My new year wishes for NI

Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,329 mod
edited January 1 in Komplete General

While I am a big user of NI products for many years now and heavily invested in the Komplete ecosystem it seems to me that in places the ecosystem hangs together more tenuously than I would like. This I think is what leads to so many problems users experience. Examples:

Kontakt 8 has Leap and Tools but they can only be accessed in Komplete Kontrol via the software interface, which means while they can be used with earlier keyboards you need to go into Komplete Kontrol and then the K8 browser to load them which is very clunky.

Kontakt snapshots from third party developers and user saved losing path information when loaded in Komplete Kontrol

Komplete Kontrol getting a browser influenced by Konkakt 7's Library browser, but as a consequence, taking away drag and drop functionality

Komplete Kontrol being able to load fx but not having an effect version or even fx automation or the ability to save chains

Maschine still being incapable of fully supporting the features of NI keyboards, even the latest MkIII models, such as aftertouch support and browsing Maschine 3 plugins and sounds from the keyboard

Massive X also does not integrate well with even the latest NI keyboards, you have to go into settings and change aftertouch from poly to mono to even be able to play it (and it still does not work properly at all in Maschine because Maschine does not even support mono aftertouch)

Older products such as Battery having developed incompatibilities with Komplete Kontrol and Maschine

I think while the intention behind the Komplete ecosystem is a good one, there is too much of a silo'd approach to app development which leads to situations like this where several product lines are out of alignment. So my new year wish is for NI to work towards a more joined up approach where each development team is considering the ecosystem as a whole rather than a piecemeal one where developments in one area are at the expense of developments elsewhere.



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    I wholeheartedly agree with everything you've said and I do believe NI knows this all needs improvement. As a person that comes from a commercial product development background I honestly feel for NI during this time period given all that's been transpiring within the industry such as converging on new standards with MIDI and VST's. That means the race is on for all companies in this segment to get cohesive products out that deliver on these promises while at the same time trying to deliver new advancements in their current product line.

    It reminds me of what I experienced in the 80's and 90's as computer systems began to get smaller and more powerful and standards for interoperability between different computers began to emerge and then the overwhelming promise of the Internet as it began to become a reality on every desktop. Balancing the demands from users for more features while trying to envision how to best incorporate all these new standards was a very daunting task and often the industry didn't guess correctly resulting in the failure of MASSIVE leaders in the industry such as Digital Equipment Corporation and Wang Laboratories along with the total retooling of the core business models of giants like IBM.

    I don't think we're quite at that level yet, but it's still a fairly sizeable gorilla in the room right now. Especially when you begin to ponder the potential impact of how to design and incorporate the promise and capabilities of generative AI and how that shapes into your product line.

    But that's the business NI has chosen to be in, but I do hope users can be a little understanding about what is boiling in the background and learn to be patient and encouraging. It's going to be rough for a little bit of time right now.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,426 mod

    +1 from me!

    All those you wrote can be summarize in 3 (and only 3) cases:

    • Either NI developers are short-sighted (which is hard to believe)
    • Either they do not interact between them in order that the products successfully overlap with each other
    • Either the owners do not allow them to do so

    One of the above is the root of the problem.

    And it is a shame because the products themselves are of the highest quality.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    I have to disagree or at least limit my judgement simply because I don't really understand how their development efforts are organized, but given what I experienced as outlined in my response I'd give a lot of weight to available bandwidth on the development team and the need to give users at least some of the things they can deliver now. That's the most typical situation in the conditions they're dealing with. That often leads to prioritization differences between what different individual users might want and what their marketing efforts indicate for the broader market. And the focus of where they feel they need to drive the products.

    I personally think, based on what I've seen recently, they seem to be much more driven toward addressing the DJ and Dance audiences in the products they're bringing out possibly because they see that as a bigger opportunity for new users, but that's just a guess from my observations.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro
    edited January 5

    The general lack of support for many existing products coupled with huge disappointments in recent software and hardware development has forced me away from using NI products.

    I hope they get a grip and changes for the better are afoot.

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 220 Advisor

    The fact they have no allowed kontrol mk3 to be fully functional in maschine 3.1 is a true sign they rather sell as many controller for each peice of software only.. if they allow full functionality with the kontrol keyboard then many of us would just choose one which in my eyes NI don't want..

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,092 Expert
    edited January 4

    Therefore, my only new year (utopic) wish for NI is just one: somebody really interested in the company (and not just the money) acquiring it.

    I’m sure this would solve a lot of the issues.

    Or…someone in the company so brave to show to the Private Equity guys all of these critics and them understanding what they are doing is the key to a failure.

