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  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    How are the Discussion topics sorted?

    For me, there seems to be no logical order and new topics pop up anywhere between older (read) ones.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Matthieux, we need a Report-Button for wrong post to move on the right place by mods or admins.

    Example: Wrong post in Reaktor area

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Ugh, quoting is just terrible. Strap in my friend...

    Formatting options missing are things like text size, colour and when I wrote my comment seemingly things like lists etc but they are hidden weirdly under the icon that follows your typing on the left which I discovered only when I read one of the threads which users will never read.

    Why not just use all that space at the bottom (and maybe be normal and place the toolbar at the top like 99.99% of editors) and place those few sub options there also.

    Quoting a section is non existent except a whole post and you cannot even edit a quote so if you want to instead just copy, paste then highlight as a quote you need to click the format symbol > quote options > Quote

    I did just discover typing this if you use a right angle brace ">" it will wrap a paragraph in a quote even if you do not want it to

    Not being able to use an image as a link is another missing format feature, also images don't open in a lightbox where you can just press ESC to close, they annoyingly open in a new tab

    Currently it appears if you edit a post it removes it for moderation and this now causes me to instead post a string of posts because I often edit and add info as I always proof read a post and often decide to change something.... Just have a timestamp for the edit and maybe the option for a reason. I am sure this is a simple fix but I really hope this is not something that will be required to have all edits moderated or i'm out on this premise alone.

    Emojis do not resolve from characters: :) :( :p :x .....There are also just too many emojis IMO, this isn't facebook.

    No formatting to indent parts of text, that I can find anyway, not that many would use this but it is still useful in some cases

    No way to "Preview" It is probably less needed on this forum because what you see in the editor is what you get mostly but it is still useful to see if a word you choose is deemed too offensive for other adult eyes to see. Gotta make sure everyone is on the same PC gravy boat.

    No Polls: Now this was not on the old forum either but I kind of though it may be added since it is on most forums as it can be a way for users to garner some support for features we see as useful to suggest. The Feature Request forum is a complete waste of time as it is clear it does nothing for progress, a community should be able to create their suggestions and rally users around it.

    No Signatures This is not a formatting thing per-se but it does suck. Many of us (you included D-One) have useful info and links in signatures that often I would say "refer to sig" or suggest to a new user that needs constant help to add their OS/Specs to their sig so they get faster help. With this removed it is just less useful info available if needed, not to mention the complete lack of useful fields in the profile (it is handy to know sometimes OTHER hardware a user has, not just what NI hardware they have)

    The generation thing is more some comments I have seen that we (older/long standing users) will simply need to accept some things will not be features in order to move forward, tho this is a broad stroke between features that are deemed "unrequired" or "not possible". For example, Matt said:

    We'll see it it's enough or if we should add more mandatory fields. My impression is that we can't make it too specific otherwise it sorts of become a bit too difficult for folks that aren't too familiar with these things.

    This is fair(ish) but as I reiterate, forces everyone to now cater to the lowest peg BUT I learned a lot of things by older users TELLING me what I needed to do, this is why some folks never know if because they are never expected to learn and you just take things away they may not understand, they never will. Problem we have in this world is exactly this IMO.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Sure this may be to do with some vision behind the scenes but the format of the forum is much the same as things like Reddit now which I don't use because it is a terrible platform full of rude and obnoxious kids battling it out.

    Actually, the Reddit editor is WAY better and something I would be happy to use:

    I have no problem with some subtle showcases of rewards but on day 1 it was clear with the ladders on every page, this is a competition for post count and reading some of the initial statements that were really promoting the reward system seemed very focused at kids to earn their badges, like my kids in scouts. I'm past all that, I have simple goals to offload some of my knowledge to help others before I die, I don't need a reward to encourage me and it's sad that seems to be the only way to draw users in these days.

    I loved the old forum, no idea what had to change and what the vision is (we never know) and the comments that "things will change over time" have me scoffing in the corner while I tip my cap and slowly pull a switch of straw from my teeth in a gaze "change over time like Komplete Kontrol has changed in 6 god damn years...."

    *I'm actually quite happy with KK myself, just have watched it not deliver 99% of requested useful features over this time

    One thing we tell newbies when they ask "will this be a feature soon" is to NEVER buy into a product on the promise of what "will" be possible, but only on what IS possible now.

    As soon as this forum opened its doors, the editor was swapped out almost immediately due to mentioned limitations, then swapped back a few days later due to some other issues. This begs me to question did anyone actually test this or just design it on paper? Scrambling to find things that will actually work after the go button has been hit doesn't really scream confidence.

    This forum does what it has to I guess and of course there will be some hiccups at the start, for the most part I like it but when you drive something for 10 years and love how it handles and all the features are second nature, everything works and you have made use of it all then you have to switch to an electric bike, sure it gets you there but not with the same level of comfort.

    Currently that is how this feels because on top of figuring out if posting mid thread and having your post appear randomly in the middle of the thread now is a feature or a bug (only to find it is at the end when you get there), how threads are even ordered, why I cannot detail any extra info or a signature in my profile, why I cannot easily make a call in a post to a NI forum member using @ (the issue here is that mods have "@" in their names with spaces so no way to call).

    The core of what I (and most older/experienced users) use the forums for is to help users and having certain tools that make this faster, certain amounts of information a user can have on their profile and certain workflows makes this a more pleasing experience when you are not paid. If things become harder, clunkier and less intuitive I'm just gonna walk away and as much as I hope it all gets better, we all know new users these days are not interested to "hang out" much on these places no matter how many badges you give em.

