Problem: Crackling when playing m4a ITunes music files in Traktor pro 3.7.

Ulli Member Posts: 27 Member


I use Windows 11, Traktor pro 3.7. and Z1.

At the beginning of November 22 my m4a files from ITunes crackled when playing in Traktor program. Mp3 files were ok.

So I reset everything in my computer and reinstalled Windows 11, Traktor pro 3 and ITunes.

The crackling with m4a music files still exists.

The support team of native Instruments recommended me,

to reset my computer to Windows 10.

I have not done that yet as I reinstalled everything just before. Currently I am converting my m4a to mp3 formats.

However, this is not a solution for me in the long run.

Who has or had this problem and can help me? I would like to know why m4a files crackle in my tractor program and how I can solve this problem.


Greetings Ulli



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