Come say hello 👋



  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Definitely always up to discuss techno production, welcome @Revillo 🙌

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    Hi, I'm Gareth - I've been around for a few years. Enjoying the new hotness.

  • IQMusic
    IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
    edited January 2022

    Hello all, I am Dee, I DJ'd with vinyl before switching to music production.

    Glad to be aboard this exciting frontier and can't wait to own Komplete Ultimate Collector's Edition.👏🍀

  • nico5
    nico5 Member Posts: 81 Advisor
    edited January 2022

    A new forum! Oh Yeah!

    I'm a producer of electronica / pop and my history with Native Instruments goes back to the very first version of Absynth, which led to Komplete 2 and pretty much every version thereafter, including the current Komplete 13.

    I survived the discontinuation of Kore. 😀 Big props to NI for making it 64bit capable at the very end - so it still mostly works on my system.

    I'm also very fond of my small collection of NI controllers, from Komplete Kontrol S61 Mk2, Maschine MK2 and Jam. And even a Traktor Kontrol X1. All of which I'm currently using as remote controls for my Cubase DAW setup (as "Generic Remotes").

    Warm greetings to everyone in Berlin and around the world!


  • WA Florek
    WA Florek Member Posts: 5 Member

    #include <stdio.h>

    int main() {

      // printf() displays the string inside quotation

      printf("Hello, World!");

      return 0;


    RETIRED! Multi Instrumentalists

    Singer/Songwriter (before the term became popular; think Greenwich Village NYC circa. 196?...cough!)

    US Marine Corps Master Sargeant (ret.)

    Long time Unix/Linux/BSD hacker (white hat, mostly)

    Humanitarian, World Peace Advocate, 73 still surf/snowboard/cycle

    Bill Wilson/Doctor Bob school of "Now I know Better" 28 years

    Presently Run: Custom Linux w/Harrison Mixxbus Ardour Jack Carla etc.

    Presonus Studio Live 32

    Win 10 Pro, Studio One Pro, whole glass of NI kool-aid KK MKII S88keys, Maschine++

    Komplete 13, Orange Tree, Impact Soundworks, 8DiO, Garritan, We Sound Human, et....

    Way too many guitars, banjos, mandolins, amplifiers, attenuators, microphones etc..... to keep track of..

    This is one of my many hobbies to keep me out of trouble...

    Pleased to meet you all!

    New forum looks great! Good luck in the New Year! and onward...

  • Jonathan Blake
    Jonathan Blake Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hello All,

    Thank you for this forum NI. Jonathan from Johannesburg, South Africa. I am a medical professional and wannabe DJ, with a preference for deep, chuggy and melodic EDM. I use TP3 and an S3 after dabbling with the 1st generation S4 (amazing but dated), 'downgrading' to the S2 Mkll (also wonderful but a little 'sparse') and then finding my sweetspot with the S3 (totally underrated).

    Please can we have a dedicated S3 thread - would love to share my experiences with others that use this controller.

    All the best for '22 and stay safe.


  • Jo.
    Jo. Member Posts: 35 Advisor


    I am Jo, from France ; It's been 3 years that I read the forum, but I've always been lazy to register. Now it's so easy with my native ID, well done !

    I started my music journey 15 years ago with guitars and jam with friends, then piano and synths which opened up new possibilities of expression. I love learning from others and I have always enjoyed tweaking hardware and software in many areas and have been interested in electronic music for years. I love spending hours creating sounds from all kinds of sources. I now produce mostly house & garage tracks, with a pinch of chill, techno and experimentations.

    I am therefore very happy to join the community and hope to help newcomers, as I was often helped by the old forum when I started with NI ecosystem.

    I wish a good launch to this new platform !

    Have Fun

  • GeorgeTdR
    GeorgeTdR Member Posts: 3 Member

    Alright, I can do it: hello! 👋

  • tho_schmitz
    tho_schmitz Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi, my name is Thomas. I am from Hanover, Germany.

    I am a retiree, and started with "making" music just recently - means I am a bloody beginner at the lowest possible level.

    But I am a teckie, too, so I got me some kit (an M-Audio Oxygen Pro 49 keyboard, a Maschine Mk3 groove box, a Boss RC-505 looper, and a Hercules Inpulse 500 DJ controller.

    Oh, and I am using both worlds, PC and Mac. Can't wait to put my hands on my new MacBook Pro M1 Max (to be delivered soon, will replace my outdated 2013 MacBook) and see if Pro Logic will then do its job without any hickups. Until then, I will try to let Ableton Live fly on my PC.

    I have licenses for NI's KOMPLETE/KONTROL/REAKTOR suite and am keen to see how this huge plug-in library works with both, MacOS Monterey (Pro Logic) and Windows 11 (Ableton Live)...

  • Zemertz
    Zemertz Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello like the new forum design, looks like a nice place to hang out, I have some ni kit, traktor S4 which I love and big user or komplete, love messing around on all sorts of things and projects and will dive into some topics for info and help out if I can

  • society
    society Member Posts: 10 Member

    Winke winke :)

  • Noisey
    Noisey Member Posts: 12 Member


    I’m Michael, from very South of the Netherlands.

    I am a big fan of Remix decks since day 1, rocking Traktor and Maschine from about 2012…?

    I am an electronics and automation technician in entertainment industry for my everyday job. Also a light designer since 2006. Product design, UI and workflow arrangements are my side extra interests.

    Music - from House to Techno and my dark side - Raw and Hardcore - no bpm limits.

    Sometimes I build custom mappings for Traktor (when time let’s me) - including denon prime gear.

    Wish You all the best here and happy mixing!

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    I am a DJ based in the UK, mainly weddings and parties. I'm also a massive LEGO fan. My music taste was formed in the 80s and I also love to livestream synth-pop, new wave and alt 80s music to Mixcloud from home as my alter ego: Doctor Block.

    I've been using Traktor ever since Traktor DJ hit the scene. I purchased a Kontrol S4Mk2 at that time and loved it and have never looked back. My S4Mk3 is now my go-to controller for most gigs. I also now have a hybrid digital setup at home consisting of a pair beloved 1210Mk2, a pair of D2 and a Z2.

  • Irb Digital
    Irb Digital Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello my new family!

    East Coast USA hip hop head. I finally broke down and bought a S49 and its my first real attempt at music creation. The NI software sounds are amazing, and I have so much to learn and practice. I'll be mostly lurking here as I'm just trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible. I'm trying to learn the keys, creation, and production all at once LOL, wish me luck!

    I'm mainly into creating hip-hop/RnB/EDM/Lo-fi. Music has been such an important part of my entire life, yet I always felt like a passenger. Now that I'm finally in a place in my life where I can devote a lot of my time to honing my craft and art, I'm putting myself behind the (pitch) wheel. I really need to find a mentor to annoy for a few months because I always have a few hundred questions to ask.

    Here's to a happy '22 for everyone!

    Irb Digital

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