Traktor S5
Hi ! The New traktor 4 is compatible with traktor S5 ? Thanks a lot !
Manual download links
Is there a place where we can access links to manually download applications, previous update versions, etc. I know some support fellows can often share the required link or whatnot via google drive but if this isnt available I feel it should be honestly. I cant remember the last time i've seen a website or company like…
I Bought NI 15 Ultimate and added all of the serial numbers but some plug-ins is still not activated
Hello, my name is Tong. Just as the title. I bought NI 15 Ultimate and added all of the serial numbers, but some of the plug-ins is still "demo" after I installed from Native Access. Such as "Cuba", "Vintage Organs", "Symphony Essentials Woodwinds Solo"…The plug ins that working well include "Damage", "Mallet Flux",…
Website not working
Hello, Team! I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been having a bit of trouble since the start of the winter sales that’s preventing me from accessing the best deals. Every time I try to click on a page or a product, I get this error message: "Sorry, an error has occurred. There was a problem loading this page. Please return…
Is there anyone with experience using MS surface laptop5 16Gb with Reaper and Komplete14 ultimate?
I have a 6year old Medion desktop i7 64Gb with AMD radion 2Gb and Philips pfl 34" monitor. The main issue I have is black/white/red/blue screen issues apoearing randomly and not specifically related to using music productions. Therefore I am thinking of replacing my desktop.
Kontrol S61 keyboard stuck on screen welcome and serial number
Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL) My new Komplete Kontrol S61 keyboard is still on the screen welcome and serial number New MacBook Pro M4 I've tried everything and I'm fed up... I'm not an engineer, just a musician... thank you for finally giving me an answer. Community Code of Conduct - Please…
KK S61 MK3 Initial Firmware Update | I'm late to the party surely this is solved now???
If anyone can help me I will be very grateful. I received my keyboard earlier today and cannot get it to work. I have gone through all the forums and videos I can find. This is what I've tried so far: Mac Studio M2 Max all options tried in normal and Rosetta: The following three connections direct with different cables…
Maschine Mikro MK3 licence transfer
Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL) Hello, I was sold a Mikro MK3 with a licence transfer but when I entered the number it said that the licence transfer was invalid. Is this normal? I downloaded Maschine 3 but it opens it in DEMO mode. Thank you avance✌️ Community Code of Conduct - Please read…
S88 Mk2 Keys source? They break
Does anyone have a source for replacement keys for the S88 Mk2? I can replace the cracked and busted ones if I have the correct source. Which action/key-bed was used in the Mk2? Thanks
Icons at the top of the screen Traktor Pro 3
At the top of the screen we have four icons. The furthest to the right is "Load." To the left of that is "Audio Indicator." To the left of that is "Connection." There is one more icon to the left of that. What is it? I'm asking because my Pro 3 is stuttering - mainly the right deck. The Load seems fine - so I'm wondering…
Spell checker and the forum
I have AI Spell Checkeer installed in FIREFOX (which is my primary browser). I use many other forums, but this one does not allow me to use it. It is simply not working. This drives me nuts. I assume there is some code on the page that disables FFOX extensions or alike. I would like to hear if somebody else have this same…
Has anyone had problems installing IN SESSION AUDIO shimmer shake Strike 2?
Just the basics, please.
I can not cue headphones on the Traktor S8
I can not cue headphones on the Traktor S8 while in external mode. I set up my routing through a virtual router by Black Hole to route Traktors individual decks into corresponding tracks in Ableton. I have lost the ability to cue the headphones on every channel. Any help is appreciated.
software gone
about three years ago, i purchased maschine mikro mk3 and it came with the maschine 2 software. just last night i deleted everything from my laptop because native access wasnt working. i have the updated version of native access (now) but i dont have the maschine software anymore. the software is completetly gone.…
need help to reinstal everything
Hi there, Apple had to erase my computer. yeah.. bad things happened , I'm devastated and mad at myself because I lost 3 years of my work on Logic. Convinced all these years that I was saving my projetcs on an external hard drive, I was actually saving them on my computer! yes, I know… and no time machine's location.. blah…
Kontakt 7 - Instruments missing
I am running DP 11 on Sequoia. When I assign Kontakt or Kontakt 7 to an insert, it doesn't see any instruments. I suspect the files need to be relocated, but I don't know where / file system location.
Can I copy and paste or do I have to reinstall instruments and effects on a new hard drive?
Hi, I've just got a new external hard drive and I need to know if I can just copy and paste the NI content from the old one, or do I have to reinstall them all again on the new drive? Thanks in advance! X-Man
FM8 locking up / freezing upon opening
Standalone fm8 does this, ableton DLL via fm8 lets me click on things without any graphical input happening whatsoever and is able to make sound. Not able to click on anything via standalone.
Traktor PRO 4 CLOCK
I just bought a Macbook M3, everything works fine, except I can't see te hour on the top where it used to be. Anybody else had this problem?