RIP the old forum



  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    I was pointing a possibility based on Soundstacks being the core for new NI apps includding Reaktor. Then the old forum deprecation as collateral damage.

    Sorry if my english makes me look silly…

  • Z Gabr
    Z Gabr Member Posts: 87 Helper

    Soundstacks is not the core for DSP programming in Reaktor... It is still CORE... And you must understand the damage everyone who programs or learns to program in Core has suffered with the loss of the old forum...

  • Rob Gee
    Rob Gee Member Posts: 28 Helper
    edited March 2023

    Maybe they should have someone in charge of these type of decisions that actually uses their products!

    Twice in the last week I’ve encountered a dead link to the old forum when Googling for a solution to an issue, that’s not just for Reaktor but also Maschine.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Again... I'm pointing a possibility. I understand that damage and IDK why are you so belligerent with me for pointing it. If finally reality makes me right (let's hope not) and NI is porting everything into SoundStacks (and consequently old resources including the old forum are deprecated) then silly behaviour will be keep asking in the forums (where we know there is small relation to anything related to decision-taking in the CEO board) about keep old resources alive instead decide if move or not with the new "platform" or into another.

    As I said I'm just wondering if we are in that or similar scenario due movements I can't understand if not based on that strategy. It doesn't makes me happy but also I don't care too much. I find NI users very interesting demographics if you ask what I'm doing here... call me silly for that too. ;)

  • Z Gabr
    Z Gabr Member Posts: 87 Helper

    I'm not being belligerent towards you... I'm just trying to explain that Soundstacks has nothing to do with DSP programming in Reaktor... The purpose of Soundstacks is quite different... If you don't design in Reaktor, in my opinion, you shouldn't argue about what you don't know... Don't take this as a belligerent attitude towards you, I'm just being blunt...

  • ANDREW221231
    ANDREW221231 Member Posts: 350 Pro

    yeah i looked up soundwide and didn't get the impression of something meant to overtake reaktor at all. all i know is i've never really considered using another development environment before but depending on how all this shakes out will inform whether or not it seems like a good idea to pack up what i've learned here and seek for greener pastures 🤷‍♀️

  • Z Gabr
    Z Gabr Member Posts: 87 Helper
    edited March 2023

    In fact, removing the old forum was not only a strange decision, but it was bad for the Reaktor community... Not only did it not help the community, it killed it by 80%... Also, deleting the old forum really shows how low the value of the experience and knowledge shared over the years by the members of the old forum is to NI... I no longer have any desire to contribute to the community... And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    This contradicts...


    Even DSP not involved (you are right about I don't researched enough into Reaktor DSP vs Soundstacks possibilities but) NI seems doing something "strange" like they want to "rebuild" Reaktor (or almost the community involved) right?

    But that idea you pointed as silly... but it seems not so impossible. Then...

    I hope not too but that "strange" movement alongside Soundstacks being the new API for developing future NI products...

    Extract from the above link:

    "Sound Stacks will drive the development of new audio platform technologies aimed at improving productivity and performance for audio developers across the industry."

    So, maybe not substitution but evolution and maybe the old Reaktor resources will be redundant/unnecessary or whatever could be rear that (possible but not factually) "strange" movement/decision. If not into Soundstacks maybe into something else that makes that old resources and these "strange decisions" something logical in their roadmap. I pointed Soundstacks since they build these platforms and since NI is now part of Soundwide like them. It could be possible something similar from iZotope because they have better AS implementation than NI. It could be everything at the same time (but in very slow motion) or it could be nothing and just a strange movement and that's it.

    In any case we will discover in the future for sure and as usual I participate because I will love NI succeeding (and porting Traktor definitely into iPad someday) but as time goes I'm not so confident due lots of these "strange" (sometimes also silly IMO) movements.

    Now if you can point me some resources so I can understand why DSP inside Reaktor is so special than it makes it totally safe for such movements (Soundstacks or other options) I will appreciate it.

    Meanwhile I'm checking (again) Soundstacks public info to see if my "wonders" (not claims) could have foundation or not from technical side (from management side everything is possible even silly ideas because is more usual than we think/want that management ask for solutions without enough technical knowledge. Solutions that could be "silly" but if pushed enough can drive into innovation or catastrophe.)

    Another point will be "how NI should had been managed that old resources?" and "what's the future of Reaktor? (in these terms)" so users can decide if it's worth keep investing effort or just jump into other solution. I say so due the first quoted comment. If it was strange and bad for Reaktor someone should get responsable for that and report solutions or "why it wasn't so important", don't you think so?

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro


    After seen this (again) I still think SoundWide is asking SoundStacks to build the foundation for future NI (among others) developer tool.

    But checking it I found this other video from 11 days ago.

    It could be just a "coincidence" but for sure some of the actual issues with Reaktor could be fixed with this so I still believe in the future some of the SoundStacks development (CMajor) could hit Reaktor as environment.

    It means the old forum deprecation is directly related to this? I hope not but maybe if this "assumption" is right (catch the SoundWide wave let's say...) then maybe abandon some of these resources could have some logic behind. Obviously NI will not confirm something like that. It could be possible this is only discussed at high profile board and drops down when the time is ok but since we are at forum (where everyone should be able to share an opinion even without enough knowledge about the topic) we can also speculate and maybe see things coming from distance.

    I'm learning with this so thanks and please I'm still interested in why you believe it couldn't be possible to Reaktor be refounded over SoundStack CMajor language (sincerely). As I said I'm not to educate in DSP programming (or even in plain programming more than aficionado) but I can't see why not yet.


