Problem: Crackling when playing m4a ITunes music files in Traktor pro 3.7.



  • Ulli
    Ulli Member Posts: 27 Member

    Thank you very much!

    I finally found the qlm files and did all the steps from delete, copy and paste.

    The fluctuations with some m4a files still exist. 

    For comparison I loaded the same song once in m4a (deck A) and wav (deck B).

    The wave pattern in deck A (m4a) is much flatter in presentation than deck B (wav). 

    Too bad that problem when playing m4a files is not fixed but has changed.

    Beta version: No more crackling when playing m4a files, but fluctuations (highs & lows) are

    and prevent a good quality sound.

    The soul of the songs is lost!

    How to proceed now? 

    I will have to continue converting music from ITunes. 

    Or is there still a solution suggestion?

  • cabanu
    cabanu Member Posts: 3 Member

    I'm having the same problem with Traktor Pro 2 on windows 11. My entire library is in Itunes Match so it's all M4A. When I listen to the song in other programs (including virtual DJ and MIXXX) it's all working fine. Is there allready a solution available? I'm not planning to upgrade to Traktor 3. Traktor 2 support my needs. I have a payed license.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,876 Expert

    I doubt they will be updating Traktor Pro 2.

    You could upgrade to Traktor 3 Pro or convert the files into another format.

  • cabanu
    cabanu Member Posts: 3 Member

    Then it will be end of life Traktor for me. I'm using it three times a year for a party. On my backup pc (still win 10) it's working fine.

    It's impossible to convert all the tracks (90k+ for now) since it's iTunes match. Mixxx it is I'm afraid.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,876 Expert

    Mixxx is great. Plenty of ways to customize it.

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