February 2025 – a community update from our Chief Product Officer



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,715 mod

    @Simon_NI ,

    Thank you for this great Community Update. A lot of great and interesting news there.

    However brought on by need then I will take it upon myself to ask you this again : When are N.I. going to start providing users with registered products the ability to download installers for or to revert to the latest or latest stable/best versions of software before present versions ?

    Today more people have started to report problems with products because of using Komplete Kontrol 3.4.0 and I have no ability to provide people with the download of the previous version 3.3.4 . If N.I. do not want to provide these downloads in general through N.A. having the ability to revert to previous version or by making a public list of download links to aforementioned software versions then at least give Moderators that act in a responsible manner access to links to same software versions to share. I myself have a compiled list of links (mostly grabbed from what has been made/provided in public by Customer Care expert Jeremy_NI) to offer people here but that doesn't help much for what there is no links for or no link for yet or when Customer Care is not around.

    I can appreciate that sometimes this software requires that other version of software - and what not , and that things might sometimes be a little more complicated than what 'end-users' think but if so and if some synchronization across apps are needed when downgrading then either build the reverting to previous version into Native Access or make some version checker/synchronization app to run afterwards to check things. You could even make that part of a general N.I. problem rectifier function in Native Access that will straighten out the most common problem that support experiences. It's all rules based , right ? So all that is needed is for the rectifier function to have enough OS and software awareness combined with a good enough rules database to use to compare with. Alternatively make your own N.I. AI app to do the job 🤣

  • Aknial
    Aknial Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    These changes are deeply appreciated and I am personally very happy for these news. However, I would love to see some improvements/upgrades for our beloved Reaktor 6. I still believe it is worth to reach a new advanced levels in Reaktor.

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