February 2025 – a community update from our Chief Product Officer



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    @Simon_NI ,

    Thank you for this great Community Update. A lot of great and interesting news there.

    However brought on by need then I will take it upon myself to ask you this again : When are N.I. going to start providing users with registered products the ability to download installers for or to revert to the latest or latest stable/best versions of software before present versions ?

    Today more people have started to report problems with products because of using Komplete Kontrol 3.4.0 and I have no ability to provide people with the download of the previous version 3.3.4 . If N.I. do not want to provide these downloads in general through N.A. having the ability to revert to previous version or by making a public list of download links to aforementioned software versions then at least give Moderators that act in a responsible manner access to links to same software versions to share. I myself have a compiled list of links (mostly grabbed from what has been made/provided in public by Customer Care expert Jeremy_NI) to offer people here but that doesn't help much for what there is no links for or no link for yet or when Customer Care is not around.

    I can appreciate that sometimes this software requires that other version of software - and what not , and that things might sometimes be a little more complicated than what 'end-users' think but if so and if some synchronization across apps are needed when downgrading then either build the reverting to previous version into Native Access or make some version checker/synchronization app to run afterwards to check things. You could even make that part of a general N.I. problem rectifier function in Native Access that will straighten out the most common problem that support experiences. It's all rules based , right ? So all that is needed is for the rectifier function to have enough OS and software awareness combined with a good enough rules database to use to compare with. Alternatively make your own N.I. AI app to do the job 🤣

  • Aknial
    Aknial Member Posts: 2 Member

    These changes are deeply appreciated and I am personally very happy for these news. However, I would love to see some improvements/upgrades for our beloved Reaktor 6. I still believe it is worth to reach a new advanced levels in Reaktor.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    @MaikR "Should we all switch to MPC, so that we can use your ”high quality sounds” over there, as they’re already"

    Why not?

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru
    edited February 24

    I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking… because it looks like this is the second year in a row that we’re promised an update on fixing 2.0, but again nothing released (yet). The only thing that has changed is that Akai is on the move, and NI even starts to openly praise them for their ‘product leadership’.

    NI and Akai share a common mission: to empower and enable creators to express themselves and explore new musical possibilities. While NI’s strengths include our huge, high quality library of sounds and our desktop software, Akai’s MPC series of standalone devices are legendary in their own right. 

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor
    edited February 24

    It is entirely possible that in the case of AKAI the grass really is greener, and that the forums are completely bereft of complaints. I have no idea. If that's your perception, and you think you'd like the MPC workflow then why not.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Akai MPC is not my platform of choice, especially not on desktop.
    But I would (re)consider a switch if M+ isn’t updated and fixed.

    So it’s not about the color of the grass, but more why NI still hasn’t mown their own lawn…?

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    But the point still remains: Are AKAI really on top of it to the extent that the majority of users are satisfied? And what are your expectations? What about the M+ are you waiting to be fixed? Updates?

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    There’s no point, because I’m not saying Akai is better (or worse).

    When it comes to updates, all has been said:


    Now we’re awaiting the beta for M+ that would have been released 3 weeks ago (just like April, June, July, the end of 2024, and / or ‘soon’).

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    If you're not saying AKAI are better or worse, what point is there in comparing at all? And I've read the threads about updates. I'm curious what it is YOU are waiting for.

    Also, what do you suspect is holding up the beta?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    what do you suspect is holding up the beta?

    That's really what someone (anyone) at NI should be telling us. Instead we get left in the dark.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    I’ve started that thread, participated on others, and also asked the question about version 3 before version 2.

    So by now it should be more than clear that I’m after the improvements on ‘class compliancy’ and compatibility with the latest version 2 SW for desktop. That way the version 2 workflow and desktop integration are ‘finalized’.

    For version 3 on M+ I don’t have any hopes, and therefore no wishes. I didn’t buy a Maschine Plus with those new features to be expected, but I did buy a version 2 (with some of its features left to be implemented ‘soon’).

    After a year full excuses it’s time to deliver as promised. @Chris_NI sent me a couple of PMs including the reason for the latest delay, and if that’s the whole story then I start to believe that we all have a problem.

  • Simon_NI
    Simon_NI Product Team Posts: 44 Product Team

    @trusampler @Sunborn — those features are all on the team's backlog for consideration. It's the same team that develops both Maschine and Komplete Kontrol so they have to cover both bases — but these are good suggestions, just can't commit to timeline.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    Your requests are reasonable and you have legitimate reason to be upset. I'm not trying to tell you what and where to post, I just don't see what you're hoping to achieve by posting the same thing, over and again. If you've already had seemingly unsatisfactory private communications with the team leader, what different outcome do you expect on the forums?

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    As long as they keep acting like the way they do…?

    No, I don’t need to post the same thing over and over again, that’s why I link to previous (closed) topics. Like this one, that will be closed after tomorrow, after which only moderators and/or NI reps can add additional information or comments.

    What I’m asking for is transparency and clear communications about what and when. If someone at NI decides to ‘not respond’ and/or change plans, for whatever reasons, and that decision impacts their customers (me included) then I would like to know. So I start asking.

    And no, I am NOT talking about every f… detail. But with this particular update pushed back over and over again, I think we have the right to know what they’re up to. Especially when The Chief is full of compliments about the competition, and the collaboration is ‘communicated’ multiple times throughout different channels.

    Now let me ask you something… what makes you that interested or concerned about what I’m asking or why I choose to keep my interest in Maschine Plus?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 25

    So… now it is official…coming directly from the big Chief’s mouth: it is not “some people have to shift from task to task”… the team is exactly the same, so no one works on Maschine when they are working on KK and viceversa

This discussion has been closed.
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