Traktor Pro 3.8 still has flashing browser when you load tracks



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod
    edited February 2023

    ..., i5, win10, 8GB RAM. Sporadic flashing with #-ascending playlist, regular flashing with different sorting or when applying search terms and in smartlists.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    A single user can be affected by a bug. Amount of users has nothing to do with classification of "bug"

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Yes, single user may be affected by a bug, if he uses SW in unique way others do not. Or the bug is random and ocures seldomly here and there.

    But if bunch of users use program the same way like anothers and one group has problems and other does not.... It may be hardly called a bug.

    But developer may address such misbehaviour that may lie in incompabilities, misbehaviour of outside systems. Developer may "patch" in his SW what is wrong in third party SW/HW.

    For example, it is almost impossible to enter field of graphic cards for gaming. Intel is nice example. Why? Because games have many bugs and graphic card developers keep going to fix it in their drivers. And that is hell of the work.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    But if bunch of users use program the same way like anothers and one group has problems and other does not.... It may be hardly called a bug.

    No, it's still the perfect definition of a bug. It's unexpected behavior in software:

    A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in the design, development, or operation of computer software that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways

    I have almost a decade of software development under my belt. Mostly fixing bug in 15+ year old software. Including, but not limited to weird behavior in lists / tables from single customers.

    While technically there might be the chance that CPU microcode or GPU driver somehow could trigger this bug, it's improbable. There is zero indication that either has something to do with this bug.

    Saying "not everybody is affected == it's 100% GPU/CPU related" is plain wrong. It's horse manure.

    A few weeks back there was a user on this forum who wanted traktor to speed up the live input. You somehow remind me of him.

  • Spazoo
    Spazoo Member Posts: 41 Helper

    You don't know that this bug only affects a minority of users. Because it doesn't make the program unusable, most people are not going to make an effort to report it. It is more likely that this bug is affecting a majority of users, since it does not seem to be isolated to a specific hardware platform, OS, or CPU architecture.

  • Winno
    Winno Member Posts: 6 Member

    I’ve never read so much rubbish…. This bug is so well documented …. I’ve reported it as others have and still not resolved , I was hoping for this in 3.8 but still not sorted. Quit trying to defend it.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    You don't know that this bug only affects a minority of users. Because it doesn't make the program unusable, most people are not going to make an effort to report it. 

    As I said, it does not showed up on any of my 4 installations. And many of my friends use Traktor, no complains.

    I do not say, it does not exist, but do not know anyone who has such a problem.

    You have M1, I put that platform aside. There may easily be handful of bugs. That is unpleasant, but sort of expectable. It may take several years to remove most of bugs that were introduced due to AS transition.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Yesterday I was delighted the problem was gone for me. Picked the root collection node, sorted by artist or title, pressed "preview" and no flickering.

    Today: No changes to collection, same situation and it's back.

    3 short flashes of: "Please wait while filtering..."

    This must be the weirdest M1 GPU bug around 😋

    Filtering by # and it's gone again.

    Here is a video in slow motion. Under normal speed you can't read the text and it's just a flicker:

    If people who are unable to contribute could refrain from pulling manure out of thin air, that would be A OK for me :)

  • SteveKDJ
    SteveKDJ Member Posts: 143 Helper
    edited February 2023

    I ask a very inappropriate question, and I didn't mean to:

    Why doesn't Serato or VirtualDJ flash for anyone????

    We are the ignorant ones. It is useless to argue about these things here. In a few years they will either be fixed or it will turn out that on some systems or DJ controllers it will never work as expected.

    It's strange to me that if so many people are describing the bug, why anyone would want to suggest that we don't understand it.

    It's as if they are deliberately trying to cover up the fact that we write a lot of negative comments.

    I get it, and it's a good thing when everything works fine for someone else. But why is it so violent?

    Anyway, I'll stop.

    I don't want an answer, thank you

  • SteveKDJ
    SteveKDJ Member Posts: 143 Helper

    I blamed the devs too much. Now I have been warned.

    I'm going to end my whole manifestation.

    I said I find it harder to understand and write English. This can cause misunderstanding. I am sorry that I only understand and write well in Hungarian.

    From now on I just read the forum and I'm done..

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited February 2023


    3 short flashes of: "Please wait while filtering..

    1) You see it is not bug, but behaviour. Developers decided to warn user, sorting might take some time.

    2) Even when video is slowed down, the refresh speed of the screen is OK.

    So, I guess, the whole "problem" for part of users is, that NI displays "Please wait while filtering..". Which makes so called "flickering".

    I may confirm, that "Please wait while filtering.." also sometines shows for fraction of second on my screen. I do not see any problem with it and not beeing this thread, I would not noticed it till the end of my life.

    Generally, solution is simple. Add user selectable field if one wants such warning to be displayed or not... But it is not a bug at all.

    I guess, that bigger problem is, that Traktor cannot play STEM file with ALAC coding on Windows...

  • Audiowerk
    Audiowerk Member Posts: 20 Helper

    OMG ! Too bad - we can`t kick,ban and ignore some users here....

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    Sure you can. Look here: Free Ignore List

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    🐟 🎣

  • Audiowerk
    Audiowerk Member Posts: 20 Helper
    edited February 2023

    Danke für den Tip @Sûlherokhh !!!

This discussion has been closed.
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