HELP! Can't get Native Access 2 to install

orchiddoug Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Somehow Native Access got corrupted. I have downloaded Native Access 2 but every time I try to install it it says I have to UNINSTALL the previous version because it says it can't do it automatically.

So I went to windows remove programs. It's there, but when I click UNINSTALL, it won't do it either. Says: "Windows cannot find 'C:\ProgramData\{D651086F-B9C2-4015-B429-A08BA3A77606}\Native Access Setup PC.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.

I have already started deleting files manually under file explorer, but it's still not installing the new version.

This is crazy! Catch 22. Can't install new, because old is prohibiting it, but can't UN-install it either.

Is there somewhere I'm not looking to delete the correct file to release my computer from the HOLD the old version has over it so I can install the newest version?


Best Answer


  • orchiddoug
    orchiddoug Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I guess I should mention that I had a Windows 10 computer and upgraded my computer and "CLONED" my computer to a new hard drive and upgraded Windows to Windows 11. That's when the Native Access stopped working and Kontakt and all the sound banks. Doug

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello orchiddoug, sorry for the issue.

    Can you please try the steps in this Knowledge Base Article below:

    Fixing Software Update Installation Issues (Windows)

    I hope this helps☺️

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