GR6 Input sources: How to deselect artist list
I am new to GR6 and am having a play around so perhaps a bit basic? When I first opened up I had a long list of sounds to select from. Today I clicked on 'Artists: Dana Ruth'. This confined my list to just what Dana was doing. I can exit Dana and click on other artists but the list is still confined to that artist. Is…
Will Guitar Rig 6 run under Mac OS 12?
Hi: From the listing on this page https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000421737-macOS-12-Monterey-Compatibility-Statement it seems that Guitar Rig will not run under Mac OS 12. Is this correct? Thanks!
Discount for Guitar Rig 6 LE Upgrade?
Is there a discounted upgrade path for Guitar Rig 6 LE?
Guitar Rig 6 - No Output
Hi, i've tried Guitar Rig 6 in combination with the "Real Audio Cable" from Ubisoft (belongs to "Rocksmith"). My problem is that i can't hear anything... The configuration is as follows: Driver "Asio" Asio Config ist set to "Rocksmith Guitar USB Adapter" Input is set to "USB Guitar Adapter" Output is set to "Not Connected…
Guitar Rig 6 only works when a few components are loaded
Hi, I am new to using amp simulation software. I play guitar and find this approach to playing thru amp simulation software very interesting. So I hope to learn a lot by using this approach and have fun doing it. My issue is- when I select a preset that has many components, the power light on the screen flickers and the…
Pro tools crashes when selecting the tuner in Guitar Rig 6
Pro tools crashes when selecting the tuner in Guitar Rig 6. Anyone else experience this, and/or have a solution? Thanks, Appreciate y'all.
Guitar Rig 6 // Community Preset Sharing
Hej there folks as long as the old community sharing feature is on hiatus and NI isn’t going to revive it any time soon but offered to keep it here: let’s do this! Search function is limited as is tag creation for users atm, but mbe NI can add stuff like “bass”, “clean sound” or similar to the forum library so this will be…
Confused by Amp setting macro support in GR6
I'm trying to setup a macro to basically change amp presets. So I have the gain, volume, bass/mid/treble/pres all on one macro. Macro off should go to the minimum slider setting, macro on should go to the max. Absolutely will not work that way. It keeps reverting to macro off being 0, or macro on being 10. It just refuses…
Share amp boost between macros?
I'm trying to do something that seems to work fine with "pedals", but not when adding in an amp gain setting (such as the boost on the Lead 800). I have a Skreamer in front of the Lead 800. I have 3 macros. Macro A is set to turn off the skreamer and the boost. Macro B turns the skreamer on and the boost off. Macro C turns…
Guitar Rig 6 // Preset Sharing Ideas
Hej there folks Aside from a payed site I couldn’t find any real user presets sharing database on the web. There is/was the old “user library”, but that’s very poor tbh and music evolves, so having an old database isn’t gonna cut it. So has NI planned to make a new sharing page or did the community do anything in the…
How to save adjusted settings in GR6 as a user setting?
I would like to know how to save adjusted settings in gr6 as a user setting the same as i can in gr5. Also ditto for komplete Instruments. I tried reading up on both but either my brain is not comprehending or my age is showing.
Additional pedals in the macro
Hello NI developers, I would like to see an extension of the macros. In addition to the switches, which could be set either with or without hold mode, the GR5 also had a pedal. There was also a level meter next to the pedal. I would like such a pedal with a level display in the macros. You can leave the 16 switches of the…
Guitar Rig 6 and scaling, 2K and 4K screens
What's the status on making Guitar Rig 6 usable on high-resolution monitors? We can't see the thing, so our investment in this plugin has been a waste of money up to now. Thanks.
Session Guitarist Picked Acoustic reverb preset for GR6 Pro's Reflektor
If you have Session Guitarist Picked Acoustic sample library, then if you open it, and then open up an instance of IR reverb, there's an incredible sounding preset called "Clouds XL"! Please include this impulse response within one of the reverbs in GR6. It's literally the best special-fx reverb I've heard in a…
Guitar Rig 6 crash in FL Studio
Hello, I bought Guitar Rig 6 recently, but, every time I try to use it on Fl Studio, it crashed and the following error message shows up: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL Studio ( [64Bit] r27090 has encountered an…