    Even more utopic…

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 544 Guru
    edited January 4

    The challenge is, given that NI now also includes Izotope, Brainworx and Plugin Alliance, there's only two ways the future of Native Instruments goes.

    A) A larger music technology firm or larger VC aquires them.
    B) They float on a stock market for 1) return for SF/EMH Partners, or 2) ROI on the original investment in a partial float.

    Neither of this is easy at the scale NI is at, nor is the development of a host of products with a lot of tech debt (Kontakt, KK, Machine, Reaktor). NI and Izotope have some serious research credentials within their teams, but it seems a lot of other companies are bringing product to market based on research, where NI is bringing new instruments to Kontakt and expansions, over revitalised older product lines, or new product lines.

    They have worked behind the scenes on new things. Take Sound Stacks. Originally started a few years back, and a subsidary of NI. It's turnover is not insignificant, but neither is its outupt. It's a company making a loss, supported by its parent, but we haven't seen, or publically been told what they've been up to. Some of it might already be making its way into the tools we're working with, with Native UI, or CMajor (in partnership perhaps, because that's where the Sound Stacks guys went).

    However, there is a detatchment between what the users want, and what the owners want, because to be blunt and speaking from experience with VC, SF Partners / EMH will unlikely be super involved. They will have targets, and they will have goals; neither is likely a long term owner, so will expect an exit at some stage. A wise investor exits on the up; but the entire Music Technology sector is becoming more fragmented.

    I would bet on NI aqquiring smaller brands before a sale, but that's highly dependent on what the owner wants to do.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,948 mod
    edited January 4

    I think that when discussions has been going on then Matthew_NI has written it more times that 'the number/user-statistics say this or that and Matthew_NI has apparently used this as basis for decisions and for prioritizing. That paired with that it has all become the art of the possible for the developers of both software and hardware has made it so that the 'perfection' that users in the present discussion seeks/wants either will not happen or it will only happen if a situation arrives where developers do not have much else to do of importance/higher priority. Since we do not know all the plans and we are not privy to all lists of priority - only what we are told then that makes it mostly impossible to to tell what things and features will be made.

    At the moment then it appears as if what is made is the most important, what is most used and what is most popular and N.I. generally do not have any focus on fulfilling the wishes from e.g. 'expert users' if there is not many of these users/if there is not much sale in it.

    I myself in opinion here, on this matter and on how things ought to be , am aligned with JesterMgee, Kymeia and Sunborn , but I still expect that what we will see first and foremost will be what user-statistics say is popular , most used and sells the most HW and SW.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,092 Expert
    edited January 5

    What they don’t get is that if they let the “containers” (Maschine, KK, Kontakt) slowly become less and less interesting, they will not be able to even sell the products that depend on them and that their “data collection” says are the milking cows.

    They are so lucky to have ereditate some really important products their predecessors have created: NKS, Kontakt, Maschine and an ecosystem in which hardware/software integration was really the focus (it seems they have forgotten even this). Those are the things that made NI big and allowed them to sell Expansions and Libraries.
    But you can’t continue to sell Maschine Expansions if you let Maschine slowly die…

    And if they lose the things that make their Expansions and NKS Libraries stand out compared to others, they just become “normal” Sound packs and Libraries…of which we have plenty of choice elsewhere…
    If you sit on your laurels and decide to prioritize only products that are an easy cash flow, you won’t last too long. Nowadays users have too many competitors to chose from.

    Specially if what you release is not well done/well tested/innovative.

    You can’t release half baked products just to bring immediate cash in and then say “it will become better later”... Users are not THAT stupid: fool them once, fool them twice…and then they learn… and go look elsewhere. And instead of evangelizing, they’ll trash talk. And your sales will decrease even more. Which is what is already happening.

    If Mercedes wants to sell their leather seats, it must be sure drivers own their cars…otherwise they’ll sit on some other brand… The engine must be nice and good, not because it’s the thing that makes you earn the money, but because it allows you to sell everything else (the seats, the gear knob, the air conditioner, the car body,…). And there you’ll make the money. They can’t say “the luxury interiors are where we gain most money, so let’s sell only this”. They need a structure where the luxury can be mounted.

    It’s the proverbial snake biting its own tail

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,426 mod

    Strangely, i agree with everyone so far. So, this is real, we all see it.
    It is not just "complains from ignorant newbies" anymore.

    The way i see it, the real root of the problem is, I suppose, that it left European hands and went into greedy, "hard-core businesses" ones. This is always the root of a problem: bureaucrats and accountants vs. creators

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    I really hope they will take up the support forum idea, all the great posts are drowned in support posts all the time

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