ago. I use external recording with the Audio 10 sound card and a mixer. (tried…
Which Traktor Pro is included in Traktor X1 purchase
Hi, I have a question regarding what's included in a Traktor X1 purchase. On the website, you mention the new Traktor Pro 4 is included, but when I go to make the purchase, I get the following message: Product includes X1 MK3 Traktor Pro 3 So then which one is it? Pro 3 or Pro 4? I'll be awaiting your reply, thank you
Traktor Pro 4 kann ich keine STEM erstellen.
Funktion "Gererate STEM" und andere Funktionen nicht im Reiter vorhanden. Wie bekomme ich die Funktionen ?
Issues with Traktor Pro 4 and Pioneer mixer/players
I upgraded to Traktor Pro 4 last week and everything works well with the S8 that I have at home. However, at the radio station where I have a regular show, we have a Pioneer setup (DJM 900NXS and 2x CDJ 3000). I would previously just connect my laptop (MacBook Pro with M2 Max and Sonoma) via USB to all three devices, use…
Stems Quality / Funcionality / Stem Creator Tool Update
Does anyone know: When you seperate a Wav file in stems, are the stems then lossless as well or is the quality reduced? Are the stems Lossless quality? Will the original Wav and the Stems version sound exactly the same when all the stem volumes are up? When your tracks don't have vocals (lots of techno, psytrance etc don't…
Traktor stems separation is slow
Hi, I have a question about splitting the track into stems. For a track that is 6 minutes, he needs 4 minutes to divide it into stems, which is not convenient to do during a mix. I tried with serato to add an unanalyzed track and boy was it ready to play the stems. why is the traкtor so slow?
Traktor 3.5.0 and above - browser flickering issue
Hey there In 3.5.0 and every version above (including the latest 3.5.3) there's an annoying flickering in the GUI that sometimes interfere with the working flow.. In older version it happened when Track Collection folder was open.. now it happens all the time - when typing a letter in the search box, when moving up/down in…
New X1 added serial and no Traktor Pro 4
Hi, I've purchased an X1 Mk3 and it was advertised with Traktor Pro 4 included. I've added the serial number and only see Traktor Pro 3, which could possibly be my existing version I already own. How do I get the Traktor 4 install? Thanks,
If I register a new S2 Mk3, S3, S4 Mk3, X1 Mk3 today, will I get TP3 or already TP4?
As I am afraid this question will get lost in "Traktor 4 is here"-Thread, I open a own question thread for that. What if I register a new perviously unregistered controller with a full Traktor licence today which version do I get. Will I still get Traktor Pro 3 (as stated on S4s product site) or Traktor Pro 4 (as on S2s…
Is it possible to interrupt Beatport Link search?
Hello everyone, how can I interrupt the search of Beatport Link? I usually find what I'm looking for pretty quickly. However, more and more search results are loaded and it is difficult for me to click on the desired song because the list of results changes again. Thank you
Traktor pro 4: stem separation but still no live stems separation
I bought and tried the new version of Traktor with great enthusiasm. I couldn't wait to finally try the live stems that we've been waiting for so long. And they are there. BUT it's not "LIVE stems"… let me explain: they just implemented a tool to create stems "quickly" in traktor. And what's the problem? the problem is…
Cue points stored in Traktor 4 Stems cannot be accessed with CJ2000NX.
I cannot jump to cue points saved in stem tracks with my CDJs2000NX. It works with normal tracks. It also works in the club with the CDJs 3000.
Traktor Kontrol S4 mk3 transfert licence
Hello, I would like to buy a second-hand Traktor Kontrol S4 mk3 but the seller tells me that the licence cannot be transferred to someone else. If this is the case, can I run the controller on my version of Traktor Scratch pro 2.11.3 17, I am on mac Os Mojave version 10.14.6 with a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 and 16G of memory.…
Traktor pro 4 right click does not give full options as on video
watched the video and did same right clicked but limited options come up - same as traktor 3 it looks - not the full options as shown on video
June 2024 community update: Traktor Pro „news“
Just some words about Traktor, but long awaited flexible beat grids and stem separation are confirmed once again. And it says we don‘t have to wait too long… Whatever this means in days, weeks, months or even years? Unfortunately not much information other than that.