My new year wishes for NI



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,959 Expert
    edited January 7

    With “neutral” I meant it is not a games developer company itself.

    It is a store that doesn’t mind too much if they sell A or B: they earn money in any case.

    More than that, the videogames industry is a different case: if today you buy FPS A, probably tomorrow you will buy FPS B anyway. And then C and D. You always need a new game to play.

    While if you buy piano A maybe it will suffice you and you will continue playing it instead of buying B, C and D (I know…this is not always the case…but this has more to do with our consumerism than the need for a new piano to play…)

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,068 Guru

    I agree with the main point somebody made about having the NI users be the evangelists for NKS, etcetera etcetera.

    I also agree that NI probably over-relied on metrics as the "all seeing" oracle that told the devs what was most important to the end-users. You still need to TALK WITH the users!

    As I've said many times before, any vendor, whether it's a software house, a restaurant, or a car repair place, you HAVE TO HAVE A WILLINGNESS TO COMMUNICATE. And an ability to do so regularly and actively.

    Matthew does great, as do the others who regularly appear here. So I have to think that the decision (and maybe the problems) happens above them.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,959 Expert
    edited January 7

    I only partially agree with that.

    Surely the main decisions are taken above (specially regarding the strengths they can put into something)

    But Matthew has been more than clear that the (unlucky) decisions taken on Komplete Kontrol were his own and he stood by those, even when users started to show some were not so welcome.

    And also: I don’t know how much people here notice all these interactions happen mainly when it’s time to sell something…to then disappear (or at least decrease drastically)

    Which is more than normal…but surely show more interest in selling you something than really knowing what users think/want…

    And that is one of the things that puzzles me the most: if I was somebody producing something and willing to sell it, I would REALLY know what the people that eventually will buy my stuffs want. And, when possible, I would give them those, so I would sell more.

    It’s the difference between BEFORE and AFTER: you are interested in users opinions? You ask BEFORE (and then make your moves accordingly). You want to sell what you already worked on? You try to convince of your moves AFTER.

    That said, all of what I wrote is an exaggeration: I do appreciate people from NI being present a lot more than before and willing to take the risk to be criticized as I’m doing. But I still think that this could be improved, i.e. by moving BEFORE instead of AFTER. And by participating in discussions like this one so that next time you have to choose your moves you’ll know better what the users want (that I’m sure was the intention of Kymeia starting this thread). It would really be more useful than interacting in other discussions just to justify your choices or answer to critics about what is not working (which is, in any case, admirable)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,358 mod

    For sure it was not the length.

    Maybe the style was considered as "too close to A.I." (false alarm)?

    But most probably because of a word (or some words). There are such kind of auto-alarms in the system, although it is impossible for me to know which one it was (which word triggered it).

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,068 Guru

    Because of how AI's "inputs" (aka learning, aka iterating on prior work products) function, I expect that we will ALL eventually be accused of being AI. And AI won't always be able to tell the difference between you and me and another AI.

    And some day after that, we might not be able to tell the difference between each other and AI. I'm hearing right now about the possibility of having a meeting with somebody who looks, acts, and speaks like a person, but who is actually an AI "agent". And I'm thinking to myself, "I already get sales solicitation calls from AI entities. In a way, I'm already having meetings with AI!"

    But AI does have a ceiling that it currently can't surpass. Kind of like how Moore's Law has its limits below a certain molecular size for transistors and pathways. At least today.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,068 Guru

    "…Matthew has been more than clear that the (unlucky) decisions taken on Komplete Kontrol were his own and he stood by those, even when users started to show some were not so welcome."

    I remember a couple times where he has done that.

    So then we need to be better at convincing him to include us more in the pre-decision decisions. l don't know if we'll be able to get a guest key to the executive washroom, but one can hope.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,959 Expert

    The problem is i would give a guest key to every single NI user ☺️

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,959 Expert
    edited January 7

    Because of how AI's "inputs" (aka learning, aka iterating on prior work products) function, I expect that we will ALL eventually be accused of being AI. And AI won't always be able to tell the difference between you and me and another AI.

    The solution is easy: fill your text with errors, so no one will think it’s AI generated.

    That’s exactly why I put so many grammar mistakes (or…mistacs) 😂

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 218 Advisor

    It's 2025 they should be saying something i know Namm is around the corner but if they are waiting for namm to promote another device I'm sure sales will decline..

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 540 Guru

    NI don't really do much publicity around NAMM, as I get the feeling it's more of a biz dev event for them. Announcements usually come Aug-Oct.

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 218 Advisor

    I wouldn't call it dumb.. it make sense you can use kontakt all other instruments it's faster than using komplete kontrol which extremely disappointing..

  • Scoops
    Scoops Member Posts: 78 Member

    My Wish for NI users is that you find an alternative to NI

    It's clear NI is not interested in end user things. Look at this thread for validation.

    Again, I'll suggest if you want to continue using NI product, great, I don't blame you, but the best thing you can do for yourself is save off what works, and take that computer offline.

    Don't let it talk to NI severs. Just use the tools.

    You have to run 2 systems to use NI stuff, but it's a hell of a lot better than dealing with NI nonsense

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,959 Expert
    edited January 16

    A note to people thinking the forum should be what THEY say it should be:

    Do you really think that saying to someone he needs a psycho therapist is more acceptable than what he is doing?

    Or that it’s you the one that must decide what he has to do if he doesn’t like NI or the forum?

    Between: the forum is composed also by people wanting to constantly complain about NI. I see you don’t like it. Should I give you the same suggestion you gave him to go in peace somewhere else?

    As I already said to someone else, NOBODY is forcing ANYBODY to read anything. Don’t read. Or use ignore. Problem solved

    Really talking about respect to others???

  • oobe79
    oobe79 Member Posts: 141 Advisor

    Do yourself a favor and put Sunborn on mute, like I have. It's an objectively better Community experience.

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