MPC 3.0 How will NI respond?



  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    Everything you mentioned as as you write " MPC3.0 Respond?" Is already possible in Maschine+ Standalone Mode.

    Please understand me, I think that this should be something that is hard but it's the purpose of this Forum so we should helping each other ect. Networking.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 139 Advisor
    edited October 2024

    Networking? Cool! Could you @Psyearth5 please help me? My M+ is affected by the following:

    1. It stumbles during playback
    2. Its required me to every freaking time to hot-replug my audio interface after every boot to allow M+ to detect it
    3. It cant properly organize my 18000 samples using nested folders without manually tagging each single one of them separately using desktop software. And even more - i cant find proper file manager inside at all despite trying it already for 3 years. Is it me or M+ doesnt have one?
    4. Every activation of the Text Entry dialog breaks ability to move playhead by SHIFT + 4D rotation
    5. It displays incorrect information in Mixer and Ideas views after booting and loading a project
    6. It adds non-zero attack and decay on every sample slice so in case of 20 slices its required to manually edit each of these 20 slices to reset these values to zero
    7. In Keyboard mode its not able to play fast notes using pads without clicks and crackle, even at CPU load as low as 40%
    8. Keyboard mode again - it regularly forgets pad transposition settings of every group
    9. MIDI timing (jitter) to external devices is awful
    10. And some other things which i cant tell from the top of my head at the moment

    Lets networking prove its magic, since $1400 paid three years ago didnt do the job properly

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2024

    That "Networking" + "It already has everything" statement has me super confused… language barrier maybe? if not then it's pure delusion… No offense intended.

    Based on what Simon said there are 3 things missing from your statement:

    • MIDI editing workflow improvements
    • basic Kontrol S-Series MK3 integration, a modern interface
    • many other small but valuable improvements

    The last one being the most mysterious one, "many" is vague, it could be a lot of stuff or just 3 or 4 little things.

    If we stay on this topic of comparing to MPC-3 then their list seems much bigger but its hard to judge since I am not an MPC user to be able to tell if their list is really about major changes or if many are just tweaks to existing features.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    If I had any of the problems you mentioned I will ask support.

  • Davin
    Davin Member Posts: 10 Member

    @D-One, by missing do you mean missing from the upcoming update or missing form the Maschine ecosystem generally? I remember reading that MIDI clip improvements are included.

    In any case, I agree with @ozon that the October Community update left me underwhelmed. Really hoping NI is keeping some extra improvements (sampler and arrangement) up their sleeve.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited October 2024

    He means “missing from what Ozon listed”.

    The things D-One mentioned have been said by Simon, so they should be in the new Maschine 3.

    Note I used SHOULD…never know with NI…maybe they tell us things and then release a first version with half of them missing, saying they will be added “later” and we will have to wait years of updates, slowed down by fixes updates to do because the software will also be released with issues and some other “new priorities” towards another product that will force them to shift all their (scarce) working forces.

    Am I exaggerating with my scenario? Well…that’s exactly what they are doing with the whole Komplete new situation

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I want to apologize to everyone. The new update offers new functions, but for me it is not crucial.
    A sampler with more start positions or a wavetable module would contribute more in my opinion.
    My attitude is to always motivate and not to cause complaints and other problems that I don't have or didn't have on M+
    I feel sorry whenever I hear that someone has a problem with hardware or software. 
    I honestly thought that by now I would motivate someone by example or that I would get to know someone...

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  • aqirforce2high
    aqirforce2high Member Posts: 1 Member

    this would be valid if there wasnt basic ass groove box features that have been sat in the ''we'll' get round to it" column for 13 years

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