Best live show / DJ you saw perform 🎤

Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
edited October 2024 in Social Club

That one blissful memory...

Be it a live act, a DJ set or a performance, we all have that one show we’ll remember for the rest of our life.

That one show where everything suddenly makes sense - The vibe, the setting, the sound, the people becoming one unified mass going in the same direction.

Where you float on the dance floor, letting yourself go with the music. Time no longer matters. All that matters is the moment.

Where no words are needed anymore to understand each other. The energy blasting out from the stage is what brings everyone together.

We invite you to dig into your memories and share a story of your most memorable live show / DJ set. Tell us why it left a permanent mark on you.



  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro


    Carl Cox, Berlin mid 90s. Can't remember when and where exactly, which might give an insight into the 90s mindset. There was a DJ on before him. I exclusively listened to rock music back then. Friend took me with him. I wasn't too sure about all of it. Wasn't bad, but it started to bore me. Then Carl Cox started his set. 4 hours later, I took my first break, sweating like someone had dumped a bucket of water over me, panting, happy, thirsty, confused. This wasn't rock music, the other band members can never know (lol). But I realized that this was an art form. A bit late to the party, but better late than never.

    DJ Fitchie 2018, Berlin

    I think he was doin the intro to Shiverman, IIRC. It took FOREVER, something I really love about Fat Freddy's Drop. It was a subtly whirling, amorphous vortex, creating an immense tension. Thousands of people on their toes knowing something was coming. And then a kick and a rim click washed over us and I heard a sound I had never heard on a concert before: thousands of people going "whoa", each one pretty silent, because it wasn't meant as a crowd noise like all the "woots" and applause we all know. It was a private sound, but amplified thousandfold. Magical moment. And then the song. God, I can't wait to see them again. Have tickets pinned to the mirror ever since the pandemic set in. They are postponed to this July. Fingers crossed

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Tales from 90's Berlin! Surely a golden era for whoever knew where to go back then.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    Definitely Trans Metro Express 2017 in Copenhagen for me.

    For just a few hours one night a metro train was turned into a club, running back and forth around the city until it hit midnight. Wires were everywhere and speakers were just hung randomly around the handle bars.

    Honestly I couldn't remember anything about the music but just remember the whole train shook like crazy the whole time because people would jump around like madmen. That was fun.

    DIS-ONE Member Posts: 38 Helper

    JAZZY JEFF VS DJ CASH MONEY !!!! 2 of the greatest DJ’s to touch 2 turntables. Battling for World Supremacy!!!!!!

  • Akindele
    Akindele Member Posts: 1 Member

    Saw Leroy Burgess That was at the Jazz cafe The songs sounded like the record it was great.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,246 Expert
  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 492 Pro
  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Missed him when he was in Berlin, terrible decision 😅

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    I did not attend this one but if we talk about life changing experience, Jon Hassell is up there for me (RIP)

  • pranaearth
    pranaearth Member Posts: 70 Helper

    Hallucinogen in.... Philadelphia? Boston? Upstate New York? He was doing live PA with synths, and he had a surround sound setup in the club. It was the most insane aural experience I had ever experienced at a party, before and since.

    Also the Cocteau Twins at Roseland in NYC in support of Heaven or Las Vegas.

    Also Florence and the Machine at Mohegan Sun in Ct. This was before she blew up. She said it was the largest theater she had ever performed. Such a mystical experience.

    There are many many others, but I'd have to say these are probably my top three.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    @pranaearth said:

    Also Florence and the Machine at Mohegan Sun in Ct. This was before she blew up.

    I so wanna see Florence and the Machine live 😭 When was this? Not a big fan of her past 2 albums so wish I could see her live back in the Lungs days

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    @pranaearth Then it's her Lungs and Ceremonials days 🫁🤩 The best era

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 247 Pro
    edited March 2022

    I'm not sure if this really fits here but then again... I can still think back about the amazing Blue Man group performance in the BLUEMAX theatre... none other than in Berlin itself.

    The thing which makes this so special for me was that I roughly knew about Blue Man group but had no clue that they performed in Berlin. So during my first vacation in Berlin (this is one of my favorite cities to go to on hollidays) I bought a local newspaper and found a discount coupon for the Blue Man group performance. So... I grabbed a telephone in the hotel and called to see if this would work out. Unfortunately you had to live in Germany to be entitled for that discount, and to make matters worse... they were also fully booked. Best I could get was a ticket for their show in 3 - 4 months time. Obviously that woudn't work for me.

    So... 2 years later my boss told me that I really needed to take some vacation days and thus I decided I'd go to Berlin again. Only this time I came prepared ;) I booked the whole vacation by myself (hotel, "Welkoms Karte" (= free travel throughout all of Berlin's public transport (U Bahn, S Bahn, busses, everything))) and... I got myself a ticket to the Blue Man group performance, 4 months in advance! 😎

    Well, I can tell you that the performance was a real highlight of my vacation, it was completely awesome. Truly spectacular in both audio and (visual) performance! Very good music, awesome songs, what a truly amazing and great band!

    Heck, know what... Shake your booty!! The video is dated but you'll get a really good impression of some of the idiotic and awesome things that happen on stage. And here's the official trailer of Blue Man group Berlin:

    It is because of this performance why I never look (or listen 😉) the same to Live's Dynamic Tube sound effect again 😁

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    @ShelLuser dang Blue Man! This brings back memories. I remember watching their live shows on TV as a kid. They were everywhere on TV back then.

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