What Is Going On With NI?



  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited July 2023

    I wasn't witness to the ban, and I'm a recent arrival to this forum, but from what I've seen it's unlikely they were banned for criticism. More likely they behaved in a manner deserving of a ban whether they were criticising or not. When you sign up to a forum, you agree to the rules, as you do with any social group. Violation of those rules may lead to a ban. You can feel justified in your anger, but you agreed to conduct yourself in a certain manner and being angry does not give you the right to break the rules or be rude to support staff (who are not usually in a position to change the things you want changed, and in my experience almost always want to help even when the corporate system won't let them*). The rules are not draconian. They do not restrict criticism. They only ask that you behave in a reasonable manner.

    * in many years of dealing with various businesses and government departments, I've only a couple of times encountered support staff who clearly did not care; NI support is not among them.

    I've not seen any suppression of criticism since my first day here (8 months ago).

    Regarding the threads on other forums which 'should not be ignored by NI', it's difficult to say if they are being ignored or simply not noticed (there is a difference, and I suspect the latter is more probable). NI is not obligated to read forums, and the level of management who are the people in a position to do something almost certainly won't be reading. The best that can be hoped for from forum posts is that someone from NI does read them and passes them up the chain and they don't get lost along the way.

    I have my criticisms of NI. I'm not going into details here. Enough people have already said the same things on this forum. Overall I wouldn't do without their software (in particular Reaktor and Kontakt, because I get to use interesting instruments and tools made by others for those platforms) but they are far from perfect. I hope they can improve.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    Happy to ear you say that members are improved and not only “the old forum for 10+ years was a great place filled with many like minded people”. The “new generation” is not that bad in the end 👍🏼

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023

    If I felt there was any censorship of criticism here I'd resign immediately, tbh I am surprised I am still a Mod here considering how critical I am. I never perm-banned anyone in about a decade... I've issued like 1 or 2 3-day temp bans on the old forum just to force a couple of people to cool off and that's it.

    A quick look in some other forums including KVR and i see and people calling others with different opinions 'fanboys' left and right and I already feel like not engaging. I generally don't let that stuff fly around here if I see it, it happens occasionally but not very often.

    As far as what? Updates? One quick look at their release note log and you will see that compared to anything NI it's really different universe. Things get fixed very often, there are new features often, details get tweaked, etc... The update log is huge for v11: https://www.ableton.com/en/release-notes/live-11/

    Of course, it's a bit of an unfair comparison since Ableton only has about 2 products to worry about while NI has a million, but they are the ones who choose to do more than they can chew, as a user that's not my problem.

    If it's the right DAW for you or not idk. If they "listen" I honestly cant tell, because due to the complexity of a DAW compared to Maschine requests are all over the place.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    It's ok, but they broke some stuff with the newest updates. They really wanted to Push the Push.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,082 Expert
  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    If it looks like we've been quiet, it's because we've been working on something big. 😬 Regarding Twitter (or X...?), we're not active there anymore simply because not many of our users are active there.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin
  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited July 2023

    “Something big”…

    Can you just tell us if it’s something users have been asking for or something NI wants to introduce?

    Because (reading between the lines in these months) NI seems getting prepared to subscription model. And this could be called “something big” too…😔

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023

    I can tell you this much: It's at least 3 meters tall, so it's very big indeed... for our imperial brothers/sisters, that's 9.8 hands tall.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,968 mod

    If N.I. should switch to 'subscription model' only (so that I can no longer buy my N.I: software rather than 'rent') then I am never going to buy anything N.I. again ! (and not 'rent' it either !)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    We don’t have to worry: I have at least 6 screenshots with them telling “NI won’t go subscription only, don’t worry”…

    (yes, I’m being ironic 😏)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    I’m trying to understand if you are joking or if André the Giant made a collaboration with NI for a new Artist expansion…😂

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