Mpc compatibility

Clermont Member Posts: 4 Member

I have a maschine mk3 and I would like to buy an mpc live 2. Will my N.I instruments be compatible?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod


    what do you mean with compatible, you can use them side by side for sure. And you also should be able to use maschine as midi controller for the mpc and the other way around. And as far as I found out you can open one software inside the other, of it makes sense is another story.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Just to add to that, NI instruments that are available on MPC do require another purchase to be able to use them. For example, if you have Cloud Supply for Maschine you don't automatically get the MPC version, it's a separate purchase.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited February 26

    Another addition about using MPC Live 2 Standalone: your NI softwares (Virtual Instruments and FXs) will be compatible ONLY with MPC software on the computer (loading them inside of it as plugins, like you can do in any other plugins host, like DAWs), not to use them Standalone.

    The only exception are the few newly released Play Series instruments (4) and Expansions (6) which, as mykejb said, must be re-purchased in their MPC versions.

    This is the page showing what exactly you can use in Standalone atm if you re-buy them:

    That said, there are other ways to use what you already own in MPC in Standalone mode, like some programs that helps to automatically transform NI Expansions into MPC Expansions (Kitmaker being one) or using MPC Autosampler to sample NI instruments presets that then can be used in Standalone. But the experience will not be the same (eg the FXs and parameters will be backed in the audio and therefore cannot be ulteriorly tweaked later. That’s why many deactivate the FXs before sampling to then re-add MPC FXs later, so that they can be tweaked. Or another example, in case of Expansions, is that the pads that contain presets for NI synths (Massive, Monark, Reaktor,… will not be translated, since MPC can’t use those synths).
    To be more clear: you will not have a Cloud Supply (or Alicia’s Keys or anything else) instrument with all its presets selectable, but a single instrument for every single preset you’ll Autosample. That then if you want you can organize in folders.

    So…to sum things… if I should give a direct answer, I would say that NO, your NI instruments will not be automatically compatible with your MPC Live 2 in Standalone mode, but only on the computer. Only the new NI products expressively made for MPC and the ones you will “transform” will be available on the device

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