Supreme Edition MOD



    FRACTAL FiLL Member Posts: 17 Member

    i am Running Traktor 3.8 with 2 x D2's with external Allen Heath DB2 and I am looking to install this mod

    Any issues using this mod and setting it up... any more info on using the mod Please


  • Alline Loving
    Alline Loving Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi, your article is really helpful. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Can you write some introduction to game mods. I also see a lot of people talking about that mod.

  • sfotiadis
    sfotiadis Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi, anyone knows how to activate the HotCues Type mode? The one that changes the pads to assign a different hotcue type. It would be really helpful for preparing tracks.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    As far as i know, it's not yet working. The idea was to hold the button Hotcue and then turn the Loop Button. It's a good idea and the code looks good, but the Traktor Hotcue Type function has a bug inside the Traktor software that prevents scrolling through the types. Even directly selecting the type with a mouse from the dropdown menu often works only after the second or third attempt.

  • skymakai
    skymakai Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi, Aleix!

    I just joined your Patreon to try it out, installed and found the right side FX not working (S5). Also found the browser preview isn't working. It just loads a blank screen. I've got it to work by restarting Traktor, but it's not consistent and stops working regularly.

    The mod has lot of neat options, but I need the core functionality of the browser and effects or the mod is useless. Reliability is more important than more features.

    I'm wondering if this will actually be updated, as the post history seems to show that months are going by with no progress. The last post said there would be an update "next weekend" and that passed.

    I wonder if you couldn't hire someone to help you with development? Thank you!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    I also use an S5 and it works perfectly. If the right side FX doesn't work, you may have to go into FX setup (SHIFT+right DECK button) to assign the section to one of the FX units.

    You can also try my add-on edit (link in my signature).

    Is the browser not working at all, or is it just the pre-listen function? 🦋

  • Tchoi
    Tchoi Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi. What is the latest version of the suprême Mod on Patreon ?


  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 281 Pro

    Supreme Edition 3.0 BETA 35.1

    There's a version for 3.5-3.8, and another for the 3.9 beta

  • Dmitry S
    Dmitry S Member Posts: 1 Member
    hi aleix! for tractor pro 3.6 and newer versions with your mod for some reason it slows down scrolling through tracks in the browser on the s5 and s8 controller! On version 3.5 everything is fine, why can't you tell me how to fix it?

  • pogoskate
    pogoskate Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    Anyone faced an issue that after deck A and C is loaded hot cues visible on the pads are not from the actual focused deck? Seems to be mixed whenever I play deck A I see on the pad hot cues form track C. It is on S4 MK3. Everything else works fine and this mod is briliant, but this one "feature" drives me crazy :D

  • Gundz
    Gundz Member Posts: 10 Member


    I'm using the Joe Easton mod for a while, since the development is a little bit dead I'm considering to move to Supreme.

    But I couldn't find any full feature list, can someone link me the manual if it exists ?

    Thanks !

  • sfpval
    sfpval Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    When will you implement this? This mod is very important to me because of these two additions -> Advanced Loop Mode and Pad FXs

  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper

    @FRACTAL FiLL Bit overdue but other than the 'known' issues it runs smoothly. Running 2xD2s, 3.9 Beta 2 and the Supreme Edition 3.0 BETA 35.1.

    I'd recommend renaming the QML folder (as a way to back up) to eliminate the chance of conflicts. Back that up somewhere else too.

    Take note of the settings you change as you loose that when you update Traktor (and maybe MOD updates too?). 2-3 min fix or just do on the fly when you realise something isn't quite right. @Aleix Jiménez is working on a feature to save settings in future versions which will be handy. Always copy your PadFX files before updating else you'll loose that.

    Somewhere in this thread I think you'll find mention where you can export 2 x seemingly blank D2 profiles via Controller Manager (one for each controller) and then re-import after you update Traktor.


  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 128 Helper

    You might also want to try the mod switcher while at it ;)

  • johell667
    johell667 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi, i use the Supreme edition mod with 2XD2 and i want to make my own PadFx but there is not a lot of information about the right way to write the value and how to make them move. Did i miss something? At the momment, i use a copy try and ajust method and it's not working very well.

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