Upgrade to ultimate 14
I'm looking to upgrade to Collectors Edition14 from Ultimate Collectors 12. When I click on "what's new to me" it doesn't appear to include all the products. I've not checked all of them but the third party products (Knifonium, all the BX products and Ozone 10) aren't listed. Does this mean they are not included or is it…
How to automate vibrato-knob individually when multitimbral instruments are loaded in KK & K?
Hi folks, Gear used in the following question: Cubase 11 Komplete Kontrol MK88 keyboard Kontakt 6, Ver: 6.7.1 R0 VST 2 Komplete Kontrol, Ver: 2.7.2 R2 / VST 3 Please see the enclosed images for more info. The question: How do I use "Host Automation/Midi Automation" in Cubase 11, with NI´s Kontakt loaded with 3 several…
help: Kontakt 4, rescue tracks
hi. have some old sessions with kontakt 4 tracks. factory lib instruments. recently upgraded from win 7 to 10. then frick. support says the only option is buying a later version of kontakt. but i have my doubts about this actuality working. offline authorization is apparently over, and that management software won't…
Will Komplete 13 owners get the Kontakt 7 update?
I was wondering about this. I own Komplete 13 standard and I just checked the "What's new for me" section in the Komplete 14 website and Kontakt 7 isn't listed there.
Transfer License question
Hi. Please see attachment. Of the products listed (without showing individual serials), I'm hoping I can sell my Komplete 13 Ultimate Collectors Edition...but continue to own a license for Piano Colors, Noire, Spitfire Albion Neo, Spitfire Ambient Guitars. That these are listed separately with individual serials, does it…
How to register serial numbers from NI to 3rd-party partner platforms
Hello, I was wondering how one could go about registering a serial number obtained through NI to a 3rd-party partner. I have located the serial number for Heavyocity's Damage Drum Kit via NI's Native Access, but when attempting to use that to register via Heavyocity's Portal it says that the serial number is not…
Can i upgrade To the KOMPLETE 14 SELECT?
Hello, i have the KOMPLETE Classics Collection and KOMPLETE Future Classics Collection, but i can't upgrade to the KOMPLETE 14 SELECT.. Cheers :c
M1 with Komplete 14
Hello, on https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014683497-Apple-Silicon-M1-M2-Compatibility-News you state, that "All Komplete 14 products will support M1 / Apple Silicon natively early in the last quarter of 2022, with the exception of REAKTOR 6 and BATTERY 4 which will follow in the beginning of…
Missing file Maschine MK3
I apologize but I have a problem that I don't know how to solve. I am a beginner and in the installation of the Maschine mk3 I made some errors I attach screen how do I fix it? Waiting thanks
Cubase 12 Remote MIDI Surface Controller
Hi there, Did someone already create a KOMPLETE script for the new Remote MIDI feature in Cubase 12? I tried to create one by myself, but I don't know that new feature enough and have not been successful. Thanks in advance.
Version 14 Compatibility..? Last on the line
Unfortunately I'm at the end of the line with NI since my studio has no plans to upgrade Mac Hardware to support version 14. SUGGESTION for NI get off the main line CPUs and develop a hardware based sound module that will run NI products into future versions. Studios are not in the position to replace computer hardware to…
Project consistency when upgrading Komplete
I'm running Komplete 11 at the moment (on a Macbook Pro) with a stack of unfinished projects. Is it safe to upgrade from K11 to K14 mid project? Will this compromise some of my tracks? That is, change some of the already existing sounds. Cheers Mark
How much articulation of Komplete Instruments requires Aftertouch?
Hello there, I'm wondering how much articulation of instruments that come in the Komplete 13 collection requires aftertouch on the controller? For example in Electric Sunburst, Picked Acoustic, Trombones, Violins, etc? Or for Electric Mint which I plan to pick up after my coupon comes through. Also: Can the articulation…
Release dates for products in Komplete 14
So I just bought my upgrade for Komplete 13 to 14. Am I to assume I wont receive anything till 27th of September when it officially comes out ? and Kontakt 7 won't be with it till October ?
I sold a very old version of Komplete 8 for $10 on Ebay and now can't use Komplete 12
I sold a very old version of Komplete 8 for $10 on Ebay and now can't use the Komplete 12 upgrade I bought. Got an email about it costing $399 to get back to working but have no idea where to pay that. Can't find in Native Access where to pay this or online. Any ideas?
Consolidating a track leads to a rough "cutting" or "popping" sound at the end
Hi there! I've been using Komplete 13's assortment of guitar plugins and I must say that for the most part am super impressed with the quality and sound design. My one issue that I seem to be getting quite often is when I go to consolidate and export the track in wav. form, there seems to be an overlap in the chords…
Ableton 11 Crushes after installing Komplete 13
Hi there! If I open Ableton 11 standard I see an error message as soon as I run some NI plugins I've just installed. Both Ableton and NI have full permission to the disk (I run Monterey on an M1 hardware) and the NI installation has no issues. Please let me know how can I fix this.
Moving Native Files From C Drive To Another Drive
Hello, I'm running KOMPLETE 12 ULTIMATE on a 64bit Windows 10 PC along with 40 other already installed 3rd party and NI products and have 102 still to download (which I don't need all of) however, I have maxed out the available space left on my internal hard drive and can't load any more and want to move these products to…
Is it possible to have the ozone 10 manual? Thank you.
any current version
Logic Pro Icons for Native Instrument Products
Where can I find icons for Native Instrument products to use in Logic Pro channel strips?