M+ standalone optimized Reaktor content from the community



  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 509 Pro

    Works fine in M+! Any more cool patches I can add?

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 801 Expert

    I don't think you can open Reaktor custom content in Reaktor Player..?

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 801 Expert
    edited April 2022

    How about this port of Mono FM I just finished? 😎

    It's a monophonic FM synth (+ filter) with almost 90 parameters, totally programmable in Maschine+ standalone. There's only an init preset plus one well known Yamaha DX patch but the idea is to roll your own presets with it.

    Takes about 20-25% Maschine+ CPU, multiple instances should take less CPU than the first instance.

    And if you already didn't DL all the ensembles in this thread, I've made 12 ensembles already ;) Starting from the first page..

    EDIT: A word of caution to people using custom Reaktor ensemles in Maschine+ current OS. Seems like you cannot load a Reaktor FX on a Reaktor Instrument without triggering the dreaded "project is silent on reload" bug. It's probably a good idea to resample any important material created with custom Reaktor ensembles.. Right now I can use everything OK, but only fx or instruments, not mixing both ensembles together. Good news is that you can still save your instrument and fx presets and they will still recall even if the project containing them goes mute.

    So yeah, "unofficial custom Reaktor ens support" still stands, don't go playing these to a gig just yet..

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 441 Guru
    edited April 2022

    Here's a fake half time I've been playing with. Don't bother trying to put this on M+; I haven't bothered to set that up. Think of this as an experimental work in progress by someone that doesn't know what he's doing. I figured I'd share what I have so far in case someone out there wants to play with it and fix anything stupid I've done.

    It won't play anything unless the clock in reaktor is running (this is done on purpose; so press play). The general idea is using the audio table to play audio. I have a section for writing the audio. It's running at normal speed (I've not tested anything but 44.1). The read head reads at a defined speed. I use a step sequencer synced to tempo and reset both read and write when it hits step N (you pick). It would have made a lot of sense to use the sequencer to reset itself to control the time division instead of doing math. An experiment for another day I suppose.

    I've been testing by having reaktor on desktop getting audio from m+ playing a loop - using ableton link to sync. It gets out of sync pretty easily when messing with the knobs. The weirdo stuff I have going on in the read section is... lol. I was seeing if I could get away with having it read a few samplers later than it writes. Moving the knob sounded cool to me, so I put a LFO on it. I like wobbly sounds.

    Again; proof of concept here. Probably really bad math going on. I'm using a synced LFO because I couldn't figure out the frequency divider. My ADHD got the best of me and I started adding stupid stuff. You know the drill.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 372 Pro

    I have zero knowledge of Reaktor, no worries, was only wondering if anybody had ever made it, there have been forum threads but never any real success, maybe it is beyond Reaktor or something.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 801 Expert
    edited April 2022

    That OTT ensemble was one result from another thread where someone wanted a compressor that would squash infinitely upwards, so as to make even the quietest sounds clearly audible. To bring out all the tails of decaying sounds. Compression as an effect to the max type of thing. It was never meant to reproduce actual OTT.

    Since Reaktor is quite capable of building various compressors, including multiband designs, I'm quite sure OTT could be replicated quite well. But do I care enough to start making one up myself? Nope, not really.

    I don't recall seeing any threads in the Reaktor subforum about proper OTT replicas, but I haven't been reading the old forum's Reaktor sub so if there was talk about it there, I've missed it.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 372 Pro

    Yes there was talk about it, but nothing came of it, maybe nobody else cares enough either, FYI this is a beast too for sound design https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/6109/

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 372 Pro

    It is from 2010, so you may need to follow the instructions on this forum to get it working, I'm away from my plus for a while and only have software running on laptop.

  • nuromantix
    nuromantix Member Posts: 29 Member

    Here a couple of simple things I made that are optimised for M+. Just very basic FX that I had been asking NI for, and in the end made by myself.

    One is a simple stereo utility that can convert stereo>mono or swap channels. I found a lot of the preset synth sounds are just too big and wide to be used in music so this helps tame them.

    The other is a simple delay based on the Bel BD80 with an LFO to modulate delay time. I really wanted a delay that wasn't tied to the tempo. You can also use this as a flanger or chorus.

    Nothing groundbreaking but useful in M+.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,860 Expert
    edited May 2022

    Inspired by all the great posts above, I spend a day learning the Reaktor basics and how to create Reaktor Ensemble mappings in Maschine. The first is quite complex as expected, the latter rather cumbersome and time consuming.

    Out of my experiments came a small Stereo Width Utility which allows to narrow the stereo image to mono and beyond (reverse L/R). It has a Gain control in case you want to compensate for the perceived change in loudness.

    I also wanted to add a final Panner but didn't find out which standard Reaktor Module is suited to pan a stereo signal, because the Stereo Pan Module actually only takes a mono input singal and pans it to a stereo output. Any hints are welcome.

    Edit: Renamed to Stereo Utility 1.0 and published on the Reaktor User Library here:

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 441 Guru

    I love that we can paste screenshots to this forum.

    I don't know if this is "right", but it works.

  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 35 Helper

    @tetsuneko thank you, you are unbelievable ! glad you found that !

    I was pretty busy lately so I didn't have the time to test even the vocoder, but be sure I'll test both. Sorry if you felt urged by my enthusiasm for those vocal features, that's definitely useful and unique ports for M+ so far :)

    It's crazy NI hasn't explored adding features like that at least through Reaktor. Could be significant and quick wins for them and M+ users. They could even sell expansions with specific presets for the Vocoder as I said in my previous post.

    Definitely Reaktor on the M+ is a big deal.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,860 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Hilariously simple! Thank you so much!

    Update uploaded. OZON Stereo Width 1.1 allows to pan the narrowed stereo signal. Enjoy.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 801 Expert

    Thanks for the updates!

    I've been on sick leave and unable to contribute anything useful these past days, it's nice to see a new stereo width tool on here!

    Ps. you can pan a stereo signal with the stereo mixer, just send a knob the the left input level control, and send that same knob result inverted to the right side level control input.

    Will be resuming the builds when I recover


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