s88mk2 connecting so weird with macM2 logic

Alvin Sham
Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

Mac M2 (os 15.2) , Logic (ver 11.1.2) , keyboard firmware (0.6.0). The keys, cc wheels are working with logic but one day it randomly……

  1. Function buttons , big knob on right are not working.
  2. The browser , plugin button only react to the first instrument.
  3. When i change to another track, the screen still stuck at the first instrument but the keyboard did play another track's instrument.
  4. Even selected another track, but the plugin , browser button are changing stuff on 1st instrument.
  5. Screen is grey shows nothing when i tap mixer button

That's so weird…feels like connected half but some random signal are not responding…I tried to restart logic..keyboard…reinstall kk software…but solved nothing…

Would be very appreciated if some pro could guide me how to fix this.

Best Answer


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    Answer ✓

    First od all, check the connection between your keyboard and computer, try another USB socket, another USB cable. Now on the software side:

    Do Logic and Komplete Kontrol have full disk access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Is everything functional in Komplete Kontrol in standalone?

    Are you using any kind of antivirus/firewall?

    Are you using Clean My Mac or other similar programs? If you do please check the following: Notes on Using Registry or Property List Cleaning Utilities

  • Alvin Sham
    Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Thx, I just have the full disk assess back.When i restart my mac and open logic, still have a serval issue that happening.

    1. The function button are playing notes on the selected track's instrument
    2. The screen on the keyboard still not changing to display another plugin when i change tracks
    3. Working with KK standalone, the browser did work, but it don't have sounds when i played (I have selected the controller and ticked the s88m2 )

    So what i have to do next to solve these problem ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    When in Komplete Kontrol in standalone, what MIDI inputs did you choose, it should only be this one:

    As mentioned in the manual here:


    Now you shouldn't have notes playing anymore when pressing the buttons, do you have sound when you load a preset and play the keyboard?

    If everything is ok now in Komplete Kontrol in standalone, do you still have issues in Logic?

    If you do, please apply the following:


  • Alvin Sham
    Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    These are what i see in kk, i only see keyboard's port1 and 2, but i dont see main, is that normal or really something wrong ? I only have these options in midi input

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    I'm so sorry, for a MK2 keyboard it's slightly different, I had the MK3 plugged in. For the MK2 it should be only the Port 1 and DAW 1 for the inputs and nothing at all for the MIDI Output.

    Have you checked the rest of the steps? Were you using Clean My Mac?

  • Alvin Sham
    Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    I don't have clean my mac , and i have already reset the kk midi setting, i tried to reset the logic by the suggested steps, but the function button still playing notes after restarting the mac. The right knob is replaced by some CC which idk what it is. I tried to plugin in an A32 keyboard, and the same thing happens, so i guess is some systems changed but i have no idea what bug that has moved my function button's connection away. However, i didn't touch anything, just suddenly happened one day. These are my logic ( version 11.1.2) setting now. NI ( version 3.16.0), kk (version 3.3.4) , mac m2 pro max os (15.3).

  • Alvin Sham
    Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Are there any driver systems which can link my mac and the mk2 keyboard kk signal ? I guess my mac cant link with the keyboard, even i have followed the settings to ready those set up and restart everything. The keyboard still can work as a midi controller, and i can still assign functions manually to the keyboard's buttons, however, the mixer on the keyboard dosen't show up, and the screen is not changing to what ins i have selected when i move to another track with another ins. The browser button can only signal the first ins tracks. When I quit logic, the keyboard's screen still lighting up the first ins and stuck there. Thats why i guess my whole so called 'driver' things like that just lose. Its so weird and i have no idea whats happening.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @Alvin Sham You mention a MIDI CC assigned to one of the knobs, you say the same thing happens with another keyboard.

    Open the Komplete Kontrol standalone app, disconnect all your keyboards and check the MIDI assignments.

    While the keyboard is disconnected, open your Audio & MIDI setup, found in Applications > Utilities,

    Click on the Komplete Kontrol mk2 instance and use the delete key on your computer keyboard. Once you've done that, connect the keyboard again, this will create a new entry, check if everything is functional in Komplete Kontrol in standalone, then in Logic.

    If that didn't help, let me know, I'll create a ticket for you, my colleagues will need to have a deeper look into it.

  • Alvin Sham
    Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    After disconnecting with the midi assign in kk, it still solved nothing. All things work well in kk standalone. However, once get back into logic, this is the automation which still stuck with the right knob. The function buttons are playing sounds again. Are there anything that i can try to manage with my mac or look into ? BTW i didnt open logic with rosetta, is this action matters? I may need a further help. Thank you for yr patience reply.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    So this only happens in Logic? Then it's most probably a setting in Logic.

    Have you tried to reset Logic to default, as outlined here?


    Could it be related to that other MIDI input, the Vienna Ensemble one?

  • Alvin Sham
    Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    The Vienna Ensemble changes nothing, but the funny thing is, after these steps

    1. I reset the logic pro and deleted logic pro
    2. turn off my s88mk2
    3. deleted NI sofware
    4. clear bin
    5. Restarted the mac
    6. reinstall logic pro

    Without installing back NI software and KK standalone, Without controller set up in logic, the keyborad shows one of my random instrument on screen Like liked or jam or lagged. These are the step which i have stopped or i have made.

  • Alvin Sham
    Alvin Sham Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    This is what my keyboard looks like when i disconnect with my mac

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @Alvin Sham Hey I'm really sorry but It's a little bit confusing now. What is the actual issue now? You mention deleting NI software, how did you do that exactly? On Mac there is a lot of files to delete to achieve that. How to Uninstall Native Instruments Software from a Mac Computer

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