My new year wishes for NI



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited January 5

    I agree with you so far as that I have never for a moment fully agreed with the data analysis' and use/user assessments made by N.I. since I have always thought that even if some features or some apps were/are only being used by the few then they could still impact the purchase decisions of many more.

    E.g. when someone buys a Komplete bundle then they may not use all the apps very much but that does not mean that the apps were not part of why people buys. So I think that you are right when you think that N.I. is still cashing in on what were created earlier (ref. "some really important products their predecessors have created") and which many people thinks are very cool and cool to have even if they do not use all themselves.

    I kind of understand while N.I. EOL'ed e.g. Absynth because it would cost a major investment to sustain it and modernize it but I still think that the decision is part of a wrong thinking that might soon spill over to that other important products might be retired just because the numbers say that that are not used much and because selling Kontakt libraries pays better versus the upkeep for improving on what e.g. Reaktor , and the Synth apps do. Also the 'synth' scene has many players these days which might make decision makers to think that it cost too much to keep products that has too little spin off sale and which they think is not a major selling point. I of course think that N.I. should have their own product line of apps and ought to keep what they have and improve on it where necessary.

    I for one would really hate to see N.I. reduced to the Komplete Kontrol Kontakt app with little left of what else that presently is included.

    But I also think that this discussion so far has overlooked the really important parts of the iZotope product line (who by the way also retired 'izotope Iris 2') and the PluginAlliance plugins program , and also thus far has overlooked the subscription part. And we are seeing subscription agendas being pushed everywhere for both productivity products (Office 365) , computer games (various) , and music related products (various including N.I.) and depending on how the subscription side fares (I think that we are going to see a lot more there) then that might impact product lines also. But I do think that N.I. leadership would prefer that we all had subscriptions for everything and once if there is nothing else then it's all take it or leave it when it comes to paying.

    And finally then I think that 'AI' is going to impact music tools a lot more than what we have seen before and it is entirely possible that once the AI 'agenda' has been pushed to it's max then maybe most people will frown upon all them 'hopelessly outdated non-AI apps' that we are presently sitting with.

    All in all then again I find it hard to see how it all pans out.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    So I'm going to be controversial in a few areas. I think honesty is important, but only in this instance for debate; not to beat down on NI - I think there's a lot of fine people working there.

    I own a software as a service subscirption business. Subscriptions for tools is the ideal scenario for both cash flow and investment in new products. There are no two ways about it, but NI is in the very fortunate position where it has both subscriptions (I'm estimating less than 10% of userbase), as well as physical and digital product. Music Tech subscriptions are being driven primarily by software creators, rather than hardware, and is traditionally around 3-4 years behind other software income streams. Where Music Tech is ahead, is in the application of AI (really machine learning) into new products. This is why I'm surprised NI hasn't pushed into this area as yet.

    The challenge, is that even though your original product might be great (mine is, because it was designed to be), that original great product might feel like it gets stagnant over time. You have to add more features, or expand upon the feature set and listen to your clients. What do they want, what do they need, and how do they want to use your products?

    But that leads to problem #1

    Data-led or Data driven (user product data)
    There is a subtle difference between the two. My subscription business is data driven. We use and expose data to clients, and we analyse editorial and influencer behaviours to project coverage. We also have the other parts of the marketing cycle; distribution. The second stage of this business was always going to be Music Tech, but it's such a small industry, we decided not to do this and focus on one industry; building all the tools needed by clients to do the job themselves and automate a bunch of functions.

    Had we been data-led, I would be charging less for the same services (when there's inherent value in what my platform does) or I might have gated certain features at the detriment of users (media and influencers). Neither of these would have helped generate and measure engagement and results.

    NI might be data-led or data-driven in different areas of the business. For instance, I'm data-led in the financial elements of my business. I'm data driven in the design of future features.

    Yes, NI has a bunch of user data on what products are used, and how they're used. Designing a future product line around what your users are doing is great. But it's a niche, not a growing market. I'm pretty sure there's some very clever folks at NI looking at data and using that to inform decision making, rather than using data to make those decisions.

    NKS Standard
    There are, in my snapshot of the market, more NKS products created by users here, or elswhere, than by companies who create products. There are likely a number of reasons for this. Firstly, the NKS standard was a brilliant idea, or parts of it at least. It's the reason why UVI (with some former NI people there) have created the tag browser and previews for its products. It's why Steinberg brought in previews. Mapping is essential to increasing workflow, and NKS really made this important.

    Here's the thing a lot of previous supporters of NKS are missing out on, such as Sample Logic: when software creators release NKS product, that means they can take part in marketing activities, like sales on the NI website. These sale periods are brilliant for lifecycle management; how many units do you expect to sell of a product over its lifetime (1-5 years traditonally) and at what price?

    When NI has a partner sale, that sale generates likely 70%+ of that companies sales expectations for the year. Success will vary by product, and by partner, but consumer behaviour has changed so much in the last five years, that people wait until a product hits 'x' price before buying. It's the single reason I don't own Fab Filter products or Serum - I don't see the value at the price they are at present.

    During NI sale periods, the website traffic increases massively. During partner sales, more products are exposed to NIs userbase like last year's AI sale - albeit that was without proper NKS partner support or messaging (a learning for next time - if XO had official NKS support, I would have bought it - but it didn't have that label, so I didn't buy).

    Unofficial NKS support is brilliant for the community, but it doesn't help the creators of product unless they adopt it and then sell more product. Part of me hopes that having done the NKS for Equator 2 or Phaseplant, that Roli and Kilohearts will say "Oh, that big ass amount of work has been done. Let's assess this, make some changes and go from here!" - but truth be told, I've never reached out to them to tell them.

