Maschine plus upgrades (ableton push 3 released)



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited June 2023

    Here's the original post in this thread from lips.exe:

    Thats really sad . I saw ableton push 3 and it has everything what are we missing in maschine more than years 😏push has 8gb ram and it will be really hard to push cpu . Plus it has cv outs (with pedal in/out ) battery and adat input :))) thats really sad that we maschine users are still fighting with bugs and cpu clicks and after push release I realized that its 21 century :)) good luck everyone . Im plannin to sell maschine and buy push 😏

    The OP seemed to have given up on the future of Machine + due to the competition. Entertaining ideas that provide hope for the future of Machine+ are 100% the point of this thread. And my suggestions often include very new information on how the iPad might provide a strategic change.

    It's not simply repeating the same points and pie-in-sky dreaming. It is a real possibility and a pragmatic path to follow.

    For those who want to discuss the short-term path for Machine+, I suggest:

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Still unclear how that is offensive by referring to the fact a couple of users here are very much into iPads and post in every thread how they should be the solution and there is no future if they are not, then argue that fact with everyone that does not agree. The quote about the train going to the moon was not even about that, it’s about how far off the rails this thread has gone, somewhat more now people are posting about their feelings.

    I cannot control how people choose to feel about something, if referring to someone that clearly loves their apple products a “fan” is somehow offensive to you, I simply state it had no intended offense, only to highlight how some users cannot let the suggestion slide until everyone agrees and it’s commonly people that are a fan of apple products are quite pushy with their opinions, please don’t read any offense into that observational remark.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Fair enough. I might have overreacted a bit to your post, after being irritated by “iCult” guy. I just don’t like name calling, I find this type of rhetoric unnecessary and inflammatory.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    I will usually never directly call anyone names, not intentionally, however like you I too get frustrated by the fact that it does tend to be Apple users in all forums who will derail things and god forbid you do not agree with that vision.

    Not to sandbox all people that choose to use Apple products into the same square (I would have to put myself into the square too), I have the latest iWatch, iPhone 14 Pro, 2 x ipads and 2 x Apple TVs so I am not putting down users who choose a product, just that some have what I would class as an obsession or a fixation that they are the only solution to the worlds problems.

    I guess in this thread, the cost of the Push 3 processor is being compared to similar costing hardware simply because one can replace it and of course an iPad is about the same cost. I hardly use mine these days because for doing anything more than flicking through stuff (which lets face it phones have big enough screens for that these days) or controlling my home automation, a computer with a keyboard and a mouse makes far better sense for productivity and connectivity and if I need to travel and have portability and functionality, I take my macBook (I find it to be better on battery, lighter and nicer to use when on the go than my PC based laptop). I do not want to have to buy another ipad (since mine would be too old and unsupported) and then have to upgrade that regularly just to run a "standalone" hardware controller. That would end my consideration for a product as it would for many potential users.

    Valid reasons me (and many) would not see it as any acceptable solution, maybe an OPTION but not a solution.

    @D-One :

    Am I the only one that gets annoyed by tons of threads getting completely derailed into iPad / Arm VS x86 / Mac VS Windows?

    Nope, but it's usually only a few users that will constantly argue the point

    Discussions about comparing different solutions are all good, but over arguing ones point tends to spiral things out of control especially when someone offers a differing opinion. A dedicated space might help as a way to dispose of this kind of thing but people will always argue for the things they feel passionate or knowledgeable about.

  • drewhjava
    drewhjava Member Posts: 32 Helper
    edited June 2023

    Just as an update. Whoever said the Push 3 would launch and go away, was right. No one that uses Ableton cares about a standalone or even a controller. They quickly got it, made 1 video, and returned to using Ableton software and keyboard shortcuts. The whole thing is a nothing-burger, probably driven by the fact Ableton decided to sell it themselves and manufactured 30 units max.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    From JesterMgee quote: I do not want to have to buy another ipad (since mine would be too old and unsupported) and then have to upgrade that regularly just to run a "standalone" hardware controller. That would end my consideration for a product as it would for many potential users. 

    Valid reasons me (and many) would not see it as any acceptable solution, maybe an OPTION but not a solution.

    Of course it is would be just a option. Such future "dumb" control surfaces would connect like any USB peripheral to Mac or PC as well. iPad would just be the choice yielding the best highly-portable and "quick-use" solution.

    The over-arching point is that Native Instruments should abandon the folly of trying to make any standalone rigs by means of the current design path. It compromises the desktop experience and the portable experience for all NI users. Everyone suffers.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    And Kubrak is person who really, really, really does not want to plug anything, but industry ISO standard device, to Maschine. ;-)

    If Apple makes iPad ISO standard universal plugin device.... Be it even iPad.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    now the tone is changing, this is like a AAA meeting. All I really want is for M+ to develop:) even if slowly, and STABILITY!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Concerning M+... Would be great, if NI would offer chance to upgrade computer unit to stronger one. Manufacturer makes stronger ones....

    Beside that, polishing M+ firmware would be also great.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited June 2023

    Nope. I'm not likely to even be a customer of such a highly-portable rig. I'd buy the 61-synth key version of such a future "dumb" controller and use it with my laptop most often. Perhaps only use an iPad with it on the rare occasion of playing out somewhere.

    The point I'm trying to make and many seem to miss is this:

    Desktop and laptop users (my preferred setup) have a much worse experience with NI products because of NI attempts to develop controllers and standalone devices in a manner that creates an unnecessary compromise for all users.

    The biggest culprits are the display limitations in these devices, and the attempt to run complex processes within devices that are permanently mated to knobs/buttons.

    The technical debt that NI has built up over the years is directly related to this failed path.

  • DollarYK
    DollarYK Member Posts: 5 Member

    We use other DAW if we don’t need dedicated controller with knobs and buttons but the unlimited DAW experience.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    So, basically you’re requesting something that NI already makes, but want high resolution UIs. Which has nothing to do with a standalone device, whatsoever. Good to know.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited June 2023

    Nope. It's all connected. And not about high resolution UIs at all.

    More about UI layout constraints, menu navigation, and embracing intelligent browsing. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,364 Expert

    @drewhjava said: "No one that uses Ableton cares about a standalone or even a controller"

    Absolute nonsense. Many Live users (Ableton is the company, not the software) bought the original Push and/or Push 2, and use them as the primary means of interaction with the software.

    Users have also been longing for a standalone version, and Ableton themselves wanted to offer that. Now they finally have, and people are loving it.

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