Windows 11 Freezing

i have a new Asus vivobook and Allen Heath Db2…

i was running window 10 on my old Lapto a Dell 7240 without any issues …

Now the Asus with windows 11 and Traktor 4 randomly freezes up while djing… and doing live radio work…

i am using the usb 2 ports on Asus

if you power mixer off and back on it starts again, very strange

Does anybody have any solution any ideas..?

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  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 220 Advisor

    Sounds conflict with 2 devices using the same usb port 2.. check the device manager or look for a free tool to see what device is causing the confict..

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    Yes what you do is, check the USB port and if there are 2 cables coming out of the same hole, you have installed 2 USB devices on top of each other and you have broken your computer. Let me know.

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 220 Advisor

    No that's what I meant .. uwb ports are hardware assigned and could be using the same port multiple ports or usb hub..

  • Unknown
    edited January 21
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    FRACTAL FiLL Member Posts: 17 Member

    it seems to be a common issue with win 11, i am using 2.1 usb 2 ports, and AH doesn't have a driver certified for Win11 had no issue with Windows 10 with the same setup

    FRACTAL FiLL Member Posts: 17 Member

    it just started happening with the last windows 11 update

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Try checking if USB sleep is active. You can check power options (but I believe this might be removed in Windows 11).

    I always check in the Control Panel/Device Manager and all USB ports there. Go into properties for each ones power management and uncheck any USB sleep.

    After updates these sometimes get turned back on.

    This might not be you issue. But worth trying.

    If it isn't a USB issue. Have you checked if it is a driver or latency issue? Sometimes Traktor by default might set your bitrate at max or select the wrong driver.

    FRACTAL FiLL Member Posts: 17 Member

    I have been thru power management and turned off the sleep on USB and PCI bus. i have been through the device manager, i am using Allen Heath DB2 which is USB 2 and I turned all the power management options off on all USB controllers and the DB2 drivers…. and the DB2 freezes up randomly, I did not have this issue with windows 10, but what i have read the new version of windows 11 24H2 has had the kernel changed and there are lots of issues with people using usb 2 devices … even older N.I. controller dont work .. Traktor must be aware of this issue… The DB2 driver is 48k only and standard normal latency… and spoken to AH and they say is windows…….

    FRACTAL FiLL Member Posts: 17 Member

    I have just spoken to Allen Heath Support and this is what was said

    " If so and the hardware is enumerating OK, it may be a local issue with Traktor 4
    I just checked TP3 here and that appears to working works OK. 

    However, TP4 doesn't connect the ASIO driver. 
    TP4 will connect to DB2 WDM (WASAPI shared and exclusive), but WDM only supports 2CH audio "

    I paid for a Traktor T4 upgrade and now it seems worthless investment

    DO Ni read the forums because now

    I can't work because T4 will not read ASIO Drivers

    even their own older controllers don't work, I have been reading around the forums many people are complaining about TP4 and Windows 11 24H2 becuase they connect devices and they dont work

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    I have no idea if this will help , but since you have nothing to loose by doing so then try if this ASIO driver will work : Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver: information & download

  • Dj Davidoff
    Dj Davidoff Member Posts: 41 Helper

    I can confirm that after a Windows 11 update, the power savings management settings for several components, including USB ports, portable device controls, Bluetooth devices, HID controllers, and Intel Management, are reactivated in the Control Panel's Device Manager.

    FRACTAL FiLL Member Posts: 17 Member

    just found in event manager NI device MidiDdevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL / DRIVER

    is a midi part of Traktor causing freezing i understand as it controls Midi

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    Answer ✓

    Generally to avoid software problems then be sure to be using latest version of Native Access for your OS when you install software and use the the NI reg tool also when you want clean before a reinstall after uninstall.

    As for the BMidi then you can try to reinstall the Bome driver here from down the page where it says "Stand-Alone Installer (Windows)" , run installer as an Administrator.

    Else then either feeds us the rest of the Event Viewer info on the incident or contact N.I. Traktor Support directly.

    In case that you need guidance contacting support : How to contact NI Support and How to get in touch with our Customer Care

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