I’m looking for traktor 4 mapping creator
I’m willing to pay someone to develop a numark NS4FX mapping. If anyone can assist please let me know
Problems with stem separation
Traktor 4.10.146 / Kontrol S8 / Windows 11 Pro 64 After creating stems, the generated file appears in a strange combination of numbers and letters in the stem folder. See attachment. How can I change this?
Z1 MK2 Gain Calibration
Hi, Is it possible to re-calibrate the gain control on the Z1 MK2 ? The gain control on mine is slightly off. Straight up isn't value 50 on the left channel but it is on the right channel Cheers Scott
Where is the logic
I find it infuriating that if you buy a s3mk3 today you get the new traktor pro4 for free but if you have a s4mk3, bought when it came out which is double the price mind you, you have to pay to upgrade. I know that you have to find ways to attract new customers but that doesnt mean you alienate long time users
Output Sound from Traktor Audio 6 through USB
Hi, I just got my hands on a used Traktor Audio 6. My intended use for this device is to channel sound from a turntable into my Mac where I'm running Rekordbox. I have a DDJ Flx4 which doesn't have a phono input. So I was hoping this could be a workaround. I suppose unconventional but I'm just trying out things for fun.…
Black Friday Traktor x1
Hello my friends,do you know if there's gonna be a discount(black Friday)for the new x1?Thank you very much ☺️
Is there anyone who can help me with Mapping for my controller
I have a numark ns4fx and I want to use it with traktor pro 4. Unfortunately I’m in over my head trying to map it myself. Does anyone have a mapping or does anyone know of people who can do the mapping for me?
Traktor 4 mit 2 Monate Beatport!?
Wo oder wie aktiviere ich die 2 Monate Gratis Beatport?
Basic question Traktor 2 mark 2
hello I have just bought one of these second hand Sorry very simple question but how do I get going? what software should I download? Can I use Beatport? YouTube music or SoundCloud? Thanks!
Crash test
So I've just noticed something very peculiar with my traktor Pro 4 as well as my traktor 3.11.1. When I have ramp delay selected as the effect in FX Unit 1 and then I change from single to group FX, traktor consistently crashes. It does not do this with any of the other effects, only with the ramp delay, and only on…
I don't have a password to enter. Where can I get a password?
Does anyone know how I can move to the next step?
Problems whit Traktor 4 pro
per favore ho bisogno di un aiuto reale ..sono un cliente native instrument ho usato per 10 anni traktor 2 sul mio vecchio mac e non hi mai avuto problemi.. Ho comprato il nuovo Macbook pro, ho comprato Traktor pro 4 e non riesco a farlo funzionare bene ..le tracce saltano o clippano durante la riproduzione, ho regolato la…
traktor z1
just got my traktor z1 n and i cant get it to work at all with traktor dj2
Stems to different outputs
I was wondering if there was a way to send your stems to different outputs? I can see that it's possible to send your decks to different outputs, but if i have a soundcard with enough outputs, why isn't it possible to send all drums to a pair, all bass, all music and all vocs? This would be a game changer as it would give…
Second Hand ebay purchase Traktor S4 MK3
I bought a controller on Ebay, so no transfer title, I emailed and sent messages through NI a month ago multiple times to get a transfer so I can register my controller. Theres no support at all here! Help 😭 Do I need to register it to be able to use it? It doesnt seem to want to connect to my mac, though it did once! But…
My five requests to Native Instruments put on a new KONTROL S4 and ask your opinion.
Hi, I had the firs version (a nightmare), now I have the S4 MK3 (a true upgrade) but came to leave five requests to Native Instruments put on a new controller S4: A) add another knob on the equalization line, which we can control the equalization Type Xone or if we use only three-band equalization that new knob is use for…
When loading a stem it loads in as a track...why would this be?
I've recentley updated from Traktor 4.0 to 4.1. During the installation I was presented with a pop up window featuring corrupt graphics. The installation seems to have completed non the less. When I booted traktor I had lost all of my playlists and remix sets. I have now resolved this issue by ensuring all off the paths in…
set the Traktor Kontrol S3 to midi permanently
Does anyone know if it is possible to set the Traktor S3 to midi permanently? Every time I turn on the macbook I have to unplug the usb and power supply to repeat the procedure
Would love to be able to disable Stem loading on a double press
I’m never using stems, and being forced to have stem loading on a double click of the load knob is not great. Live stem separation during a set crunches my CPU and causes audio glitching.
Traktor pro 4 crashed when loading stems track
long time Traktor user here and traktor has not crashed on me over 10 years. This weekend it happened on a club, prime time :(. Loaded pre-stemmed track to a player and traktor just crashed to desktop. Music stopped, people screaming and me tried to turn into a pumpkin. Took time to start the program again and start the…