Kontakt 7 very very long to launch



  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    @pbthrash So, in conclusion... you don't want help?!

    Like Jeremy said, every system is different: What works for others may not work for you and vice versa. By not letting support know, they won't be able to track down the culprit that makes YOUR Kontakt slow.

  • Ikatxu
    Ikatxu Member Posts: 22 Member

    Let's try to remember that when a support service isn't working, it is rarely the support agent's fault. Most typical reason is that there aren't enough employees to handle the amount of tickets. I understand it can be frustrating not getting proper support for a product you have paid for, and your criticism of the company for not providing it could be justified, but there is no need to lash out at someone who is just trying to do their job.

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    Yeah and things are about to get much worse now they have taken over PluginAlliance / iZotope.... I hope these plugins do not slow down too lol

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    Me too - guitar rig now also takes so long - what the hell are they doing and how to get access to the old versions ????

  • mozart999uk
    mozart999uk Member Posts: 19 Member

    For me in reaper 6.8, windows 10, an empty instance of K6 takes 3 seconds to open, K7; 14 seconds. However, removing and reinserting K7 is much quicker. I've created a support ticket. Standalone is about the same length of time.

  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited July 2023

    Yes. I find that Kontakt 7 and Native Access later than version 1 take a long time to open. The Native Access took a long time to refresh and register libraries as well. I went back to version 1 of NA, much better.

    Obviously Native Instruments has broken something, or added something that isn't working.

  • mozart999uk
    mozart999uk Member Posts: 19 Member

    Apologies: to clarify, I mean the standalone versions of K6 and K7 take the same amount of time to open as each other - between 6 and 7 seconds.

  • littlealone100
    littlealone100 Member Posts: 11 Member

    I also have this problem. Opening kontakt 7 is much slower than kontakt 6.

    Also, kontakt 7 has some weird bugs, I don't know if it's related to this problem. For example, if my computer goes to sleep with the DAW on (or minimizes the DAW in the background for a long time), when I wake up the computer, kontakt 7 will probably fail to load the library (the main phenomenon is that the UI is stuck, and I cannot adjust any knobs. The blue keybroad below also turns white).

    I no longer use Kontakt 7 at work now (it really affects my productivity).

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @littlealone100 You seem to have a few issues, for this reason I created a ticket and contacted you by email so our Kontakt specialists look into it.

  • _Stevie_
    _Stevie_ Member Posts: 29 Member

    I have written about the issue on several platforms (REAPER froums, VI-Control and even the Kontakt beta forums).

    The culprit is, that all newer NI plugins scan all my plugin directories on EVERY instantiation OR when opening the plugin GUI. I have used Process Monitor to observe that behavior.

    I'm not sure what else I can do than mentioning the behavior on the beta forums.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    After writing in the forum twice with same problem, Jeremy_NI priored my ticket and I was finally after 6 weeks in a net meeting to solve the problem with NI service.

    While Kontakt6 takes 3 seconds to open the plugin, Kontakt 7 takes around 4 minutes to open the plugin, also like battery4, Maschine and kK.

    After he deleted my xml files, which are used as NKS presets, Kontakt 7 now opens up in only one minute, but I have no NKS presets in Maschine and KK with that solution anymore and it also takes much much longer than kontakt6

    He told me he has to continue next week.

    After asking next week for a meeting again, he told me he is sick and out of office. After that week they wanted to close the ticket so I replied that nothing has been solved. I haven’t heard anything from them again.

    I read that this problem is not pc only, also Mac people have this problem. With these loading times NI doesn’t make fun if you have to wait 5 to 10 minutes if you have used these NI plug-ins in an Ableton project. Also old battery 4 projects don’t find the old sample path, it would be no problem to let battery search in current sample path first, before asking for manual search. Also when I point to current library path, after saving and reopening the project again, it asks again for library path. So I have to switch the plugin itself that it can save. Everything has been developed to such amazing timekillers

    Only massive x, Kontakt 6 and reaktor6 do open quick. With this current situation I don’t want to use any NI product - I have doubts that they won’t fix this issue soon. I bet it’s a copy protection issue combined with slow loading times of Native Access 2 - it’s a really mess, if you have invested so much money and can’t roll back to older versions 

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    I agree, I no longer use Kontakt 7 or Battery 4, takes far too long to load, I really do hope going forward this issue does not translate to iZotope and Plugin Alliance products now NI have completley taken over, it will be a disaster...

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    do Kontakt 7 and battery 4 scan my plug-ins ? This could be a problem, I have more than 1400 vst3 and some more vst

    i have long loading times for Komplete Kontrol and Maschine 2 everytime on standalone, but if the Kontakt, battery plug-ins do also scan, than i know - why it takes 4 real minutes to open the plugin.

    for me it was ok to wait a half hour every month to update Komplete Kontrol and battery with new plug-ins and updated plug-ins - I don’t use it standalone so it was ok to update new plugin. I only wondered why I have to do it twice, why can’t Maschine 2 and Komplete Kontrol share the same settings, library and plugin paths. Also when I close these standalone and reopen them, there are lot of plugins like Izotope scanning every startup again and again and again.

    but I remembered before Kontakt 7, they all showed up as plugins in Ableton very fast. Now my Maschine and Komplete Kontrol hardware are out of use - since over a year

    @Jeremy_NI can you please address these issues to development, because the support isn’t able to solve this issue and a lot of users are very pissed of, if you have spend so much money. I have used NI since Komplete 5 and kore 1 and feel very upset with these issues

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    I have fixed these issues. I use Kontakt 6 instead of 7. I use battery 4 samples in algonaut and have sold my Komplete Kontrol s49 mk2 for Novation SL Mk3.

    if anytime the long loading time will be fixed, i could imagine to use Maschine again.

    in the meantime I have learned to that NI is dead for me

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro
    edited August 2023

    For those of you who are still not in the know. NI lost a ton of developers, this is why updates are rolling out so slow, new products are also not happening much anymore these days. NI really should have let their customers know along time ago, how the original creator of reaktor walked away, and eventually with new management, this is we have what we have today. A sad state of development which lacks support.

    You may get a new expansion, or sample library,but this is due to 3rd party developers, NI is not the same company they we're. Something as simple as fixing a slow launch in a program, may take years to fix with this current company.

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