    Just my observations so far, lets not take it as all negative as I quite like the style, just feel some more development and maybe some opinions sought before making the switch.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    @JesterMgee I can edit my posts without any restrictions. No idea what the difference might be…

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    If the general idea for the new forum is to encourage commenting on topics that you previously passed by as they possibly belonged to technology you hadn't purchased for example, then in my opinion it would be very important to display as much information about people's setup, products and possibly field of expertise or the like.

    I like the idea of more translucency between the different sections, but I start to get lost when I have to wonder which hardware a person owns and so on

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited January 2022

    I tried once and it just vanished, literally was to just add a P.S. entry.

    Edit: So this edit worked, either it was some weird glitch or something triggers moderation. I have no idea as the toast messages appear bottom left where I never am looking and are too small and fast so not sure what is happening half the time. Maybe they switched off moderation for edited posts, maybe it triggers from a certain amount of character change which I am testing as I edit this a second time. I know language may trigger it but again, that should be automatic bleeps and not full moderation. If I want to throw in a $h!t or something I learned how to bypass censorship when I was a kid.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited January 2022

    Another issue I have noticed:

    When you paste something in your post using CTRL + V (windows/chrome) in a longer post it seems to move the whole page up and you have to scroll back down and find where you were, difficult when you decided to post something mid post

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    How do you mark all topics as read in a forum?

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    I don't think it's currently possible to mark certain posts as read. No-reply announcements will stay bold here whatever I do.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Yeah I believe this is the case. Often I want to mark a forum as read when things don’t apply to my knowledge set so I can see new replies but seems it’s something else not currently possible.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert


    Strike thru seems not to work for short words (can’t, can, cannot, do).

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    • Is it possible to automatically get bookmarks for discussions where I participated?
    • Is there a way to easily find my own posts in discussions started by somebody else?
  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    Or view only unread! I think I raised something along these lines and was told more features are being turned on over the first few weeks

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2022

    @JesterMgee Yeah, not having partial quoting is a major pain, it's my #1 complaint.

    Formatting options missing are things like text size, colour and when I wrote my comment seemingly things like lists etc but they are hidden weirdly under the icon that follows your typing on the left which I discovered only when I read one of the threads which users will never read.

    That's why I asked, I had a feeling the due to formatting being in a different place you were missing it; this is something we can adapt rather fast altho I do prefer all formatting options always visible without any sub-menus; other mods share the same sentiment.

    Font size can be controlled with headings, it's not as flexible as per word/letter sizing but I am not sure how useful that is anyway. For Color I think the issue is accessibility guidelines, we have to follow those for obvious reasons... TBH it always annoyed me when users post rainbow text threads for no reason, it makes it so hard to read. In my Cubase thread colors were used in the old forum to easily identify Groups so here I replaced the colors with emoticons, this is the only type of scenario where I see colors being actually useful for a practical reason. If colors do come back I would vote for it to be available only for high ranks to avoid the rainbow thing which tends to be done by new / low post count users.

    Emojis do not resolve from characters: :) :( :p :x .....There are also just too many emojis IMO, this isn't facebook.

    Resolving those is a good point, noted.

    As far as too many emojis I can't say I agree, I always hated only having those limited 7 or 8 from the previous forum. If the issue is sorting thru a long list then just use your OS emoji keyboard shortcut, if MacOS has this I am sure Windows does too, my most used emojis show up first and I can also text search when I occasionally want to use a more obscure one:

    Having integrated OS functionality on the forum that also works everywhere else in our system is a pretty nice addition. Formatting can also be done with regular shortcuts for Bold, Italic, etc... CMD/CTRL+B, +i, etc...

    No formatting to indent parts of text, that I can find anyway, not that many would use this but it is still useful in some cases

    • You can do that.
      • But you need to use list formatting first.

    No Polls:

    There are polls, if you don't see them it's a gamification thing, which like I mentioned early is not set in stone yet.

    The generation thing is more some comments I have seen that we (older/long standing users) will simply need to accept some things will not be features in order to move forward, tho this is a broad stroke between features that are deemed "unrequired" or "not possible". For example, Matt said:

    We'll see it it's enough or if we should add more mandatory fields. My impression is that we can't make it too specific otherwise it sorts of become a bit too difficult for folks that aren't too familiar with these things.

    This is fair(ish) but as I reiterate, forces everyone to now cater to the lowest peg BUT I learned a lot of things by older users TELLING me what I needed to do, this is why some folks never know if because they are never expected to learn and you just take things away they may not understand, they never will. Problem we have in this world is exactly this IMO.

    I'm an old user too... Don't take that personally my friend.

    Some adaptation time is always required when moving forward just like when your software gets a major update, this also relates to the learning aspect you mentioned. This platform is more future rich so I don't see it as lowest peg, I think the benefits will outweigh the negatives eventually but for now we have to be a bit patient while things get tweaked.

    No Signatures 

    Yeah, I miss this too... for me it's an integral part of forums. I don't think theres a final decision on this topic yet but my vote is for it to be enabled even if only one line is allowed like some forums do to avoid text clutter.

    - Not being able to use an image as a link

    - Currently it appears if you edit a post it removes it for moderation

    - No way to "Preview"


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