Maschine plus upgrades (ableton push 3 released)



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    From the Cretin Dilettante quote: I'd want to be able to spend some time on the bus, bar, or green room tinkering and troubleshooting than sending someone to get me a new ipad, spending all day activating the ipad, reinstalling all my other stuff, etc.

    Have you tried to set up a new iPad recently? It is incredibly fast and easy to clone/recreate a "replacement" iPad. For a working musician, this actually can offer more confidence in having a quick fix vs all the variables that might happen with other gear.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    13 years advanced.... Experts say 85% of all facts are made up on the spot when people don't bother to cite their claims.


    Can you stick to the discussion? OS on iPad is not the problem for using it with old devices as you pointed.

    Uuuuh, the discussion was originally about Push 3 and Maschine but as is usually the case, Apple fruitcakes derail the whole thing, tracks werte ripped up 50 pages ago.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Yep, 85% of facts are just made up ******, point taken!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited June 2023

    @Mutis @nightjar

    I will repeat it once more and last time. ;-)

    Any non standard plug-in THING that is to be plugged to HW that should work for decades is crime. Be it green, red or blue. iPad, Surface, android thing, Linux thing, whatever...

    Only industry standard thing with industry standard interface with industry standard physical parameters should be used.....

    IPad is not industry standad, Surface is not industry standard and so on. Till now there is not any industry standard plug-in tablet like device....

    Only mad developer would use nonstandard device plugged into their precious HW. I do not speak about something floating on loose cables... Than yes, one may connect (not plug-in) many things... But it is not plug-in device....

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    It is possible to design a device to mate with an iPad in a manner that yields a unified structure without an insertion.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro
    edited June 2023

    I’m not going answer one to one because is tiring (and I’m on my tiny iPhone)

    Derail not derail, tinkering not tinkering… M+ (not upgradeable) vs Push (semi-modular) and Apple (desktop/laptop/tablets) as an alternative (koala, BM3, Logic, Zenbeats, Cubasis, Loopy Pro… Scaler2, Drambo, etc) are all the same question but if we lose focus to keep or argument valid instead trying to see pros and cons then the topic becomes just a flame when things scalate into insults.

    Tinkering? To a certain degree and I have an ifixit kit for my iPhone waiting to get some time and change its battery… the time when I built my own pc are long gone. My tinkering relates to custom midi controllers and even that field is less and less my focus due time. It’s life, one gets old, your family too and someone should take care of them. My brother builds msx from scratch (hobbie) and works as IT. I play piano and make covers.

    Standards? Apple is the nearest because today finally controls are the parts involved (software, hardware design up to the chips)

    Windows grow on being pc/compatible but as time goes being retrocompatible lag their evolution (sad but that’s how actual world/market works)

    (GNU) Linux is a beautiful dream but has the same problem than Android, isn’t designed to be a realtime OS. There are attempts and solutions but isn’t enough. ElkOS is amazing but also industrial focused. It has open source version for Raspi but only maintained only for the latest. Chip shortage put Rp4 over 100€ and you can’t sell these etc. No way. M+ is yocto btw…

    So instead focusing on argue bits and bobs here and there I try to focus the discussion (the last comment from @Kubrak was one of the best from him lately) with arguments towards the question (and a wonderful mockup of NI+) and future options. Only NI knows what’s next but the fact P3 is upgradeable bring this discussion. Some of you believe (to a point to censor) than iPad is out of equation. Some others (like myself) believe M+ is a fail and in between some others try to find a workflow solution. Also some just divagate entitled to their opinions (I did it in the past and could seem if you lose my focus/POV)

    As time goes I’m tired and as I said have less and less time for musicking, imagine how I love lost it in arguments xD

    My bet is M+mk2 will never release due how old and new NI seems to manage products but I hope be strongly wrong and NI delivers updates (sw) and new exciting hw.

    ASAP I will buy a Toraiz Sp16 or similar hw solution and that’s it.

    my last 2 cents. I will focus in other things instead this forum.

    take care ppl <3

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Just small note. M+ is HW upgradeable. If that happens is up NI. It is possible to replace internal computer board to newer model. It is not industry standard piece of board, but still, manufacturer produces several interchangable ones.....

    So, there is technically relatively easy way to upgrade. But it would need also new drivers for that updated HW.

    (GNU) Linux is a beautiful dream but has the same problem than Android, isn’t designed to be a realtime OS. 

    Neither MacOS, iPadOS, Win are designed to be realtime OS.

    Standards? Apple is the nearest because today finally controls are the parts involved (software, hardware design up to the chips)

    You do not understand, what standard is. Standard is here to allow many companies to use those standards and compete in their implementation.

    You have standards for WiFi, BT, USB, PCIe, memories, voltages, form factors of sockets, motherboards, screws, pipes, tires, and so on and on.

    It is not one man show, like Apple.

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    I think he's finnaly in peace with his iPad.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Get ready for some interesting news....

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    New NI HW.

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    When? Soon? How soon?????? You are tearing us apart nightjar!!!

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    Lemme guess? they're merging Maschine with Komplete Kontrol so that they have to manage less products and can give you a unified controllerist/groovebox experience.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    👀 Now even I am curious....

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