Komplete Kontrol full screen and resizable?

Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I find it really surprising that in 2022 you can't resize the plugin or make the Komplete Kontrol standalone window full size (both actually) or have I missed something?

The browser is just way too small to get a good overview and the overall user experience isn't anywhere near what it could be.

I am sure the experience might be better if you have one of the larger Keyboards with color display but I bought the M32 for writing sessions away from my own studio, but because of the crammed/way too small browser I just don't use it. I love the NI plugins and use them extensively but the Komplete Kontrol software - not so much. The potential is huge but it's not ticking any of the right boxes for me.


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  • Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited June 2022

    Scalable GUI is something that has been talked about for a while and we're already addressing this feature for a couple of our main products. That should be something we're gonna see in the near future.

  • Member Posts: 509 Pro

    @Nico_NI define “near”…

  • Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
  • Member Posts: 3,107 Expert


    Not sure 6 months is enough time for this one.


  • Member Posts: 509 Pro

    When you say “this” are you pointing to a calendar i your office? What year is that calendar? :smirk:

    jokes aside I hope so. Thanks for clearifying the most you can. :beer:

  • Member Posts: 471 Pro

    You would make a lot of your customers VERY happy with that! (Well, knowing how we can be sometimes it'll probably feel more like making many customers less unhappy but don't be discouraged.😉)

  • Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    Accompanied by a redesign of the graphical interface would be cool

  • Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Would be great, usability suffer greatly when loading small plugins as it is now.

  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    I really need resizeable GUIs like, yesterday.

    I've been squinting at screens for over 20 years now, and like so many others, got a computer when the dance music craze started, but now we are all in our 40s and our 50s, and using large monitors, and we open things like FM8 and Komplete Kontrol and they're tiny.

    I actually have an eye condition now, and I think it's mostly been caused by a combination of glaring white backgrounds and squinting to try and see text that is far too small. I've had to resort to using windows magnifier but the text on FM8 gets all aliased and glitchy.

    I love NI's sound, but everyone, even small indie developers without the deep pockets of NI, can easily make a resizable GUI now.

    If an NI representative happens to read this, we absolutely need this to happen. Please give us the ability to resize your plugins.

  • Member Posts: 3,107 Expert

    I'd suggest finding some kind of workaround for this since a resizable window for Komplete Kontrol is one thing but resizable GUI means a whole redesign of the GUI elements and given how many other things are in desperate need and how lacking active development appears to be lately it will be a looooong wait to see older plugins with resizable GUIs.

    One reason I have stuck with 1080P monitors is it all works and is good enough. Maybe using some kind of scaling would help? Not sure as I don't have this issue at 1080

  • Member Posts: 1 Member

    Please do give this more priority. With the default view, I can't see more than 3 items at once, which is an awful experience.

  • Member Posts: 339 Pro

    Same issues here, this would be a great update, along with the many others requested in the old forum.

  • Member Posts: 2 Member

    Never had a problem with it. And I've been using it for years or at least since they came out with it. What are you running it on?

    Edit: I set it to download to my download folder. I do remember having to install from the iso, but that was a while ago. It's been working fine for over a year. Probably more because the last time I remember downloading something new was KU13CE when it came out.

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