Getting Started With Maschine+
Hello fellow audio addicts! I just landed a Maschine+ and Maschine Jam yesterday, no idea how to use them😂 Could somone please point me in the direction of quality tutorials?? Is there any on here?? Sorry, i am new to this whole site/community, dont know my way round yet! Any helpful info is greatly appreciated!
Missing Komplete 11 Select
So I bought a 2nd hand Maschine Jam about 6 years ago and I'm planning to sell it now. I didn't use it all this time after my problem of missing software was not resolved. This is a screenshot from my current Native Access. This is a photo from back then. This is a photo of the error that I still see now. While Komplete 11…
Ableton Live 12.1 Controller Remote Scripts update
We need new controller Scripts for Ableton Live 12.1 for Maschine Studio, Jam, Mk2, Mikro Mk2!!!!! All controllers. Would be great if NI could update their scripts and even add some more screen integration. I think that would sell much more devices if the Ableton live integration was deeper on the KK keyboards similar the…
Tip - changing patterns on the Maschine JAM without changing focus
If you're on a Mac, and you want to make it so Maschine JAM no longer changes the focused group when you select a pattern, then (after making a backup) change the section starting line 182 of /Applications/Native Instruments/Maschine 2/Maschine 2.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/Maschine/Helper/PatternHelper.lua to read:…
Selecting all sections of a scene at once (Maschine+ / Jam/Maschine Software)
Hi Guys, another question from the newbie: I started browsing the projects that came with maschine (Maschine+ / Jam/Maschine Software) and play them. All sections are selected and play from start to finish. But as soon as i hit a pad selecting one section, it keeps looping this section, i cannot for the live of me find the…
Maschine + and Jam running independently?
Is there a way to run the Maschine plus standalone and Maschine Jam independently? I am doing a live set with one other person and I am wondering if they can be changing scenes and patterns while I am modulating sounds and finger drumming on the plus. But changing a pattern on the Jam overrides what is going on, on the…
Maschine 3.0 and older devices?
Hi guys! So we have a 3.0 update coming in November, kind of excited and… worried. I own a Mk3, a Kontrol m32 and a Maschine Jam, haven't found any official news that states that Maschine Jam (and Mk1, Mk2, Studio) will be supported on 3.0 On the contrary "words of the streets" say that Maschine 3.0 does not support older…
My NIHardware service keeps on stopping even after resetting it to Automatic start
My NIHardware service keeps on stopping even after resetting it to Automatic startand rebooting causing my Maaschine 1 and Maschine 2 hardware to stop working with Maschine software. Ik have already set the Windows PC power management settings "seletive USB interruption" and "PCI Express Lik state power management" to OFF,…
Machine Jam support for macOS 15 Sequoia
Hey guys, Hope you are all doing well. Any one able to use their Jam with Ableton on macOS Sequoia yet? Mine lights on upon first detection but all the lights goes off and the device does not seem to work. Any insights would be much appreciated. I know about the support statement from NI and I had to have checked it before…
Maschine JAM compatible with Maschine v3? Yes, it will be.
I'm curious because I just ordered a used piece at a good price with a view to using it with Maschine Plus live. However, now I'm worried that support may run out in a while.
Maschine jam+ableton 12
hallo community I have maschine jam and would like to use it as a controller with ableton 12 .I didn'td find the template For maschine jam, Any one helps me out please. Thanks
this is done using splashtop's remote desktop & the Virtualhere android app… im basically tieing to my m1macmini across the internet… even though my m1macmini is a only a few meters away, but this configuration is based on a remote desktop setting through the S20+ Phone but take a look!
Why i can neither open Maschine 2.0 nor install NAtive Acces nor the NKT Daemon?
Hey Folks, i had troubles with my Maschine 2.0 Software. After years of using it, the Software suddenly tells me to activate or to purchase a license. The Thing is that i bought the Maschine Jam years ago. That also included the license Code. So uninstalled Nativew Acces, installed it again and tried to start it. What now…
[v1.2.0] [Unofficial] HXR-JAM: Ableton Live 11 Maschine JAM MIDI Remote Script
HXR-JAM - the unofficial Maschine JAM integration for Ableton Live 11 Release Dates: * 1.0 - 9.4.2021 * 1.1 - 29.4.2021 * 1.2 - 7.12.2021 Background: By the time when Ableton Live 11 was released there was no information regarding the Ableton Live integration for Maschine JAM. So I decided to hack the script I used for…
Automation, Again
Hi guys! Been mixing a song with my Maschine Jam, managed to pull out and record the automation I wanted. Now I am struggling to record more automations, the touch strips on my Jam do not apply any Filter now that the first automation has been recorded. I also tried to set up a new Performance Filter instance, but still,…