Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro


    Let's stop talking about the update and start being about the update;-).

    I hope the thread is closed today!

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    I'm all about it!

    I'm staring at my Slack to see last minute updates but it looks like the thread won't be open for much longer.

  • AlexBuga
    AlexBuga Member Posts: 26 Helper

    @Matt_NI will M+ firmware update arrive simultaneously?

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Maschine + 1.4, Maschine 2.15 and Komplete Kontrol 2.7 (mind you this one is just for VST3 plug-in target) are all released at the same time.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Is it coming today? Btw, I agree on a separate M+ forum topic…

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    The thread is still open so it's not :) It's meant to be later in the week but I don't want to give a date or I'll get booed if it gets delayed haha

    We thought about a M+ subforum but the issue is that there is just too many crossover topics (even our updates are mainly for both the Maschine 2 SW and the standalone). Let us check with @D-One again to see what he recommended.

  • 4ezpaymentz
    4ezpaymentz Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2022

    So, is there a reason why we can't get the ability to stretch a SINGLE one shot across the key with out effecting the time? Why do you guys keep adding what seems to be more complicated work arounds (audio module, auto-sampler). Is a simple "time pro" feature not possible? Like, was it tried and found to be on some computer code level that is well above our heads. We can drop a sample in the audio module, and hear what it would sound like but can record it? I mean come on. Its like a carrot on a stick at this point. Sooo close yet so far. Battery and Kontact have well as mpc, serato sample, logic quick sampler just to name a few. I just don't understand why NI continues to add a bunch complicated ways to preform a simple task. The ability to auto-sample external instruments is great, but I feel like it's just another way to get around adding a timepro type feature

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2022

    I don't quite see what would be the major advantage of a separate M+ Forum.

    Threads like this get out of hand because a ton of people focus on what they would like the update to be and the other unrelated features they want instead of discussing / asking questions about what the update actually is, I don't see this changing because of a new sub-forum...

    I guess in many users minds a thread like this is an opportunity to "tell NI" what they think about unrelated things while in reality if any attention is actually given it's only for the related things, because obviously, that is what is being worked on atm. Heavy moderation could help but it can also be perceived as censorship. 🤷‍♂️

    Perhaps with 2 update threads, there would be fewer comments on each but the functionality overlap is so huge... How would it even work? An M+ user goes to one forum to discuss Standalone related things and to another to discuss things that apply to Controller mode? Theres nothing M+ exclusive in this update other than kernel improvements. Splitting it could just complicate things further instead of simplifying it.

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor
    edited March 2022


    I totally agree.

    And if I sometimes feel the need for a separate space for M+, it's obviously for standalone features...

    and there aren't that many... (because most of them may also be of interest to Maschine mk3 users who will simply be less dependent on the computer screen for this or that function)

    Maybe a correct use of a few rules would be enough...? 🤷‍♂️

    For example, mark in the title header: "Maschine mk3/+" or "Maschine+ only"

    @D-One wrote:

    Threads like this get out of hand because a ton of people focus on what they would like the update to be and the other unrelated features they want instead of discussing / asking questions about what the update actually is, I don't see this changing because of a new sub-forum...

    I guess in many users minds a thread like this is an opportunity to "tell NI" what they think about unrelated things while in reality if any attention is actually given it's only for the related things, because obviously, that is what is being worked on atm. Heavy moderation could be help but it can also be perceived as censorship.

    well… you know what you can do to avoid this...

    create a "Feature Requests" sub-forum! 😉

    Even if NI never looks at it.... 

    that's what all the other manufacturers do (like I said, even if they don't care what is discussed on these threads)

    It allows any user who posts a feature request to the wrong thread to be told: "Hey man, go to the feature request sub-forum, that's what it's for!" 😄

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2022

    @TheLoudest said:

    well… you know what you can do to avoid this...

    create a "Feature Requests" sub-forum! 😉

    Even if NI never looks at it.... 

    This FR topic is dear to my heart and I would feel like a prick if I'd cosign an FR section whose only purpose is keeping other threads on topic, it would be basically an official request dump, quite deceiving... I would not be down to moderate that as I've done in the previous forum.

    I'd take heavy moderation or locked update threads over that approach.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    Honestly I think most of users including me are just getting used to the new version of the forum and as you say the M+ is just a standalone version of the many iterations up to now. As long as I can remember , correct me if I am wrong, but threads are pinned in sticky depending on how relevant they are for every users. I am sure D-One will handle that well as usual . Let’s hope this update will bring back a bit of inspiration in those hard times…

    thanks for the update !!


  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    @D-One said:

    This FR topic is dear to my heart and...

    yes of course.. me too! But when I said that NI didn't even have to look at it, that will be the case anyway...a FR subforum has never committed a manufacturer to respect what is discussed there...

    the choice remains theirs at the end.

    It's up to them to take a look to find out what the users expectations are (what any manufacturer should do)

    and for that, it would be much more convenient for them anyway to have a space dedicated to that, instead of trying to find user requests scattered all over the forums...

    just my 2 cents.

  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    D-One had already made a list in the old forum of the most requested features. On this basis a voting system for each feature could be added. And when NI decides to work on one of them then create a thread to discuss it.

    In the end asking for features all the time and seeing that they are never discussed becomes quite anxiety-provoking and unhealthy for both parties. Their roadmap can change at any time and does not depend on us.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,952 Expert
    edited March 2022

    @D-One wrote:

    I don't quite see what would be the major advantage of a separate M+ Forum.


    Many topics are only relevant to either using the Maschine Software on a computer or using the M+ in standalone mode because they differ in platform, features, behavior, available content, approach, use cases and applicable solutions to problems.

    To me, they’re different products with an equivalent set of core features, but targeting a separate audience which may have common or distinct requirements and expectations.

    The upcoming Auto Sampler is just one tiny example on how different a feature is perceived depending on the platform it is used on.

    I am pretty sure you could pick pretty much any aspect of Maschine and would get quite a different set of opinions or advice depending on whether using Maschine+ in standalone or Maschine Software on a computer.

    PS: If the tagging is good enough and filtering to tags is supported, then tags would probably be a better alternative to sub-forums. See how the Elektron and Steinberg user forums are organized by tags.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    Communication is a two-way street, and since users want the best for their gear, it is natural for them to give unsolicited feedback on feature requests, off-topic comments or even raise bugs/issues. I feel that people are people, so you either create categories/sub-categories/threads then moderate extensively to keep things clean or you can keep it organic like how it is, where two threads took off and grew much bigger than the rest. As long as the userbase is manageable, like now, it is doable. This is certainly better than a ghost-town forum where nobody cared or posted anymore.

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