    All this comes to a point. The problem is, creating NKS for the average product is time consuming. It is for NI's teams, and it is for 3rd parties. How do you solve that issue? I think it's three fold.

    1. Create better tools to enable NKS authoring.

    The tools we had 18 months ago were better than the tools we have now. We've been skirting the sidelines with small hacks to make life easier, but if the tools aren't there, build them, or let the community build them. Which leads to the next point.

    2. The community is your evangelists for NKS. Have them help create NKS compatibility for 3rd parties in advance.

    In video games (the industry I work in), you have things like creator clubs, where you invite x influencers into the marketing cycle.

    Feedback on new builds? Check.
    A/B testing? Check.
    A million other things that add to succes? Check.

    You could take 4-5 people from this forum, give them proper tools, and they'd create the NKS compatibility for the products in short order before release. I know this is possible, because there are one or two on this forum who have created official NKS compatability in the past.

    The challenge in all of this boils down to a couple of things- bandwidth and cash. Everything you develop as a software company has limits; either a time limit, a spend limit or a bandwidth limit. Developers can only do so much at any given time. I'm not a developer, but I understand developers more having worked with them for the last five years. I have so much respect for them now. Yes, I get annoyed that things take time, which means I don't make as many sales, but I would always rather something was right than quick.

    Now imagine you're working with code, some of which is 20 years old. NI has a tough task, and our priorities are probably different from NI's priorities, because they're growing a company focused on facilitating the creation of music, and we just want to make music.

    The moment NI opens up the store for 3rd parties, it effectively becomes the #1 storefront for music technology digital product. It will sell more hardware because of this. It will retain profit from the sale of other people's products, and become a focul point for user aquisition. NKS because the standard by default, because NKS products are effectively the gold standard for accessiblity.

    I could type about this stuff for hours, so I'll stop now. But there's so much potential, and I promise you, the product owners at NI feel exactly the same way, but everything has limits. It's how you bend those limits that can sometimes make the difference.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru
    edited January 5

    I'm going to give up replying to the only thread not asking for support on the entire forum if my posts are being moderated.

    Perhaps we should just setup a discord.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    I'm going to give up replying to the only thread not asking for support on the entire forum if my posts are being moderated.

    If anyone 'Moderated' anything you wrote here then it was not me.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    Two posts in this thread have not appeared when posted. It makes me not want to edit my typos.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod

    That's odd but I can't see why anyone would have deleted them

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    The two posts I have read from you in this thread was really great so please don't give up :)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited January 6

    I found the quoted here , which I restored, but not sure if this is what you have been referring to , but if it were then it apparently were flagged by yourself and then deleted by another Moderator. I went through the change-log and didn't immediately spot anything else. So either I failed to read/spot correctly , or there were some site mishap , or whoever deleted also deleted the action from the log. Also nothing were caught in the Moderation queue.

    Sorry but I have only so much time that I can spend looking into an issue such as this and being a Moderator then I am also rather limited with respect to both insight and power.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    NI will never become “the Steam of Music Tech” for a simple reason:

    Steam is a “neutral” company, where all developers can publish their products. NI is a “rival” company, therefore ”opponents” will not be so prone to push you in their arms (unless involved in NKS).

    To understand better, let’s make a comparison with the music industry: we have Spotify and others (neutral) where anyone can publish their work…but we don’t have Rolling Stones selling their albums in the Beatles store ☺️

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod

    Things are rather more simple:

    Your 2 comments found both in the Moderation Queue.

    When i saw them (probably hours later), i just approved them.

    Meanwhile your wrote again, a short version.

    So, when the original comments was restored, the short version was a duplicate, which of course i removed.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited January 6

    …you restored it but i will delete it again

    you didn't checked (and correctly, since you didn't knew) the, already restored, original comment (which is longer and more detailed), just a step above. So, it's a duplicate, again 😉

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited January 6

    Thank you for your kindness and understanding. I kind of thought that it looked a bit duplicate-ish to me but both after having spent time perusing the change log and considering that it apparently were an issue for Vagus then I really didn't care and restored it so that it would hopefully not have to keep being an issue.

    Also I never considered your deletion of the post as by ill will but for you as the right thing to do , which it is again since you yourself stepped in and cleared up the matter.

    Generally I felt a bit at a disadvantage with the whole matter since I didn't know the whole story so I just did a best effort. Thank you for your effort and understanding and my wishes for the New Year to you 😀 (and of course the same to other participants here)

    P.S. Then as for the 'Moderation Queue' then that also of course only exists until Moderated , in this case by you , so nothing showed for me there.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    Steam is anything but a neutral company. I could go into details, but NDAs mean I can't tell you what they do, or more accurately, what they don't do.

    If you're a small developer, or even a mid-size developer self-publishing, it's far from a level playing field.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    For the moderators, this wasn't a slight on any of you - you're doing a great job - but it'd be good to understand why those posts went to the moderation queue. Was it length, or certain words I can steer clear of in future?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited January 6

    but it'd be good to understand why those posts went to the moderation queue. Was it length, or certain words I can steer clear of in future?

    There is people here that has been 'Moderating' for far longer (years longer) than me that might be able to tell you better but we the Moderators do not have any actual insight in site rule settings like that that I know of , that would be the the site Administrators that knows or at least have the type of access that could give access to the knowledge. So your guess is as good as mine.

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