komplet audio 6 has stopped working in studio 1
is it related to the windows up date
Mac OS Native Access is damaged when dragging into Applications ƒ
Hi. I recently upgraded from an Intel Mac to a Mac Studio M1 Max (ARM). I'm able to download the Apple Silicon-native version of the app (Native-Access_2_Mac_M1.dmg) but after I mount the Disk Image and drag the App into my Applications Folder, the OS says: “Native Access” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it…
Can’t get rid of broken library in Native Access
I just installed Komplete 15 Ultimate in Native Access 3.14.0 (on OS X Sequoia 15.0 on an iMac Retina 5K, 27’’, 2020). In “Library/All” there is one library without a name (judging the thumbnail, it seems to be something from Kontakt) which I can’t install or get rid of otherwise. Talking to the NI support, deleting…
Why cant I download any of my previously purchased products or register my MIKRO to my new computer?
been having a LOT of trouble accessing my Natuve Access account and getting into ANY of my previously purchased content. Was so excited to get a new computer now fearful I lost everything. Please help. Any suggestion much appreciated. 🙏🏻
Native Access no longer recognizes my password
Anybody have any idea why I can login to NI site but not NI access? This is a new issue. Have reinstalled newest version, restarted my computer, still no go. I have a support ticket in but thought maybe someone else has experienced this or has a solution. Thanks Mini Mac M2pro OSX14.6.1
Komplete Kontrol is not on NI Access
Hello all, I've recently purchased Komplete Kontrol 88 MK2 (used) I've registered my serial number and everything, I just can't download Komplete Kontrol. It does not appear on NI Access.. Please help!
Maschine 2 and native access downloads
I've been trying to download maschine 2 and some of the plug ins provided for the software but keep getting an instant download failed message. Tried troubleshooting and what not but could not figure out the problem. HELP
RX11 Spectral Repair Length
I would like to verify the specifics of the "Surrounding region length (%)" option in the Spectral Repair module. The manual offers a vague description: Defines how much of the surrounding content will be used for interpolation. I'm guessing based on the name of the option this sets the surrounding region to be used based…
What are these programs and why won't they install?
They show up with no names and when I go to install them I get an Error Everything else installs and works.
How do I fix "Download failed: Review your download location" error in Kontakt 8
I recently got Kontakt 8, I have everything installed and haven't messed with folder locations at all. I tried downloading the Applications but it always fails and tells me "Invalid Location" for the download. Just to experiment, I changed the Downloads Folder to a bunch of different places on my computer and it still…
Why Native Instrument don't give an audio demo project for customer?
Why Native Instrument don't give an audio demo project for customer so it would be easy to study how to use Native library efficiently by study the project which they create audio demos (might be Logic or Ableton) ? For me it take a lot of time to load each preset and listen how they sound and couldn't find what I want.
Can you make Maschine3 / Komplete 15 Select visible in Native Access please?
I bought (11nov2024) a new Maschine Mikro MK3 and registered the serial (14nov2024) but have not received my license for Maschine 3 or Komplete 15 Select. I registered my serial number and it is visible with my serial numbers My Native Acces version is 3.14.0 I already did the trick with the xml file -> no result I…
Error Installing NA: Windows cannot access the specified device,
Hello, after installing, the Native-Access_2.exe as Admin, it shows this Error [Window Title] C:\Users\A\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Native Access.lnk [Content] Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. I doublecked,…
Problems authorize Traktor Pro 2
Hello, I have a Mac with El Capitan operating system (10.11. 6), my computer it is very old and I can not upgrade to a newer operating system, I can only use Native Access 1, I can not activate my Traktor Scratch Pro 2, I have the serial number, my program is legal and purchased, it came with my Audio 6, I had the program…
Download fails in Native Access
Hello. I just installed Native Access to install my new Traktor 4 software. I can login, no issues. When pressing download it fails immediately . I have 500 Mbit download speed so it is not the issue. What can be the issue?
Native Access and VST2 install
I have a bunch of libraries showing 'Repair' after I just went from NA v1 to NA v2. Is this because I may have removed VST2 versions that are just clutter, or do I actually NEED to repair them? Also, any update as to being able to select VST3 only (except for old plugin that are only VST2)? Would be great if that could…
How long does in take to receive keycode for Komplete Kontrol Ultimate 14 bundle.
Its been almost a week and still no key code for the ultimate 14 bundle. Is this normal? Just spent $4500 AUD
Maschine essentials not appear in native access
hello, i bough today mi maschine mikro mk3, but in native access i cannot find maschine essentials, i've tried everything on this forum, but i had no luck, please i need help
why won't access 2 update my instruments?
example; kontact factory library 2 won't update, and newly added instruments ,when I hit install, it says download failed, says the same thing for updates also. my connection is working and stable. can anyone help?
Flickering UI
Hello, I just started using NativeAccess and also instruments in Logic Pro. I have 3 displays and no matter which one I'm using the software on, the display will intermittently flicker. Not the entire display, just the NI instrument that I'm using. Sometimes it does it nonstop, other times it will start and stop every few…