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  • GoKeez
    GoKeez Member Posts: 78 Advisor
    edited January 2022

    All good. Also, just now I saw a notification that you replied appear, then disappear at the bottom of the screen but there was no badge in the bell at the top so if I missed the temporary alert I wouldn’t know. Not sure if that’s a bug or just takes time for a badge notification to appear on the bell.

    Im on iPhone if that helps.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @GoKeez We're investigating some inconsistencies with the alerts. It works most of the time but I've also noticed some odd behaviours. I'll start listing the things we're checking in the original comment.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited January 2022

    We've tweaked leaderboard to appear only on the homepage. I'm not sure I particularly agree with the leaderboard encouraging spamming. You don't get points by posting but by getting reactions from others mostly and we can identify spammers pretty easily here now. At the end of the day, there is a ton of users doing useful things around here and we want to acknowledge / reward their efforts. Obviously, it the list is the same month after month, then we'll have to change things up a bit.

    Copying images works for me across (also worked with other editors). I'm on Mac if that makes any difference.

  • Rico010
    Rico010 Member Posts: 140 Advisor

    Hi all,

    Not sure if this is the right pleace for this request. But, the fonts here in the new community/forum are not very comfortable to read. I am using Google Chrome on MacBook Pro 13 M1, the size of the font is very good, but the font itself... my eyes are not loving it. If this is just me, sorry. But if this is something common for most users, maybe you should consider this feedback.


  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    You can check the attachment to see what I'm currently seeing on my end, I'm using Opera's in-private mode to ensure that no plugins (like adblockers) can affect the experience and well, all I have is a static block of text above which I cannot interact with.... best I can do is delete it. This isn't very useful because if you want to respond to someone's questions you normally cut up the post so that you only get the questions with your answer below it.

    So for example, what I did in this post.

    However, I now also see icons at the bottom of my screen and when I select text I get a pop-up. That wasn't there before so I can only assume that some of my browser plugins did indeed interfere with my previous experience. I'll get to the bottom of that later today.

    I think you guys also changed something today because the editor I'm using now doesn't allow me to change from styled to markup and back. But that's not an issue anymore because the toolbars are now much more accessible.

    Which brings me to... Please don't pick up my previous comment about being annoyed in the wrong way. I'm not saying that the forum annoys me but that the specific experience was annoying. You mentioned that the post got moderated which somewhat makes sense (not fully because all I did was remove the blocked word), however I never got any notifications. So that's something to look into I think, otherwise you're leaving users in the dark and then it seems as if all your hard work went p00f. (which I suggest to do with that previous post ;)).

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited January 2022

    @ShelLuser I wasn't suggesting you were annoyed. I mean I'm with you all on some of the elements brought up (mostly quotes). We did change the editor back to its modern form now and this will either change for an even more advance one or build upon.

    Quoting is going to be like that for a bit and we'll just have to make sure discussions do not go on long tangent. Hopefully with a bit of practice, it should be alright. With that said, editing quotes would be a mile better, I'll give you that.

    We're checking what happened with your post actually.

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    Signatures pls.

  • nanotable
    nanotable Member Posts: 98 Advisor

    The editor for iPadOS needs a bit of love, I think. You have to maximize the input field to use it properly, and it seems to insert additional lines after a line break.

  • Akeem The Dream
    Akeem The Dream Member Posts: 1 Member

    IMHO there too much information per post on the “overview pages”. On a mobile device I can only read about 4 post titles before I need to scroll

  • drewhjava
    drewhjava Member Posts: 32 Helper

    Font's are really really bad. Can you just use the native font stack on each platform?

  • metalface
    metalface Member Posts: 5 Member

    Not sure whether this belongs here or better a message to a mod, but here we go...

    I wrote a reply earlier - 5 or 6 hours back - to a thread in the Traktor forum and after a while (like maybe 15-20 mins, I'd just left it on screen) I noticed a typo. So I clicked to edit, removed the error and saved it and then it vanished? I saw a banner/alert saying it'd be visible once someone had approved it, which is why I'm not sure whether it is actually just waiting for someone to click a button or something else has happened to it.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    edited January 2022

    noticed that the unanswered count on the right bar is always 1 more than the actual number of unanswered questions...

    I only see one post when I click on Unanswered listed as 2...

    Edit: now the count is correct... must be a timing/refresh issue where the post may have an answer, but quick links not updated...

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited January 2022

    Sorry, but this new forum software is very dysfunctional and a major downgrade from the previous forum:

    • Very slow on iOS (iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 15), pages take up to 10 seconds to load Performance on this device is way better than yesterday
    • Extremely slow on iOS/iPad (iPad 2, iOS 12), load time of a page is between 10 and 20 seconds
    • It's even slow an a full blown current 2018 3.2 GHz i7 MacMini.
    • Seems to lack functions/areas on iOS/iPhone
    • Formatting for the text editor is non-existent
    • Paste in text editor yields random formatting, which can not be corrected
    • PM / DM function is missing
    • List of users is missing
    • List of Moderators is missing
    • Language selection is missing

    Apart from the above, this dinosaur can't find a thing if his living room's rearranged...

    Greetings from grumpy extinct Dinosaur of the Cretaceous

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    So I just edited a comment I made and it has now disappeared. I assume this is the "over aggressive" moderation system probably forcing a mod to check an edit. This is another issue.

    For now I will be taking a back seat to posting, I will monitor how this goes but I'm keen to help people if the tools are useful, currently all I want is the old forum back so I will certainly not be posting as much at the moment

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Ugh, this quoting system is terrible.

    I think the issue with the mismatch of that indication is a browser caching issue, I see the same thing if I just click through pages that counter is incorrect, if I refresh the page it comes good but that is being cached and then being called client side not from server. That needs to be addressed as I see many of these indications all wrong. This is Chrome and Windows.

This discussion has been closed.
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