Time to tell the truth about NI after 20 years in the business



  • DucatiDave
    DucatiDave Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    If you're talking about producing music...are you saying can't afford a crossgrade for a few hundred bucks for a bundle? Reaper is free while "evaluating" forever, or only $60 to move and host your tracks. I mean, I just upgraded from Komplete Synths from over a decade ago to Komplete 14 Standard for like $320. Seems a bargain to me. I do miss Absynth, though. Anyone know where I can download a working copy of it? Anyways, as for the live DJ thing, I'm pretty sure you can use a simple DJ plugin in Reaper to do what you need for dirt cheap. Or maybe try GoFundMe? Or cut some grass to save up for the NI Starter bundle or something?

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 355 Advisor

    That was deep

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 73 Helper

    Totally not my opinion about NI products, but hey, you do you.

    Like others said, if you don't like it, export your stems and use another DAW and sell you products.

    VST32 still runs here, I can use the NI Plugins in other DAWs if I wanted to, so switching isn't that hard

    The only thing that is weird to me is the CPU usage of Maschine and that one has to alter some BIOS parameters to really get a stable Maschine Software running, but hey, if you do that this babe works just fine.

    Still some developement to do? yes, ofc, like in any other software too.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,059 Guru
    edited September 2023

    This sounds a lot like a whiny rant due to the fact that the OP could not (or maybe would not) act like the professional he claims to be and make proper decisions, choices etc back in 2009 or 2012 or whatever year this started to go off the rails for him.

    True pros pivot, prepare, navigate and execute - regardless of marketing, perceived money-grubbing vendors, changing in tech or whatever else comes down the pipe.

    True pros are not ever stuck. True pros recognized (long ago) that 32bit days were numbered and abandoned it as soon as 64bit was a viable option.

    I also consider myself to be a pro and have used NI since 2002. Like many others - I went thru ALL the phases of this company and have no issue with NI whatsoever. NI is just another tool in the belt and one that I very much enjoy using day in and day out.

    If NI is making your head hurt - probably time to get out and move on.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,309 Expert

    It’s always quite funny the discussion about PROFESSIONAL. Because…in facts…it’s quite easy…the word itself says it: you are a PROFESSIONAL if it is your PROFESSION. Do you live of it? You gain your money with it? You pay your bills with it? In this case, you are a professional. Easy as that

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,059 Guru
    edited September 2023

    To your questions: Yes. Yes and Yes.

    But being a "pro" is (to me anyway) many other things - from attitude to resourcefulness to finding solutions to knowing how to use what you have to do the best you can do. (whatever that might be)

    Being a "pro" is most certainly not ranting on a forum about what you don't have, what doesn't work and what some company is doing with their marketing plans or their products that have somehow "wronged" you in some obscure way.

    Must admit - I really do get a kick out of people who use this word and then immediately digress right back into a laundry list of things that no "pro" would ever consider, do or worry about.

    Sorta like the OP in this thread.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,632 Expert

    It's always the ones who have not really planned for anything in a decade who suddenly wake up to the actual facts of how the world works. Maybe the OP will realise that with a little forward thinking this could be a non issue

    @Kubrak Said:

    1) No need to use more than one audio interface. No need to use NI's interface. For example I use RME Fireface 802 which works with NI SW just fine. Better said, better than NI's audio interfaces.

    Yeah I just refreshed my read of the OP and have no clue what he is on about with this idea NI force you into using multiple interfaces, I just have a single one (not NI either because I needed more I/O than they offer) that does everything and have in fact disabled the computers on-board interface.

    Maybe he initially purchased one that did not have enough I/O for the later tasks, no idea but from my experience, when using ASIO drivers a DAW can only support a single interface at a time anyway. Likely more research on selecting the most appropriate device for the task was needed but i'm confused on that point too.

    Quite a hilarious and ego filled thread, seems some have been drinking the tonic a bit too much before posting perhaps, need more popcorn...

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