Can't change the scenes and locks with midi controller/launchpad Member Posts: 11 Member


I'm trying to control the locks and the launchpad at the same time. Both Maschine and Launchpad are connected to the computer running ableton with Maschine vst.

Launchpad configuration:

  1. Row 1: Trigger midi notes on channel 1 → Trigger Scenes
  2. Row 2: Trigger midi notes on channel 2 → Trigger Locks

Now I have armed the chanell track that maschine vst runs on. I can see that midi in coming in on both of those channels depending on which button I press:

Maschine has been set correctly as well:

Now strange things happen that actually both of those rows that I have configured change the Maschine scenes which should happen as Scene is being configured with channel 1. When I check locks they are not being changed using this configuration. Any idea what is happening here?

I'm running Maschine 2.18.1

Best Answers


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    your midi buttons need to match both the channel and note values…

    just to be clear your 1st scene would always be the lowest note C-2 likewise with your locks.. it continues upward on the note-scale to trigger the following scenes

    you will need to check what your buttons are transmitting if you are troubleshooting the issue… use a midi monitor & post the values you are seeing

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    the problem sometimes with launchpads especially older one…. is the Midi buttons are set in stone, and cannot be reconfigured to another note… this will be problematic if you dont have a midi transformer… which will transform the note value into another note value…. the problem of course if you dont isolate or filter the first midi note before it is transformed then it can trigger something else… at which point you will start wondering "why the hell does that happen when i press this button"

    anyway see how your launchpad behaves… and reconfigure it if its possible

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2024

    It seems that if you use more than 1 'MIDI Change' option Maschine-Plug gets confused, even if I just select a specific channel as input on the DAW track where MAS is hosted it ends up always controlling Scenes - it ignores the channels when more than 1 option is active … 🤔

    The only way I can get it to work is if I set up a MIDI Track per "MIDI Change" option, and send each to the Maschine-Plugin while each sends via a different Channel, like so:

    I also have to disable "MIDI In" in the Maschine-Plug track.

    Oddly everything works fine in Maschine standalone app.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited October 2024

    interesting…. i must test this within reaper to see if the problem exists there too, with the confusion side of things when using "all channels" as per the OP

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    Choose separate MIDI Channels.

    Lock States one channel

    Section another - MIDI 2

    Scenes 3rd

    I do it in Maschine only, I do everything in Maschine from MK3 and today M+ standalone and I do it in Maschine without external MIDI device.

    I like it because I offen use touch strip - Note mode for making all sorts of Modulation and Automation controlling multi parameters, 10 to 15 per 👍🔏 Amazing.

    Give Maschine a chance, take one week and you will see how much is possible ( infinity ♾️) but you have to feel is it suits your workflow.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    After some more testing I found everything works fine with a single Instrument track Hosting Maschine on some DAWS, in Cubase for example it works fine since it's Piano Roll note data stores MIDI Channel info, Ableton's does not AFAIK. So, in Ableton you will need those 3 MIDI tracks.

    Did you read the thread? This is about Maschine plugin, hosted in a DAW. Controller is irrelevant and M+ standalone even more irrelevant.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    You have a right, I am off topic and I didn't realize that there's such difference between MIDI Controllers, I was convinced they are all pretty much the same.

    Panorama T4, Panorama P1, M-audio Code 25, they are all working in Cubase, Bitwig and Ableton- audio interface is Steinberg Ur12.

    Notes, Program Change and even some MIDI CC are working depending on the instrument but to be honest I was sure that Novation launchpad is even better than the Controllers I have.

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