M+ standalone optimized Reaktor content from the community



  • Astralbeats_225
    Astralbeats_225 Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited August 2022

    I'm struggling to optimize reaktor ensembles. I can get them to load in M+ but all parameters are labeled (P000000000001) counting up. When I'm working with the ensble in Maschine 2 (desktop) everything is labeled properly and on the knob pages that I set them. Can someone steer me in the right direction lol I'm lost and spent 6hours trying different things.

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    This is cool thanks! It just occurred to me that I could use a reaktor ensemble as a utility plug-in to set everything below a certain frequency as mono. I did see some ensembles posted from a while ago but I don’t know if they work yet, I’ll experiment tonight and let y’all know. If not, I’d be interested in building one in Reaktor.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 816 Expert

    You mean something like an exact replica of the Ableton "Utility" module?

    Now there's a great project idea for anyone starting with their custom ens making!

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 816 Expert
    edited September 2022

    Did you rename the parameters in Maschine like I outlined in my instructions? You need to rename the parameters in Maschine and save the sound as a new file, then open that newly saved sound in Reaktor (yes, you can open Maschine sounds in Reaktor as long as that sound was a Reaktor instrument/fx) and then resave that file as a new Ensemble. This newly saved ens should now display correctly named parameters when loaded up in Maschine standalone.

    All the required info should already be contained in this very thread. It's a simple process once you have done it a few times.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 227 Pro

    I think we've touched upon another thing Native Instruments need to fix, lmao. I, too, wondered if I was just an idiot for being unable to wrap my head around core but quickly realized that there simply are no real instructions because NI apparently expect you to have come out the womb knowing DSP. I got pretty far with making stuff in Primary, but ultimately gave up doing anything except hacking together existing modules to do stuff I normally do with other virtual modulars. I have a thick DSP book for engineers on my shelf, but I have no idea how to relate any of it to Reaktor. At least with Primary, I could go find circuit diagrams and figure out what the equivalent blocks of function were in Reaktor, without understanding analog electronics. I managed to create a delay using such a diagram and made a bunch of mental connections between the conceptual side and the reaktor side. I haven't found such a resource for Core, unfortunately.

    So NI: Chop Chop. We need a better Reaktor Core Manual for us big brains/potential big brains, and Vector/HiDPI interface for Blocks so that we can patch racks that are more than three or four horizontal rows big, without wishing we were in VCV Rack so that we could zoom in and out.

  • Astralbeats_225
    Astralbeats_225 Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited September 2022

    So I see its something I over looked. the .nrkt file also needed to be transferred over to the Maschine +. I was moving the ensembles but leaving the nrkt files behind. Lol I clearly was misunderstanding the process. I have since then got quite a few going but I have noticed that even with renaming, a few parameters still don't take the name. So I started using the Label box above the parameters when I get those that won't take.

  • klingklangmatze
    klingklangmatze Member Posts: 2 Member

    I can load the classic ensembles (Subharmonic, Titan, etc) on my M+, I see the presets, I can load the presets, I see the built-in controls, but I don't hear anything when I play notes. any idea why? I use Reaktor 6.4.3.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 816 Expert
    edited November 2022

    umm no, I don't need to copy any .nrkt files over in order to make the labels display correct names. Something is still off in your method? All I need to do is copy the .ens and everything works. All the ensembles I have optimized for M+ posted in this thread load up with correct labels for the parameters AFAIK

  • Nought E
    Nought E Member Posts: 4 Member

    Firstly, thank you to everyone for making this thread so incredibly useful!

    I'm new to Maschine, but not new to tinkering and bending equipment to my will.

    I am now hell-bent on having a powerful workhorse synth with well mapped controls, designed specifically for the M+. I'm new to Reaktor too, but not entirely new to DSP. I'll figure it out.

    On a separate note, has anyone ever considered some kind of jailbreak or modified/FOSS M+ firmware as a means to solving the myriad of software restrictions on M+? If anyone with the required skills wanted to have a go, I've got 13 years of product/ux/ui design and a good bit of programming know how that id be happy to throw in. I feel like the hardware could be so much more than the software currently allows.

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    Amen to that. So much potential that’s under-explored with Maschine. Feels like it’s been standing still for years now.

    You may find the Rebellion project by terminar (on GitHub) of interest. It’s doing the basic work of decoding the protocol Maschine and Komplete Kontrol use.

    Mikhail Korovkin (on YouTube) has managed to get a full graphical user interface working on Maschine. He’s working on a Bitwig controller script, but he may have some helpful info for you.

    I’d be very happy to see something more advanced develop with the Maschine+ hardware. Happy to help out if you decide to take it on!

  • Nought E
    Nought E Member Posts: 4 Member

    Nice one - there's some cool stuff to dig into there. Real shame nobody has pushed it further yet. I'm going to dive into Reaktor and see what happens.

  • Nought E
    Nought E Member Posts: 4 Member

    Here's my Tritium ensemble, with all parameters mapped and somewhat neatly organised and labelled. Works perfectly on my M+!

    More info on the synth here: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/4159/

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    Wow! That’s old enough that the library links to MySpace!!

    Shows that some good things last I guess!

  • Nought E
    Nought E Member Posts: 4 Member

    Yeah I didn't realise how old it was until I was halfway through meddling with it! Mid-noughties was the golden age of VA workstation synths. This one even has a bunch of Virus waveforms in it.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 816 Expert
    edited February 2023

    Hey! Nice one, I'll install this to my Maschine+ straight away!


    PS: About hacking M+, can't help I'm afraid, that stuff goes way above my head. I'm happy enough messing with custom Reaktor & Kontakt stuff with my M+. However, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours!

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