iMaschine gone from App Store



  • 2A2E
    2A2E Member Posts: 48 Member
  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,836 mod

    @2A2E Some official comment is coming soon, real soon.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Looking forward to the news!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,836 mod

    Well, we finally have an official comment regarding the future of iMaschine. It's probably not what you wanted to hear but at least you'll have clarity.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Edit: post removed cause Jeremy announcement did appear after I posted

  • dannyamusic
    dannyamusic Member Posts: 3 Member

    wow! what a truly disgusting way to treat your customers. string us along for more than half a year, still without fixing even just one downloadable sound pack, just to keep saying update “soon” the whole time, for the update to be that there is no update & we’re all beat. we’ve gotten zero heads up as far as a notice to maybe export what we have before it’s removed & too late. you people really should teach a course on how to ruin your good name & slap your loyal supporters in the face.

    we paid for this app & all of it’s packs. we want you to fix the broken Quantum Collection pack to be able to download again so that people can export their projects since you removed it & took your app off the App Store with absolutely no notice. we wanted some clarity & honesty about the future. you guys really thought this was the best way to do that? as someone who bought all of your apps & bought your physical products, this is the last time i purchase anything from this company if this is how you roll when it’s time to help those who invested into your business. literally all of my projects are now broken & i can’t fix them because you removed the Quantum Collection pack (& the entire app) without saying a word or giving us a heads up to export to a more trustworthy alternative that won’t pull the rug out from under us tomorrow & then gaslight us for nearly a year.

    the original iMaschine app was on the App Store & supported the entire lifespan of the iMaschine 2 app. this is nonsense that you couldn’t at least give us notice or give us time to transition, not to mention not lie to/ignore us repeatedly begging for help & answers from you.

    if they don’t at bare minimum fix that one sound pack to be able to download for their customers, yet announce in the near future a BRAND NEW APP/product & you’re bright enough to purchase/support it after they spit in our face, that’s totally on you. you’ve been warned about these snakes & their slimy business practices. i’ve never wanted to withdraw all of my support from a company so badly in my life.

    fix the issue you created & be loyal to your loyal supporters NI! (or whatever your name is now)

  • King Klast
    King Klast Member Posts: 10 Member

    & The Free Quantum Expansion Pack We All Desperately Need?

  • King Klast
    King Klast Member Posts: 10 Member

    Everyone who has Maschine2 should export all their iMaschine2 projects to that ASAP, But We Still Need The FREE “Quantum Collection Expansion Pack” in order to export all songs including ones created with that Expansion Pack, Without it our projects will be incomplete & lost for ever…..Smh

  • YanFlo
    YanFlo Member Posts: 4 Member


    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,070 admin

    4:31PM edited 4:32PM

    End of Life for iMASCHINE - Official statement


    We’re writing to let you know that we have taken the difficult decision to discontinue iMASCHINE 2."


    My response:

    I am writing to you Native Instrument to let you know that I have taken the difficult decision to discontinue supporting you with my money.

    All my plans of purchasing Native Instruments apps and products are suspended. If you fix your scandalous decision, I might change my mind about you.

    Native Instruments, making your customers unable to download the free Quantum Collection pack to at least have the possibility to export their iMaschine projects to the computer is just plain disgusting. 🤮

    Hope you hear me clearly, Native Instruments. I am going to share as much as I can this extremely unpleasant joke coming from your side. 🤬

    I do not think you care about us, Native Instruments. Thus, you will not let us continue to work with iMaschine even it just run perfectly on latest iPad and iPhones.

    So, IMHO, the only possibility not to be in similar situation in the future is not to buy anything from you NI anymore.

  • YanFlo
    YanFlo Member Posts: 4 Member

    I just have made a quick internet tour to see how people see Native Instruments those days. And OMG!

    Check for yourself:

    1,5 stars feedback on 5 possible. That's the average took from 251 comments.

    NI is in red. Looks pretty Dead to me. Pity, that was a cool company. Apparently NI have greedy approach to customers, they lie and maintain faulty hope customers have about product support & development, they kill their legacy products, iMaschine being another example. It's all reported on many forums out there.

    There is no hope, guys. At this pace, NI dies during next 3 to 4, max 5 years.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    The sad thing is they are doing all those things and not only they don’t foresee the results will be these, but they don’t even recognize it when it happens. How can so many people working in a company be so blind?

  • 2A2E
    2A2E Member Posts: 48 Member

    Who knows maybe there will be a real Maschine for iOS coming soon... 😜 I know nothing, just speculation. With the power of todays iPad that should be easily achievable.

    I almost bought one of those Microsoft Surface Go tablets just to try out the experience. But I don't really want to use Windows.

  • ron2blessed
    ron2blessed Member Posts: 6 Member

    Wow that is really unfortunate. iOS really is the future. I expected NI to move forward with Logic Pro coming to iPad, etc. Is the app really that hard to maintain and update for a company like NI?

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper
    edited July 2023

    Sound design on iOS is an incredibly small niche flooded with fly-by-night developers that release half-baked software that gets abandoned within a year. If it was growing, Apple probably wouldn't have hidden the entire category at the bottom of the app store burried under "See more categories".

    There are some great synths, production environments, and creative apps and hopefully Logic Pro brings more attention to this space.

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