Reaktor 6.5.0: Announcing start of Beta phase for January 2023



  • samfisher
    samfisher Member Posts: 4 Member

    Reaktor lives on!!! Sounds a bit cinematic there but I was beginning to worry it was being slowly dropped.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,026 Guru

    Just to doublecheck, will folks who are already betatesters be able to just log in as usual and click through for the new beta, or will they have to re-register?

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    If there is no Apple Silicon SDK for VST2, why do 99% of my plugins (and I speak about hundred of them) are running native on my M1 pro in their VST2 version ?

    And why most of them did offer a native Apple Silicon VST2 version only few months after the release of the new Mac chips ?

    I understand the simple fact NI doesn't want to allocate ressources (i.e. money) in updating VST2 versions of their plugins, especially when I see how much time they need to update anything, but this is a lie to suggest it's because VST2 is no more supported by Apple and so "most plugin that updates are dropping VST2 on MacOs"...

    Regarding the reasons users should need VST2 Apple Silicon support, there is a very simple reason that comes directly to mind : recall of old sessions !

    I've got hundreds of sessions with hundreds of NI plugins in their VST2 form that lie in my hard drive. NI is the most painful company when it comes to recalls : at least on Ableton Live, you can't open Kontakt 5 instances with Kontakt 6. You can't open Reaktor 5 or Guitar Rig 5 instances with R6 or GR6, so you need to keep all these versions in your drive, export a preset for each instance and open it with the new version (praying so it sounds the same) if you want to "update" your sessions so it may open in the future. And in a very close future (when Apple will drop Rosetta), I'll will not even be able to recall any session containing VST2 instances of NI plugins because after years not even caring about VST3, they decided baldly to abandon VST2 and only take care about VST3...

    How is that way of updating things help us, pro users, in our daily work ?

    So I don't want to spoil the party regarding Reaktor 6 native Apple Silicon version (I'm pretty damn happy about that), but please don't tell NI users it's because of Apple SDK we don't get a VST2 native Apple Silicon version (when 99% of the plugins I use offer that). It's just because NI doesn't want to allocate ressources they don't have (or prefer to give away to shareholders)...

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    "Sample accurate" in case of VST3 pertains to host automation (and even then, plugin specifically needs to support that feature), it's not related to plugin induced latency.

  • Sufox
    Sufox Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hi Chet!

    Is this issue with Reaktor Standalone on your Win11 still happening each time you open it ?

    Did you check for the same "Service Host: Capability Access Manager Service" in task manager while running any other Standalone Applications. Maybe it happens there too, but is not as prominent to the performance.

    Is your Win11 and all drivers up to date ? Also please check this possible fix for it out , might actually help and the only side effect might be loading time increased a bit.



  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    Always nice to hear directly from the Reaktor team.

    "For a variety of reasons, NI is not in a position to invest more resources into this product, which hasn't been news for some time"

    I first reacted thinking it meant the end of Reaktor "good thing i didn't start ranting" but rereading it just means the team will stay small right?

    "What we are trying to achieve is to deliver this version with high quality and a good base for the future."

    That can be seen as a positive thing as well.

  • Georg_NI
    Georg_NI Product Team Posts: 20 mod

    Thanks for pointing out the misleading wording, i have corrected it.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,309 mod

    I hope what it means is just in relation to the current update, I would hope Reaktor continues to be a viable product, NI would be beyond stupid to drop or stop developing Reaktor too.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    One can only hope, but we already have a history of things that have happened. We're still bemoaning discontinuation of Pro-53, Spektral Delay, Kore, Service Center...

    It is very very clear which product(s) are keeping NI alive financially (and also consider NI/Soundwide has to respond to venture capital stakeholders)...

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor
    edited January 2023

    Catering to the hip hop/trap mass seems to be more viable yes,quite sad to me but well...i will refrain from derailing the thread too much.

    We have an update coming and a word from the coders...all is good for now.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,309 mod

    'A prominent area is persistence where external file references were stored in content files, e.g. for non-embedded Sample files, references to ensembles in preset files or in host projects, references to Blocks in Rack files and so on. We tested this area a lot, also using cross platform testing which e.g. includes saving a file on Windows, then loading-testing and re-saving on Mac, and again loading-testing on Windows. Still: to make this a quality release we think that having a good test coverage in day by day user situations is absolutely essential.'

    This is worrying because at the moment one area where Reaktor (and all NI plugins tbh) struggles is in accurately guiding users to relocate missing resources. The problem is the dialogue boxes that report missing files are too small and do not always show the full path for the missing resource. If you want to have a positive bug squashing process, given this is a likely issue, it would be great if you could ensure firstly that Reaktor correctly reports missing resources.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 282 Pro

    Because DAWs like Logic Pro and Bitwig will run Intel plug-ins sandboxed or out-of-process, and in the case of Logic lots of Intel Plug-ins are very buggy/glitchy when used that way. Depending on that is a support nightmare due to the issues users face with it, as well as the fact that we are past the two year period after M1's release, so we cannot expect Rosetta 2 to remain forever. We have to assume it is on the chopping block, because we are going past the time frame that Apple expected it to serve a purpose.

    No VST2 plug-ins exist that are Native ARM, because Steinberg has never ported the VST2 SDK to ARM and they aren't licensing it out anymore. It's been deprecated for almost a decade and it has been out of development for years.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited January 2023

    The VST2 SDK doesn't have to be ported to ARM, actually. Some plugin developers actually made VST2 work on Apple Silicon and it wasn't that compliacted, apparently. It's just that Steinberg doesn't want to support that scenario (well, VST2 in its entirety, really). But it can and did work.

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