Traktor Pro 4 Left Deck Volume Issue

I have Traktor Pro 4 running on a M2 Pro / Sequoia 15.0.1. Everything works fine, but I notice that the left deck's audio is lower and less dynamic sounding than the right deck. Is anyone else having this issue? Could it be an issue with Sequoia? Thanks.


  • slipstream_dj
    slipstream_dj Member Posts: 2 Member

    It was user error. Someone please delete.

  • DJ-Andre
    DJ-Andre Member Posts: 145 Advisor

    If it is a user error, please share the solution with us so it might help someone else running into the same…

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro
    edited January 27

    I am having a volume problem issue, and I don't think it is a user error. I have tested this on 2 different external sound card and one internal sound card, and the result is the same. Deck A is at a lower volume than deck B, C, D. Deck B is a louder volume of all 4 decks, while decks D and C seems to be at the same volume but is more pronounce than deck A, but slightly less than deck B. The order of loudness would be from higher to lower (B, C and D, then A). Any help would be appreciated.

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