Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    It's already perfectly possible to create FM8 patches which reproduce Machinedrum's EFM voice. However, you will need to program the FM8 patch and assign the macros by yourself.

    Maybe someone talented&bored at Elektronauts could do it for you?

    DIS-ONE Member Posts: 38 Helper

    For the most part. Any understanding of the… HOW TO’s, can probably be found on YouTube. I am a Maschine plus and Maschine Studio owner. I was so used to working outside the box with the Studio. So when I had to work in stand-alone mode. I seemed to be lost. It once I found the answers to what I was looking for on YouTube. Things became a little more easier. With the plus. You can work anywhere you want. And still connect it to a computer to finish what you started. Export. Or even collaborator with others. It’s a great tool for beginners and professionals.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    Interstate idea, but I’d prefer dedicated Drum Synths which use less resources.

  • [Deleted User]
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  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    Maschine's auto-sampler is indeed much simpler and fully automatic.

    Unless you're talking about the fancy GUI you can basically automap everything much easier in Kontakt without even using creator tools or messing with any code at all... just a couple of clicks assuming the wavs have propper info on the filename.

  • andreu
    andreu Member Posts: 12 Member

    Maschine plus and maschine software are definitely not the same thing.

    I am the only one that thinks it is very confusing to list the coming updates of both in the same post.

    For example vst3 which sounds very appealing for M+ users changes absolutely nothing in maschine plus so really misleading to mention both things together.

    If you have maschine plus and you read vst3 it might sound like you will be able to load VST3s in maschine plus, perhaps newer NI plugins like massive X. But this is simply not the case, again, vst3 compatibility changes absolutely NOTHING for MASCHINE PLUS.

  • andreu
    andreu Member Posts: 12 Member

    One thing I haven't seen mentioned anywhere is to have the option to use the maschine software as an editor of maschine plus.

    Instead of M+ being the editor/controller of the software it would be the oposite, the software being the editor of the hardware. This is how most of the hardware synths interact with software.

    I mean is pretty amazing that it works like it does but it would be amazing to have the other option as well. Since in a hardware based setup it might be more interesting to use the computer as an editor and keep the projects in the hardware.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    I do not have M+, but if it is not the case already, M+ could expose CD card and internal storage of M+ to PC.

    One can/could run projects located in M+ from Maschine 2 SW.

  • bobbyduracel
    bobbyduracel Member Posts: 37 Member

    I imagine the auto-sampling will function like the MPC live. That sounds like a nice addition. The big piece to me is STABILITY. It just isn’t stable yet. I love it, but it’s a bit of a disappointment at times.

    I wonder if there’s any talk of a workflow to go from DAW projects to standalone mode - specifically a one-button press that does a few things at once: copy MIDI track to audio track, freeze/flatten audio from midi to new track, disable MIDI track, name audio track to match…

    this would mean with a few button clicks, you could bounce 8 groups to 8 stem files (for example) or 16 pads to 16 stems in a group next door, and open that same project standalone mode without getting warnings about plugins that aren’t compatible or other errors.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    You can export stems already, at least in Maschine 2. But it might be handy if there is one more export option and export creates Maschine project right away.

    But also some kind of freeze Sound might be helpful. The both M+ and Maschine runing on weaker CPU could benefit from it. Patterns/Clips for given Sound would be overwritten (permanentely/temporarily) by Clip containing audio data representing Patterns/Clips. User could choose also the level of freeze, if possible. Just sound, sound and effect 1, sound and effect 1 & 2, etc. Effects may be also pretty CPU hungry.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Helper
    edited February 2022
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  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited February 2022

    I would think the resource hit is minimal as long as you keep the FM8 patches monophonic. Anyway it's just an idea to get close to what you want today, without waiting for NI to create it for you, which we all know might take years.

    I could actually see someone like JustinValer being up for it.. that is, if he happened to use Maschine LOL

  • Jolostrange
    Jolostrange Member Posts: 1 Member

    So here are two huge things that I think will make Maschine+ the clear choice for standalone production:

    1. Full integration in standalone mode. Being able to browse for new sounds and download them directly to storage anywhere via WiFi would be a game changer imo. One less step that would require a computer.
    2. Uploading exported audio to a cloud server to be accessed via an app in standalone mode. That way there is a way to transfer your work to your phone without transferring to a computer first.

    The more the task of plugging into a computer becomes an option rather than a required step the better.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    About your "2." - you can already connect the M+ in storage mode to your phone with the right cables/adapters

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