Komplete Audio 1 beeping sound
Hey! I have a problem with my Komplete Audio 1. Since I got a new PC, i hear a high frequency beeping sound in my headphone. I tried to: -Reinstall drivers -Connect to different USB-s -Try different headphones -Try different cables -Unplug wifi adapter/other USB devices Also, it still makes the sound even if I mute the…
Logic Pro crahes If I try to load a preset in Komplete Kontrol
Hello everybody, I have a major problem with Komplete Control. Logic Pro crashes everytime I try to load a preset from Komplete Control. Only a few presets that I tried to load do not cause a crash of logic. I tried different things from the support site but nothing helped. I use a iMac intel and my software is ventura. I…
S49 MK2 screen damaged, out of warranty options ?
Hi We have a Screen Damaged on S49 MkII Komplete Kontrol. What are the out of warranty options ? Thanks in advance 😀
Mk3 s61, DAW button doesn’t show the DAW mix
I just bought the MK3 S61. I’ve tried all the methods, and I managed to get it to work as a MIDI, but the DAW button doesn’t show the DAW mix? Could this be due to the Sonoma 14 updates?
Looks like something went wrong
Hello! When I did my firmware update for my Komplete MK3, I unfortunately lost the power to the house. The message I have is Looks like something went wrong. Please re-run the update on your computer. But it doesn't work. Can you help me? Tk's ! Eric
Can save Kontakt Multis but not Komplete Kontrol Presets
Hi, I have my multis all nice and setup in Kontakt. To take advantage of Komplete Kontrol's Play Assist features, I loaded Kontakt up but this time in a Komplete Kontrol instance. I can load the multi I've saved, but if I try to save it as a patch, the option to do so is grayed out. Any Ideas?
How do I receive Transfer ID if I cant contact original owner?
So I just bought a Komplete A61 today from the pawn shop and of course cant contact the owner for the transfer ID. I went through NI help pages and went a bit in circles. I have all information from purchase and just wanted to know what I could do to register the hardware.
Can't impoirt samplse into Playbox Lofi Ambiance effect
Read the manual and it says you can drag and drop sample into the ambience section of lofi effect. No matter the file type (mp3, wav, etc) it has the red circle with line through it and won't work. What am I missing? Using Komplete Kontrol in Cubase on a PC.
Kontrol Mk3 Recording contact paramater changes
Hey all! I'm absolutely loving my new S88 MK3, but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to record parameter changes with the pre-mapped knobs when using Kontakt 7. The changes register in the performance but the actual automation data doesn't get laid down in Logic. Anything that I am missing here?
How long is NI support response time ?
Hi I have created a ticket through the native instruments support system. And I would like to know how long will it take for them to answer and resolve my issue. It's time sensitive and I would like it resolved as fast as possible. Maybe someone form NI can answer here. My ticket number 4269656.
Kontrol S61 MK3 launching Controller Setup in Logic Pro X
Hi there - I am new here and sorry in advance if I have posted in the wrong place. I was not able to find this anywhere. Mac M1 MacOS 13.6.3 (22G436) Logic Pro 10.8.1 When I hit the key E4 on the keyboard with the default octave setting in place - it launches the Controller setup in Logic Pro X. If I shift the octave the…
Komplete Kontrol S61 MK3 Suddenly Powering Off
My keyboard has been fine for 5 months, using the usb-C port from my computer to power itself and transfer data input. Suddenly today the keyboard began shutting down and not powering back on. I’m concerned it may be something within the keyboard as I have heard about the many problems people have experienced with this new…
Cannot select browser mode in Komplete Kontrol - browser button not working
Hi all, I installed my new Komplete Kontrol M32 this week after good experiences with my S61. However, I can't seem to get the browser button to work in overlay mode. So when I am working directly in the Komplete Kontrol software itself, or a Komplete Kontrol instance on a track in Logic Pro X, the instrument instance does…
Second hand Komplete S61 MK2 transfer
I bought a secondhand S61 MK2 and cannot find the seller.How can I get a new ID for activating?
How to set Templates in my KK s49 mk3?
Hi, After a long wait my KK s49 mk3 just arrive...and its driving me crazy :/. I need to asign cc to control my Access Virus ti, but so far i cant do it. first i try the controller editor 2.8.2, i create the template but the button Connect is unaccesible, and template doesnt load on Keyboard...says default Midi template.…
40's Very Own - Drums
Has anyone had any issues with using 40's Very Own - Drums via Komplete Kontrol in Abelton Live 11? out of the blue when using this preset in the above configuration, it will trigger multiple sounds instead of just the one I'm trying to trigger. to troubleshoot I've tried other presets and they do not have the same issue.…
Problems with Butch Vig and Komplete Kontrol in my DAW
Hi - [1] The instrument stops playing (randomly) as if it's not detecting MIDI information from the DAW. It will play directly from Komplete Control but not from the track. Restarting the project fixes the issue. [2] Had an issue where the instrument would suddenly stop being in sync with the DAW BPM. (At a specific bar in…
Issues with Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1 in Ableton Live10
Since the new update Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1. Ableton Live project crashes, if it includes an instance of Komplete Kontrol - but only if I click on the specific track or try to delete it. As long as I don`t touch the track which includes Komplete Kontrol, everything works fine. Dear Community...Does anyone has a good advice…
I typically start with strings and build around that. No formal musical training.
I typically start with strings and build around that. Is there a better method? I have no formal musical training. Is there a method that trained musicians prefer?
Kontrol S61 MK3 latency..
Hi, i just bought a Native Kontrol S61 MK3 and i'm experiencing latency when i play soft and softer (PP PPP) My Audio is RME Fireface UCX 2 with latency 48 ms.. but when i play i have latency of 1 sec.. i've tried everything.. the same happens with external gear/modules.. any ideas? Thank you