  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    It could be just a "coincidence" but for sure some of the actual issues with Reaktor could be fixed with this so I still believe in the future some of the SoundStacks development (CMajor) could hit Reaktor as environment.

    OK @Mutis, just for giggles lets play along with your conspiracy theory... Please explain how Reaktor could be 'fixed' with Soundstacks environment. And also explain how an environment that doesn't fully exist yet and is targeted at professional audio software developers, could 'hit' an environment that is targeted squarely at non programmers, particularly musicians?

    It means the old forum deprecation is directly related to this? I hope not but maybe if this "assumption" is right (catch the SoundWide wave let's say...) then maybe abandon some of these resources could have some logic behind.

    Now please explain how these far fetched fantasies hypotheses are connected to changes in the forum that were really just a consequence of a change at the top forum level?

    The likely reality is, NI decided to change the way their 'community' pages function, Reaktor forum is part of that so was part of the changes. The old forum was not compatible, and making it compatible was unfortunately going to use more resources that are are available for Reaktor (it would have been a huge job, and however it was done, folk would have criticised the result)

    I guess in theory they could have kept a read only archive available, but that would have meant keeping the old forum code on the server and all the baggage goes along with that, which would also have to be maintained... then there's the problem that if you do it for Reaktor, then you would have to be open to similar demands from users of all your other softwares if similar things happen in the future... not an appealing commitment for a company with such a large catalogue.

    I imagine if it was just the Reaktor forum, they might have chosen a new forum platform that allowed a proper migration from the old one. But it's not, and the Reaktor builder community was not a high enough priority to influence that decision.

    That's the reality here, not some conspiracy to soften up the community in preparation for the great SoundStacks takeover ;)

  • MvKeinen
    MvKeinen Member Posts: 41 Member

    How does the fact that you have the back ups make any difference when users make a request for specific threads like I did a few posts back and there is no reaction at all?

    I do get the idea about starting from scratch, hell I even would like R7 to break compatibility in order to get rid of primary. But even then the old forum would be a valuable knowledge base. The wealth of knowledge buried there is invaluable for those passionate about Reaktor. I don't get it. One day you think NI is passionate about Reaktor because they finally get the very complicated transition to native M1 and VST3 done. The other day they kill everything their customers have ever communicated about Reaktor. Its like running the church and burning the bible at the same time.

    Looking forward to many more "the future of reaktor" threads.

  • Z Gabr
    Z Gabr Member Posts: 87 Helper
    edited March 2023

    If this goes on, it is quite possible that very soon we will see a topic called "RIP the Reaktor". ...

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro
    edited March 2023

    If you check the videos they are talking about code deployment so agnostic that could be a possible fixing for the vst3 issues pointed at beta topic. Also better optimized for hardware deployment (including embed devices). In fact that’s the whole aim of SoundStacks building a foundation language where build software on top. If you know Reaktor history it’s very similar.

    If my assumptions (what you called conspiracy theories) have some point in common with “whatever is going behind the curtains” then old assets are important to a certain degree. If you are managing a merging company where the top board over your top board (SoundWide over every each company under them as NI or iZotope) tells you “Get ready your assets for a major software platform merging including start implementing whatever SoundStacks bring us” could make sense to ditch some unnecessary parts after collect the important.

    I don’t expect that from day to night obviously. In fact NI can wreckle it as usual but this time almost there’s a parent company trying to keep things in place. The thing is SoundStacks stated their development as “internal tool later released to public” and that capture among comments in the first video point towards “box and arrow” paradigm (max, reaktor, vvvv…) as one of the ways to interact.

    Now answer you a question. If SoundStacks environment is newer, stated as foundation and develop on demand… why NI will not implement it across all their softwares?

    In the end is reinventing the wheel I know…but Reaktor based on SoundStacks will let deploy it in hardware standalone coding dedicated solutions instead vainilla adaptations over yocto distro etc. starting from coding specifically for each target since DSP is separated from UI (similar approach to elkOS) and get benefeits from AVX/M-series (or any copro NI decide to use in their future standalone hardware) as they point in the diapositives.

    So to end:

    I’m saying that maybe (maayyybeeee) the old forum deprecation was after backup the important content and hopefully someone is porting that content into new Reaktor step by step getting ready for a major revamp… if it comes finally. I don’t believe they are going to ditch everything because then Reaktor never got AS compatibility.

    Coinicidence? Times aren’t good to let details flow themselves… Reaktor 7? I don’t think so neither. Maybe a parallel product and merge in the future. We don’t know what could bring iZotope or other child brands but we saw how some bits were implemented inside Traktor. Getting a foundation platform to glue all the development teams seems intelligent and fixes old “doubled teams NI’s issue”.

    My bet is “In some moment Reaktor will be integrated into SoundStacks and after that new SoundStacks Reaktor will be released to the public”. I will say 3 years.

    That’s it. Keep ranting about old content meanwhile life happens… ;)

  • ANDREW221231
    ANDREW221231 Member Posts: 350 Pro

    I applaud the eye for pattern matching but its speculative and at this point kind of steering the original thread off topic. i think a more appropriate place to build your case would be in a new thread?

  • Z Gabr
    Z Gabr Member Posts: 87 Helper
    edited March 2023

    I totally agree... Especially from someone who is not a Reaktorist (doesn't create anything in Reaktor at the DSP level), but creates only too many words without having studied Reaktor Core basics....This is very similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect ...

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